Friday, December 22, 2017

Have Yourself a Merry Little Nukemas

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Do you recall when the Lame Cherry informed you that David John Oates in reverse speech of Donald Trump in which he referred to the Las Vegas Massacre as the start of world war?

Perhaps some of the following might make a bit more sense as the pieces add up.

Report: Bannon Urged Trump to Move U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem ...

Steve Bannon lobbied President Trump to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, but the move was blocked by Jared Kushner.
See Donald Trump promised to move the US embassy to Jersualem, but Jared Kushner vetoed it. Now suddenly the embassy is moving, setting off a firestorm, including Nikki Haley going scorched earth at the United Nations.
So Haley is going ballistic against the UN over Jews again. Jared Kushner has been sniffing around the Mideast and Dina Powell, and yet the embassy moved against his orders.

Then there is that Saudi and Jewish alliance against Iran, in everyone playing this against Russia.

Then there is the lovely headline out of nowhere in this tit for tat Clinton and Obama internecine warfare for the 2020 nomination.
So dope lord Obama was running South American manufactured coke into the United States for Hezbollah which is Iran's ally against the Jews and who tried to take over Syria and owns Lebanon.

This looks like a great deal of friction does it not?

Hmmm a great deal of friction in the policy of Herbert McMaster and Junta Kelly, and then this wonderful cherry on top headline by Yoichi Shimatsu again on Rense.

I will give you a hint in the power outage at the Atlanta Airport sort of was connected to flying weapons grade nuclear material out of America for the Saudi arsenal as the Saudi's do have the bomb from funding Pakistan, but there is not enough material to take on Iran for a first strike.

During the power outage, only one plane departed Atlanta Airport: a generic four-engine rear-loading Boeing 747-412F operated by Cal Cargo Air Lines, a private Israeli transport company. The registration number is 4X-ICB. The serial number is 26561. 23 years in service. Previous owners: Singapore Cargo, Evergreen (Taiwan), Saudi Arabian Airlines.

Cal Cargo’s three B-747s are licensed to haul non-standard products, including farm produce, flowers, horses, livestock and “dangerous goods” (caustic chemicals, explosives, flammables)

Mosaad apparently owns this transport, which Saudi Arabia owned, and when no other flights were allowed to take off due to the power outages, this one jet was cleared with it's very special cargo which landed in Tel Aviv.

So Cal Cargo had to be parked at one of the three cargo terminals (North, Midfield, South) for 5 hours and then suddenly got clearance for takeoff. The remaining 6 hours before lights came on was just about right for a clean-up crew to remove any residues left inside the cargo terminal by “dangerous cargo” loaded onto the rear large-freight door-ramp of that Boeing 747-412F. Illuminated by vehicle headlights, a thorough hose-down with surfactants and rotary scrubbing would send most of the contaminants down a drain. Solid waste disposal of lightweight safety clothing is dumped into a container outside the airport perimeter. And so that’s a job well done and paid for with overtime.

That’s how to fly hundreds of kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium in metal caskets out of the state of Georgia and into Israel and from there, to Saudi Arabia. The Iranians now have got a lot to worry about.

Manna from Savannah

This “gift” of plutonium to the Israelis and their Saudi allies is like manna from heaven, even though the Savannah River is more like the River Styx, the rapids to hell. This deal with the Chosen People requires the cooperation of two demonic forces on the banks of the Savannah: Southern Company (which owns Georgia Power) with its Vogtle Nuclear Plant and Savannah River Nuclear Solutions LLC, the private management firm that operates the Department of Energy (DOE) Savannah River National Laboratory, the nation’s main plutonium reprocessing facility. The two facilities are located near each other on opposite sides of the river, which is the boundary between Georgia and South Carolina.

And then there is this gem, of real warfare has been taking place all along as someone did a cyber attack on a Saudi Power Plant with a new malware called Triton. Triton is a first level codex, as it hides, rewrites itself and can melt down a nuclear reactor, cause oil spills in pumping rigs and crash anything it is embedded into.

The appearance of a new malware aimed at industrial controls is quietly causing a major earthquake inside corporations and governments around the world. The TRITON malware program that reportedly attacked a Saudi electric power plant in early December could have severely damaged the plant, potentially even loss of life, if it had not been accidently discovered.

So someone is intent on starting a nuclear war in the mideast to create their own kind of peace. The Lame Cherry is all for this, as it would be foolish to protest against these all powerful people.
After all my interest is the rebuilding of the 3rd Temple of Peace and Christ's return. It matters not how the powerful people bring it about.

"The attacker targeted the (Triconex Safety Instrumented System) suggesting an interest in causing a high-impact attack with physical consequences. This is an attack objective not typically seen from cyber-crime groups," noted FireEye researchers who were able to examine a sample of Triton.
The researchers at FireEye were also very clear about Triton's pedigree. This was no ordinary piece of software cooked up inside mom's basement by a teen hacker. Triton is an expensive and well-designed industrial malware weapon system.
"The targeting of critical infrastructure to disrupt, degrade, or destroy systems is consistent with numerous attack and reconnaissance activities carried out globally by Russian, Iranian, North Korean, U.S., and Israeli nation state actors," noted the statement issued by FireEye.

This was sort of like being on Zerohedge, but then nothing can compare to that. That though is an assembly of the headlines before all of you and what they add up to.

Nuff Said
