Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Devin Patrick Kelley and the US Air Force Nigger Knockers

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just as in the Las Vegas Massacre, it is pleasing that the media from Ann Coulter to the Daily Beast are following where the Lame Cherry broke exclusive ground in anti matter in the case of Devin Patrick Kelley.

It was broken here first that Kelley should not have had weapons. It was broken here first that  Kelley  had someone assisting him in getting guns. It was broken here first that Kelley in this entire structure was not about domestic issues, but about what Texas is lying to you about, in this was about race and religion.

It was none other than the DailyBeast following up on the firearms issue of what was posted here, that posted this gem on Devin Kelley that he still should have been in prison.

And that leaves two questions for the Air Force.
How can someone who fractures an infant’s skull be discharged under circumstances that are anything but dishonorable?
And how can that person receive anything but the maximum prison term, much less just 12 months?
The 12 months is an important number because anything more is presumed to result from the equivalent of a felony and disqualifies the person from owning a firearm whether or not it was a domestic violence crime. No more than 12 months is presumed to result from a misdemeanor, which does not preclude owning a firearm unless domestic violence is involved.

 We are learning more that the military judge in this sentencing of Devin Kelley did not follow the law.  He let Kelley off. The Air Force in turn let Kelley off early.
The DailyBeast is puzzled in Judge  J. Wesley Moore, seems selective in his sentencing.

The military judge in the case, J. Wesley Moore, has also given 12-month sentences to a  colonel convicted of possessing child pornography in March of this year and to a lieutenant convicted of aggravated and abusive sexual contact and assault upon a commissioned officer in August 2014.But Moore did hand down a nine-year sentence for rape and a 12-year sentence for sexual assault on a child, both in 2012.

I ask you to remember 'baby's daddy" in the Bad Bitch photo that Devin Kelley posted in that child was not white. We have learned since in  the cover up, that this was his step child. Devin Kelley married a girl in trouble who at the least had a Stan Ann  Dunham jungle fever for swarthy cock.
J. Wesley Moore sounds like a white dude. Devin Kelley was a redneck cracker. You don't suppose the Obama Air Force with all of it's political officers, who threw Lt. Col. Terry Lakin into prison over the Birther issue, just might have decided in the good ole boy network that a cracker knockin' around the swarthies was not such a bad crime.......certainly was not such a horrific crime as she probably deserved it as did that darkie kid, as we all know that she was probably getting it from half the base and that kid howled like monkeys, so a cracker would just go off his rocker as any man would, so there was not any sense in making this a real issue, so the Air Force under orders from on top, made certain the sentence was not over a year, made certain Kelley got out, and made certain that the discharge was fudged and unclear.
Devin Kelley as this blog first pointed out, could not have rigged the system, but he sure as shit stinks kept quiet when the military courts told him they were cutting him a deal so it would not follow him into civilian life and none of this was going on the record, so he should  keep his mouth shut, as no one should have their life ruined over a bitch with jungle fever.

Half of this story of the Texas Church Massacre is about racism in the Obama Pentagon with their political minders  and no one was supposed to ever figure out what actually took place. The other half of this story is about racism too in religion, as there was a reason that law enforcement was not responding to the actions of Devin Kelley, and why the state of Texas kept certifying him as a security guard with his psychotic background of beating up a dog which was confiscated from him in Colorado.

Call this another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, but for those who do not know, Colorado Springs is home to the US  Air Force Academy, an Air Force and Army Base. What in the devil is a wife beater who just got released from a year in prison, traveling across states to be at the military base which has medical facilities?

United States Air Force Academy - Wikipedia

The United States Air Force Academy ... SOM partner John O. Merrill moved from Chicago to a Colorado Springs field office to oversee the construction and to act as a ...

Just what was taking place at Colorado Springs with Devin Kelley, as in was the United States Air Force treating this 'veteran' for something psychological and prescribing medications?

|Colorado Springs Military - Google News

Someone who was beating up women and children in the Air Force, seems in the Obama era to be really rewarding a violent personality like this with dividends.

When the Texas authorities lied and stated that Devin Kelley was not about race or religion, that was an absolute lie. This Obama system protected this criminal and rewarded him to be voting for Hillary Clinton as democrats have been pushing convict voting for some time.

As I have stated, this did not come from Devin Kelley. The Texas Church Massacre came from the United States Air Force, the State of Texas, Washington DC and to the point, what was going on in mixed race relations inside that Baptist church. That is why none of the facts add up and keep changing like Las Vegas.

First it is law enforcement does not know how Kelley died. Then Kelley drops his gun and flees and he dies in a car crash. Then Kelley is shot by a plumber who kills him. Then Kelley is shot by the plumber, but Kelley kills himself for no reason. Then Kelley is shot twice by the plumber, drops his gun, flees shoots himself and now surplus guns appear in the crashed vehicle.
Oh I forgot the first report filed by the media that Kelley crashed his vehicle, got out and ran away, and then was found dead.

There is a pattern of confusing scenarios which keep changing, just like Las Vegas and which is Mockingbird text book, when those in the deep state desire something hidden so they confuse the public with changing stories.

This is a huge scandal, as large as the Las Vegas Massacre, and there will be another silent cover up  as it is being progressed these past days.

Devin Kelley was all about racism  and religion, and those in power were rewarding him, not because he was Alt Right, but because he was Alt Left. See as long as "it is those people" being abused, it is acceptable, like Antifa and BLM beating up White Trump Voters. Devin Kelley was not isolated and there are myriads of these types having been set loose on society, rewarded and protected.

......and for the record, the BATFE form asks about wife beating. Misdemeanor or not Kelley knew, but knew his record was expunged. That is the next step in discovering the complete story in this.

Nuff  Said
