As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As you probably missed this, Donald Trump is now appointing OBAMA RADICALS to fill vacancies on dictatorial committees. What you are witnessing is the incessant attack upon Christian America by Junta John Kelly, Jewry Jared and Ivanka Kushner and traitors in the United States Senate in appointing Chai Feldblum, a radical sodomite Jew who was the stormtrooper which underwrote and enacted thee entire Obama sodomite rape of America.
This is what Donald Trump just did and even Breitbart, Liberty Daily and Frontpage Mag are wondering what in the hell is going on.
In 2009, President Barack Obama nominated Feldblum for one of the seats on the five-member Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. In response to attacks on her, Obama stated in an October 10 speech to the gay rights group Human Rights Campaign:
Nobody in America should be fired because they’re gay, despite doing a great job and meeting their responsibilities. It’s not fair, it’s not right, we’re going to put a stop to it. And it’s for this reason if any of my nominees are attacked not for what they believe but for who they are, I will not waver in my support because I will not waver in my commitment to ending discrimination in all its forms
So one day Donald Trump is pardoning Jewish slave traders from federal prison and allowing Christians to rot in prison over Christmas in the Bundy's, and the next day Donald Trump is trying to stealth appoint a radical lesbian who is committed to making war on Christianity.
Feldblum is a nightmare of a nominee for those who value religious freedom, private property rights, and the science-based standard that there are two sexes – male and female. As Obama’s most liberal gender ideology activist, Feldblum has said that whenever LGBT issues conflict with religious liberty and private property rights, religious liberty and private rights should lose.
“When push comes to shove, when religious liberty and sexual liberty conflict, she admits, ‘I’m having a hard time coming up with any case in which religious liberty should win,’” Maggie Gallagher reported at the Weekly Standard in 2006, after interviewing Feldblum when the news broke that Catholic Charities in Boston would need to place adoptive children with same-sex couples in order to remain a licensed adoption agency.
You can read below the list of Republicans, but note in this, that Jewry Al Franken is hanging around to vote for this anti Christian appointment. Think of the reality in this that this sodomite is going to be in power until 2023 BECAUSE OF DONALD TRUMP.
Those who still think everything Mr. President is doing is for their good, will not wake up to this blog being right in pointing out all of the Trump actions in the threat they are to all Christian America. This is a disaster and the reason America went sodomite, as there was a push to target Roy Moore over homosexual agenda by design and now Donald Trump is cementing sodomy and anti Christianity into the deep state.
Nuff Said