Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Attempted Assassination of Rand Paul

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to explain something as everyone has missed this fact about Senator Rand Paul. The fact was we all were lied to in Rand Paul was "barely injured" at his home when a liberal democrat attacked him.

Rand Paul had 5 ribs broken in attack, contrary to initial reports
Sen. Rand Paul suffered five broken ribs and bruises to his lungs in an altercation with a neighbor on Friday at his home in Bowling Green, Ke…

You do remember we were told that this neighbor tacked Rand Paul and that is how the injury took place.

Have you ever heard of anyone breaking 5 ribs when tackled  even in professional football?

So you understand this, you have been lied to, about the one politician who joined with Donald Trump in order to repeal Obamacare and give the working people a real tax cut. Thee only way Rand Paul received 5 broken ribs is yes he was tackled by his assailant, but as Rand Paul lay on the ground from this kidney shot to the back, his assailant got up and stomped his ribs. That is how you end up with 5 broken ribs.
Assailants stomp on victim's ribs to murder them, as broken ribs rupture lungs, liver, arteries and guts.

That is termed attempted murder and that is what fits this scenario, not once again the changing versions. The human shoulder is not big enough to break an area on your side covering 5 ribs. The only thing available for that is a sledge hammer or a human foot stomping on someone who is down.

Do you wonder who was sending Rand Paul a message, that Goldman Sachs tax cuts and the genocide of working Americans is  what will take place and not Rand Paul libertarian principles.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Ron Paul - We Are Reaching A Point Of No Return

