Friday, November 3, 2017

The Patheticocity of thee American Left

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With Donna Brazile now performing Et Tu Donna on Hillary Clinton in confirming that Mrs. Clinton set up the Democratic Primary to subvert the will of the people in joining in a charade with Bernie Sanders, so she would secure the nomination for President, it simply exposes how absolutely without substance thee American Left is.

In one part there is Adam Schiff with is non existent Russian Hacking. In another sphere there is the capable John Podesta revealing that as long as the Democratic elite have Russian money, that taking money from rapists and pedophiles is not such a bad thing.
On the other there is the criminal Hillyary Clinton who has tainted all they have touched, including Donna Brazile.
But it is on the other hand, the Jon Stewart lofty framework of Martin Sheen in a television White House making all a utopia, which has degraded to this:

Snoop Dog selling Nigger digitals on the death of Donald Trump.

Alec Baldwin sitting on a shitter trying to look like Donald Trump.

This is simply pathetic and reveals the absolute worthless nature of the American Left in THOUGHT. It always has been a thin surface in intellect on the left in the David Letterman Cocktail Crowd, of Zbigniew Brzezinski and Charlie Rose holding political and media court of a caste constipated for thought as the diatribe of Cuomo in accusing Republicans of being Nazi sent them apologizing or the judgment of Lucifer Kennedy sent the Republican right cowering waiting for a thunderbolt from on high.
But what has emerged in this era of Hillary Clinton in Trump Dergangement Syndrome has messiahs Robert Mueller and James Comey presiding over a sodomite rectal protrusion of absolutely no worth or substance.

If readers actually read this blog and do not look at the pictures, they will discover that when points are made here in satire or policy, they are explained based on substance, and the foundation of it all is protecting the American People to make a living for themselves, to care for their families and not ever to have to be dependent on others. Once provided this, it is up to their denial or acceptance of God if their lives destroy them or nurture them.

Snoop Dog putting a toe tag on Donald Trump as some statement to turn America into Nigger Nation? America is already a Nigger Nation of ghetto and is expanding under Obama's National Organized communities of corporations of few fleecing the many, and that is what funds Snoop Dog.

Alec Baldwin who is a fine talent and it is sad with the lovely family he has, so much accomplishment to be so fixated on Donald Trump, where he has deluded himself that he is making a difference in doing hate humor that only the dolt responds to.
Both of these men are successful enterprises. What is missing in them in Snoop Dog's case to write a paper taking on Donald Trump about Black communities in now to prosper them? If Snoop Dog cares to plagiarize he can find the Lame Cherry's white paper on Black Enterprise in America to prosper all those communities as a functioning cooperative.
As for Alec Baldwin, why is he not fighting in tax policy for his working class which he arose from, so they can all enjoy a wonderful live too? That is what is wrong about this in it lacks any substance in their political or social protest. Their work is the basest form of echo chamber and it provides zero leadership as Hillary Clinton whining about others in why she lost, when the point is SHE LOST, and the reason Black voters did not vote for her is Snoop Dog kept the bling and the reason White voters did not vote for her is Alec Baldwin kept his ivory throne.

America once could count on the left to be the progressive, the feminine and caring device of politics, but in the above it is nothing but a whore house debasement as disgusting as Ashley Judd ranting about menstrual stains on sheets and underwear. Being disgusting in a disgusting age is not a political philosophy, it is a Thai Bar with women shooting ping pong balls out of their cunts.

I do not ridicule Alec Baldwin or Snoop Dog, but challenge those who they appeal to demand more of them. They have the finances and they have the time to produce sound policies which Hillary Clinton did not which will benefit all Americans, as this multi millionaire rant club of how bad things are is ridiculous and it is the worst epitaph for the legacy of those liberals who actually tried to do something progressive for Americans and the world.

There is a reason Martin Luther King never pictured himself sitting on a crapper and a reason John Kennedy was not photographed over the toe tag of Richard Nixon.

Nuff Said.
