Sunday, November 5, 2017

Stephen Paddock's Marriage to his Lap Top

No one cuts the cards on Altrusions in Las Vegas

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly attempted to contact Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, but due to technical difficulties in that big black Stringray box down the road from me grabbing all the signals, that was thwarted. My reason was is that I had some questions for the Sheriff, in asking about things like that missing rifle Stephen Paddock purchased in if it was ever located, as someone has that firearm, and it would conclude it was someone associated with the Las Vegas shooting.

For those who did not understand the meaning of someone posting before it should the following, it will be explained here:

The UFO's Interview Sheriff Joseph Lombardo on Las Vegas Massacre

Sheriff Lombardo sat down with George Knapp, who is a guest host on that crank Coast to Coast AM, by the Deep State's George Noury. Knapp is a very good host, but if one is dealing with public trust, it probably is not a good idea to be talking to people who interview little green men and big foot.
Why Sheriff Lombardo agreed to this interview is simply Twilight Zone for his credibility.

What we are now being told is that Stephen Paddock lost a great deal of money for two years, and that is why he opened up on a Country Concert across the street.
Some popular girl might ask why did Paddock not shoot up the casino which took his money, instead of a country music event, which he was known to be a fan of, as it makes not any sense in forensic psychology, but there are so many things in this case which makes zero sense, and I honestly fell compassion for Sheriff Lombardo.

Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock lost money in 2 years preceding shooting

Gunman Stephen Paddock lost a large amount of wealth in the two years before the Oct. 1 shooting on the Strip, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said in an interview with a local television station.
Lombardo told KLAS-TV, Channel 8, that Paddock’s wealth fluctuated because of gambling, real estate transactions and “everything else that he chose to do.” Paddock lost a large amount of money after September 2015, the sheriff said.
Lombardo speculated that the financial losses might have contributed to Paddock’s decision to spray a country music festival with bullets, killing 58 people and injuring more than 500 others.
“I think that might have a determining factor on what he determined to do,” Lombardo said in the interview, which aired Wednesday night.
Later, Lombardo said, “If you look at the numbers that he did gamble, he was pretty prolific, but he was going in the wrong direction, so I don’t know if that had any effect on what he decided to do.”
Lombardo could not be reached Thursday by the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
The sheriff told Channel 8 that Paddock was concerned with his status in casinos and with friends and family.

After a month of this mass murder, there is no explanation for any of what happened, and the things which have appeared do not make any sense either, as was this featured tidbit.

A hard drive that was missing from one of Paddock’s laptops found in the room after police entered has still not been recovered.
“The hard drive was not located in the room,” Lombardo said. “We may never know where that hard drive is. It could have been removed years ago.”

So speculation is that Stephen Paddock who was a computer person and told was a genius, had a computer where he could take the hard drive out as it was broken, but he could not replace the hard drive, perhaps carrying around this computer for years, as we are all known to keep broken computers as we are on vacation as we spent all of our money on Tannerite and when weighing things, we might as well truck a laptop around instead of another clip of ammo, as we can always use the laptop to throw at someone when we run out of ammo.

The hard drive is important as this blog has noted, because it could not have been removed while whatever was taking place in that room. There was not time. It was either removed after or before, because someone who was still alive wanted what was on that laptop and walked off with it, as it was incriminating.

That hard drive might be what the clean up crew was looking for which broke into Stephen Paddock's home, in front of the FBI and Las Vegas police. That crime scene was staged and some things were put into place like shell casings, some things removed like the hard drive, and some things left in place like that interesting Deep State electronic device that a man shot himself and his crippled daughter over when it was discovered.

What appears to be the official solution of the Las Vegas Massacre is to ignore it, and wait for people to get tired of not any new information and wait for another event to take it's place. Sheriff Lombardo every time he speaks in public, states things which are on every person's mind, and confirms the doubts by his not having any answers and his unwillingness to lie.

Others though are more than willing to lie as those associated with Jesus Campos come up with his being shot, then his being wounded by 3 shrapnel or objects in new versions. He seems to be wounded in the right thigh and then the left thigh. He also appears to be a ghost Social Security number in which numbers of people are employed under that number as numbers of illegals are at all the casinos in Las Vegas.

What Las Vegas looks like is a few regime agencies were trolling for terrorists as on 9 11 and it got out of hand, in the terrorists got the intel, and shot the place up. There appear to have been some Delta Force type vamping about in trying to deal with this literally on the fly from helicopters, but the sheep pretty much bleated and got blasted, and whatever was scoped was picked up DOA and mixed in with the dead and wounded, as those in charge were told for national security to shut the information down so a world war did not break out, and Las Vegas Police is being pressured by the casinos and politicians to just shut this down as no one is going to talk to Vegas PD.

The only thing we can be certain of, is someone deployed as in the Bundy case a number of trolls sent out to intimidate witnesses. There is a former security guard who spoke out, when his interview was posted, that his cell phone kept ringing with a 0000 number and a message that said he should not have spoken out. When he blocked the number, it switched to 0001 and kept calling. There were several hundred calls. That is beyond trolls in their underwear. That is the same type of attack mob which was allowed to assault people over the murder of LaVoy Finicum, and it is full mode, as Jeff Sessions again just does not seem to be able to launch an investigation to protect the victims of the Las Vegas Massacre, a these victims all tell the same story of multiple shooters, and the evidence by their wounds all proves they were not being shot from Mandalay Bay.

We have learned what we can from this story in information. Nothing else will be forthcoming. This is a story in which you will notice as first reported here, DEMOCRATS FOR GUN CONTROL RAN AWAY FROM. They knew this was a terror event and involved foreign shooters and that is why they went silent as they were told to shut up so this event would go away.

It is what it is and fortunately interviews are not being given to those who focus on Area 51 and aliens in Amazon Jungles.

Tune in next week, as it is revealed that Stephen Paddock was married to his laptop for better for worse by the Elvis Preacher at the Church of the Hound Dog Blues.

Nuff Said
