Friday, November 3, 2017

Trump Taxocology


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Paul Ryan and Donald Trump are being so generous on those tax deductions for children you do not have. Granted it is like 1600 bucks  for them in deductions, but as it costs 10,000 to raise a kid, you can pretty well understand that most people stopped having children so the Ryan Trump mythical 4 family home does not exist unless you are a Muslim or Mexican living off a welfare.

What I desire to do in this post as Sean Homo Hannity is selling out his producer, the wonderful Linda as she just purchased an expensive home, out by where that terrorist just ran over people, is to point out a reality to you for the Trump tax bracket as most of you reading this are going to fall into the 12% bracket of the first tier.

Ok so you earn 25,000 dollars. This bracket runs to 90,000, but let's say 100,000 as that is close.
So 12% of 25,000 is 3,000 dollars per year, so that drops you down to 22,000 dollars, which is already below the poverty level IN WHERE YOU HAVE TO TRY AND LIVE ON THAT 22,000 dollars.
Ok so 100,000 dollars pays 12,000 dollars. That sounds like a great deal, and it is if you are paying it, but the top earners in the first tier, then have 88,000 dollars  to live on, while you at the bottom end, still only have 22,000 dollars to try and live on. That means the rich people have 4 times the money to live on compared to the poor after taxes. Just like Ivanka Trump Kushner has 500 times that money to live on.

Do you now get how absolutely unfair this tax is and how it is a tax which is geared to raping the Middle Class again which is already under absolute crushing taxing and inflation already?

Revisit Paul Ryan, or PAUL as Don High Rise refers to him, telling all those 4 family homes they will get 1180 or 1200 dollars less in taxes. That averages out to 100 dollars a month, or 3.33 cents a day.
Now what are you going to do with that whopper charity from Paul Ryan and Donald Trump?

Until Donald Trump keeps his WORD and his PROMISE in no one pays income tax at 50,000 dollars and no one has to pay that rationed death Obamacare fine, Donald Trump is absolutey not any different than Hillary Clinton and I will tell you again, that in numerous ways with Obama super taxes, you were better off than with this Trump Tax break for the rich.

Say you earn 50,000 dollars. That is 6000 dollars in taxes under Donald Trump and he is calling it Christmas presents. I don't believe someone charging me 6000 dollars for Christmas is a present.
How about if you put in Paul Ryan's 3 dollar a day tax break so you are paying 4800 dollars a year? Does that sound much like Christmas?

The Trump Taxes are an all out war on the Middle Class just like Obama. Trump Tax rewards Wall Street Shylock Gary Cohn as what if FORCES workers to do is put money into 401 k's, buying EXPENSIVE STOCKS which will collapse in price and when you are old and trying to retire, you are going to get nailed on taxes then at the higher rates as you will have bigger lump sum invested, so you will be robbed when the only job you will get is bag sorry the robots are all bagging Walmart now, so too bad.

This is Goldman Sachs tax breaks and that is all it is. What this will manage is a Nazi economy which Obama set up, because it does not protect people who save money, who try and buy a home, or are trying to raise a family. All this does is rob the poor as the taxes that the rich will get, will not bring deflation, but will keep prices spiking as they are under Donald Trump in inflation for more Wall Street profits. Added to this is that neo Federal Reserve Chair who is Mr. Status Quo in protecting the rich, it means the rich through inflation get richer in their properties and stock portfolios, while you who have nothing get robbed through inflation and businesses passing on their costs, and in the end when your stocks tank, the rich have the money from Trump tax breaks for Goldman Sachs squirrelled away and they buy up your worthless stocks for pennies just as Goldman did Lehman Brothers.

So if bleaters are still cheering Trump Tax, you are cheering the wolf as this tax block is written exactly as this blog predicted for Wall Street.

Honestly I do not know what Homo Hannity was smoking as he was lying to people in what this tax package was, as what was published was not what he was lying to his granny pants audience.

I am not disappointed as I stopped believing Donald Trump months ago. This is Trump getting rich and the mechanism how his family swindles people out of money in the billionaries club just got a big fund boost. This is taxes helping the rich and the rich helping themselves to taxes.


Yield Curve Flattest Since 2007 After Trump Tax Plan

Tyler Durden's picture
If 'growth' was the goal of the tax-reform plan, the bond market ain't buying it...

What Trump is attempting to do with the Fed is buy you with your own money like the Roman Circus. The Circus in this is Wall Street. Obama used DEBT to raise the stock market. Trump is engaged in debt spending and is engaged in forcing everyone into dumping money into the markets to engorge the rich. This will for the TRUMP BUBBLE, that is the Trump Taxocology in this. It is all artificial and all it is doing is kickign the can down the road in the American Genocide. This Trump Bubble will be built on slave labor, robots and the corpse of White Americans.

Nuff Said
