Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Where did Stephen Paddock's Arsenal Come from?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The New York Times seems even prone to leaving out facts as it reports on Stephen Paddock as it accuses the Intelligence Community of a cover up in a "complex investigation", in the gem of leaving out that Stephen Paddock ordered room service and was speaking to someone else in the room. The NYT's though could not stoop to the cover story of Paddock was talking to himself so as to lay trail of intrigue that he had accomplices.........

Additionally, housekeepers had visited Mr. Paddock’s room, where he fired on the crowd below, more than once in the days before the shooting, but did not notice any sign of his large stockpile of weapons. He also ordered room service at least once, according to people with knowledge of the security response inside the hotel.

This though is about where Paddock's arsenal came from in the Mandalay 32nd floor room.

Did it come from Jeannie?

No Barbara Eden is a nice girl and we all know Jeannie would never stoop to terrorism.

Did it come from Dr. Who?

I mean he has the Tardis the physical dimension shifting device where big things are made small in a compact universe, so Paddock would be able to slip an arsenal in his pocket. No, Dr. Who would never go for that as Tom Baker is the best Dr. Who ever and would not want to disappoint me.

Did it come from another room in Mandalay Bay?

Why perhaps it did.

We know Paddock ordered room service, so he was eating out of the room the other days. We know he once traveled in this narrative to shoot guns off at a range, and that was it.
So that means his guns, which were at his residence, or maybe at another residence which we have not been informed of yet, were driven by another person to Mandalay Bay and in women's large case luggage, transported to another room, perhaps the original rooms  that Paddock had before he took residence of the 32nd floor.

That of course presents the problem which the FBI does not want examined in someone else as Sheriff Lombardo revealed of the Las Vegas Police was giving Stephen Paddock help.

If there were a Hollywood movie, it may have gone something like this. Paddock was approached by John McCains ISIS or perhaps Obama's Iranians on a gun running and money laundering scheme while on cruises, which he told the FBI about. Perhaps this was kicked up to another venue as this was overseas and the CIA decided this would be a bang up idea to find out where it's weapons were disappearing which were handed over to ISIS and how Iran's fingers were involved in this, in arming Narco terrorists in South America.
Paddock was making a good wage out of his money laundering cut, and the CIA was learning lots of information.

Enter the FBI in wondering what is going on with Paddock and the FBI starts keeping an eye on him, or perhaps it was Homeland.

It is an agency thing to keep hands off, and as Paddock is lousing up  the operations so the terrorists are not hurting people, everything was going fine until Mandalay Bay when double operative Paddock was double crossed.

The  Narco fire teams carried out the attack as Paddock was trying to do something to alert authorities. Like maybe leaving a door open in another room or maybe an Iranian contact did it, so that maybe some employee of the hotel would appear who worked for Narco latins to keep things honest and maybe walk into something of an execution of Stephen Paddock.

Now in this fiction, what if a hotel employee whose wounds do not match the story which keeps changing which he told police was really there as someone who was shot in the ass as a cover story, after helping move the firearms and set up the crime scene.
If anyone else appeared, he would delay, misdirect and have them as an eye witness to back their heroism, as who would ever dream that an Iranian operative fired behind another witness and never meant to murder the janitor.

All theory of course, and just speculation like Cliff Kincaid or Devv Kidd.

So maybe instead of one shooter, there were other shooters. Maybe instead of two rooms, there were other rooms. Other rooms where weapons were stored that Stephen Paddock thought were still at a safe house, but appeared in these other rooms, were carried to Paddock's room after he had been executed.

Oh yes the execution, maybe that went something like, "Here big boy, suck on this 357 magnum" and Paddock sucks thinking he will transport to another day, and is blood pooled
Remember the odd blood pattern about his head. The blood seperated. The bright red matches a blood ooze of a brain shot on top of the black separated blood underneath. Red blood on top of the dark blood, like the shell casings.
It appears someone moved the body. Oh yes, those other rooms, maybe it was not firearms alone which were moved.

Maybe something should be written about the bomb van.
