Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas Eve is the Best Time of the Year

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I hate this life, but I love Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve does not really exist, but it exists in me in the hope and joy of the anticipation of things, which are all linked to doing good things. Nothing changes before or after, but on Christmas Eve, the entire day, I can sit and pretend some great event is coming, which I will tell myself will come again, because it is all anticlimactic.

See I have used, dead people, throw away mugs that I have a hot brandy or rum in. This year it is white rum, and that is a mistake as it is too good of brand. I got it as it was cheap, but I need flavor for my nutmeg drinks.
It is little things like Christmas cookies  and enjoying torturing TL with presents I wrap, and then can shake them and ask, "I wonder what is in this package". As I was telling TL this morning, what would Christmas be without the joy of antagonizing and torturing those I love.

I have our 3 foot artificial tree, which is just the top of a 7 foot tree, all decorated that I pull the bag off of and I have instant Christmas. On Christmas we watch Scrooge with George C. Scott, and that is our 3 days of brandy eves which begins on the 23rd.

I wanted to thank Jim for being understanding in this note he dropped to me. I know how obnoxious I am and how much hell I give Jews, but Jim cuts me slack as he knows I am not talking about him or other Jews. It is just every people have their money race who ruins it for everyone, and it does not make any difference if you are in a shit hole in Rhodesia where you live in a tin shack while the regime have hundred million dollar bank accounts out of UN funding or are sitting in Missouri with the damn Mexicans eating the siding off your house, as Wall Street impoverishes Americans  more in that centralized wealth, it is all the same from Peking to Tel Aviv. Normal people get to drive by and look at the houses behind gates and don't you dare stop and look to long or the police will be running your ass off.

 A small wish for the happiness of you and yours. Thank you for all the wisdom and humor in trying times. My darling wife is adapting well to life in the USA, a big change from Thailand. But she is resilient, good humored and like me, and like you too, places a priority on looking after our moms and our animals. The greatest lesson I think I've taken from you in the past year is the one you've repeated warning us to pay our taxes, stay away from trouble and look after our own. We do that here and take comfort in all that you share. best wishes

I made a mistake in my advice this past month in I had to make a medicinal road trip and entered that communist state of Minnesota, where not 300 yards in crossing that border, two highway dicks robbed me on seat belt violations. The mistake was I was thinking liberty in the rural area I reside. See in the brier patch the cops understand that people come to town to spend money to pay their salaries, but in Minnesota they think robbing poor people is how you make profits, until all the border state towns go bankrupt as no one shows up anymore.
So even I made a mistake in daydreaming and got nailed. The thing is, they were going to pull me over no matter what and were going to ticket me no matter what, as they were going to assess the biggest fine they could.
It is the law of averages in even the old long tooth cat gets shot by some 12 year old kid hunting rabbits and stumbles upon the trophy of a lifetime. It is though that we do what we can to not going out of our way as we pay our taxes and do not write threatening letters to the dictators in charge. None of us are big enough to do anything. We are but the cloth of the land, but the eternal sheep of God's pasture. He will care for us as He shepherded the disciples and apostles through Rome.

That is what is lost in this about Christmas, is Joseph and Mary were ordered to travel a hell of a long ways to pay taxes on foot. She was heavy prego, but that did not matter, nor did it matter to Rome that little villages were going to have a hundred times too many people in town as everyone was ordered home for the census and taxes. Jesus was born into a police state world which all of us exist under. He got into maximum trouble for speaking out and Barabbas got himself into huge trouble leading a resistance, which is really what God Jesus murdered. That same sect in 70 AD in the year of our Lord, would get Jerusalem raped by foreign Turk cock and busted to rubble by Rome.
The Church though continued on, went underground, was persecuted as fisher's of men, and got bastardized by the Vatican, and was finally emancipated by Martin Luther another protester in the Lost 10 Tribes.

There is always an Oliver Twist in all of us. We came from Heaven, were born into a world as orphans, were treated bad and good, and in time our Parent brings us back to the mansion.

My dad growing up Lutheran, never had Christmas presents. He got an orange from Church and that was it. Fruit was a treat in the middle of nothing. My Grandpa actually was so poor all he ate one winter was apples off a tree, which was not his. Those lessons taught me a great deal as we were sharecroppers and my sister Elaine broke our crab apple tree off crawling around in it, and we never even had rhubarb, so we had to go pick it at Grandpas. As a kid that always pissed me off, because it was like, "I don't even like this shit and we have to go beg for it. I mean, MY GOD, how shiftless is that to not have your own rhubarb!"

First thing I did was plant rhubarb and apple trees. I actually after my Grampas  place changed hands was to go rescue the last of the rhubarb which I have or that variety would all be extinct. I still plant wee baby apple seedlings and that all stems  from not having and from a poor guy who had to eat apples all winter.

This is what Christmas eve is, covers up, and promises in hope. Someday apple trees lining every fence line, our drive way and wherever else I will be sticking them of our place. I drive by these rich people's houses around here and I am so disgusted in the lack of poetry in their souls. I mean not shutters to accent a million dollar home, and not one tree planted by a house on the hill. Seriously what the hell is that?
People got smart phones and expensive toys and that is all they validate themselves with. It is a time of degrading conditions in this world and not of building, or else the people would be building cozy things and having God's Inspiration to be a Sandy in how she decorates. I would that you could see her decorating and what she does. It is like being in a Disney movie in not one detail is missed in any corner. That is talent I do not have or could ever accomplish as my decorating is dust and piles of things.
She now has 3 puppies decorating her home.

I should probably wrap this up, but I wanted to let those know who wrote that I do read every note. They all may not end up here, but you are prayed over and it pleases me in how all of you have such good hearts, even in those who do not write but have donated. I hope to have some news in the next few months about something personal in what I have been laboring for. It has to do with that license plate I posted here. That though is going to have to require help from God, or I should say more help, as I am always in need of assistance like that little brother of Ralphie in the Christmas Story.

TL is the one I torture though in dressing up in TL not being able to put their arms down as I tend to layer like Nanuck of the North.

God bless  the Good on this Christmas Eve, the Best Time of the Year. Merry Christmas to all and may you be like Captain Kirk in always having a tall ship  in life and a star in God to steer her by.
