Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Lawrence Sinclair for White House Communications Director

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It was pleasing to hear Lawrence Sinclair on the Jeff Rense Radio Network again, in his insights and his understanding of the Trump Administration and the coup against President Trump.

In the conversation though, Mr. Sinclair noted that he should be White House Press Secretary, and honestly I could not agree more that he is exactly the American who the Trump Administration is in dire need of, as Sean Spicer can not even control his own leaking staff.

This post is fortunate as some troll was stating that Mr. Sinclair was not of this world any longer, and Facebook was the platform of that fake news. It is fortunate as it allowed an update on the vocation which Mr. Sinclair is engaged in, in reconditioning homes and allowing people to move into homes for less than what they are charged for rentals.

I have posted on this previously, due to a conversation I had with a Christian volunteer to Florida, who stated the biggest homeless colony in America is in Florida. This would be the result of Jeb Bush wonderful spending that state into debt when not running orange grove farmers out of existence.
For Mr. Sinclair to be making this difference is what is the real Christian ethic put into practice of one person making a difference for good in real people's lives.

I promised I would never forget Lawrence Sinclair after what the Biden mafia put this American through to cover up the first Obama street crimes. It has been remarkable to watch the scales balancing in how Joe Biden sold his soul for the Vice Presidency, in the chief weapon in Beau got cancer and died, while his brother is a dope addict who his wife kicked out, and the dead brother's wife is now tapping the widow of his brother in more creepy Bidenism, and explains why Joe sniffs children and women like a Red Bone.

President Trump is going to have to have Americans who are loyal to him, as he apparently has in DC every traitor in the world.

Ryan downplays conservative backlash against healthcare plan...
Pressures party naysayers...
Opposition Mounts...
Trump seeks to rally support...
Dealmaking mode...
REP: Let's Vote On Exact Same Repeal We Sent To Obama...
Rand Paul Center Stage...

I sort of conclude that President Trump needs two Walls, one on the Mexican border, and one around DC, and we just put everyone in there on a life sentence and Press Secretary Sinclair can inform the fake news some Truth, in they are all inmates in the District of Penitentiary.


The Russia Policy: we will die without glory

Fiona Hill

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Fiona Hill, Trump’s New Russia Expert, Went to Harvard

Hill met her future husband at Cabot House.

And who is Fiona Hill, who is privy to every secret in the Trump Presidency with the task of sending a message to the Russian Government of America's intent?

Fiona Hill (formerly Cunningham, born c.1973) is a British political adviser. As of 2016, she is Joint Downing Street Chief of Staff, serving alongside Nick Timothy.
A former journalist who worked for Sky News and The Scotsman, Hill worked alongside Theresa May in the Home Office as a media adviser before resigning in 2014. Hill left government after being forced to resign as May's special adviser in a 2014 dispute with Michael Gove over alleged extremism in schools, which culminated in her releasing a confidential letter on May's website, prompting then Prime Minister, David Cameron, to insist that May sack her.  In 2015, Hill became a Director of Lexington Communications, a lobbying firm. On 14 July 2016, following the resolution of the 2016 Conservative leadership election, Hill was appointed joint chief of staff to Theresa May, the day after May became Prime Minister.

Nick Timothy still works for the Prime Minister of England.

Fiona Hill's major accomplishment was co authoring a book with Clifford Gaddy, which focuses on thinking that President Putin is a character who wears costumes in posing for photos. To put it plainly, the expert in the Trump Administration concludes that photo ops are the person.

 Though the authors do not state it outright, the conclusion from this psycho-portrait is that to survive this presidential term to 2018 and beyond, Mr Putin must invent a new persona. For all his costume-changing antics, it is far from clear that Russia’s leader is capable of it.

The Amazon feedback for this book about Mr. Putin, appealed to the vacuous mind, but this particular feedback was about the closest to a reality check on Fiona Hill's fantasy book.

Fiona Hill has written, from her cubicle in Washington, the most superficial book I have ever read. I have lived in St. Petersburg, Russia as a university teacher, and wonder if Hill ever once entered the country. No pictures, few facts, but pages and pages of endless conjecture. This book is not even at the cub scout level.

Hill does not belong anywhere near any policy formulation due to her braintard assessment of the man leading the largest assembled nuclear armed Christian population in Eurasia.

  If our strategy is to force Russia to renounce all goals of independently guaranteeing its own security and sovereignty, then we have to be prepared to fight to the end. We have to have a plan of how to neutralize all of Russia’s weapons, or be prepared to survive them.
 -Clifford G. Gaddy

Hills idea of Russian policy is to disarm Russia by force, which will bring a Russian scorched earth of Europe and a nuclear submarine attack upon America in retaliation to American reactions to a war in Europe, and the solution is to survive nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, as eating this on American cornflakes is considered the the breakfast of champions.

It is worth noting the foundation of Fiona Hills at Harvard, was Richard Pipes, the father of plagiarist Daniel Pipes, and this Polish Jew was deemed an expert on Christian Russians.

After achieving her AM in Soviet studies, Hill desired to pursue doctoral work but doubted it was possible. “At that time, the guarantee of funding simply wasn’t there,” she says. It was then that her adviser, Richard Pipes, took her under his wing to ensure she had the means to pursue her studies as a PhD candidate.

And who is Richard Pipes, the mentor of the Neo Russian Expert in the Trump White House?

Team B faced criticism. The international relations journalist Fred Kaplan writes that Team B "turns out to have been wrong on nearly every point." Pipes's group insisted that the Soviet Union, as of 1976, maintained "a large and expanding Gross National Product," and argued that the CIA belief that economic chaos hindered the USSR's defenses was a ruse on the part of the USSR. One CIA employee called Team B "a kangaroo court"

In case you missed the above, Richard Pipes was CIA outrigger, and during the Carter Brzezinski years, his EVERY ASSESSMENT WAS FLAT ASSED WRONG.
The very person who chose Fiona Hill, was arguing that what President Ronald Reagan later implemented to destroy the evil empire without war, in outspending the Soviets, would have absolutely no effect.

This is what mentored Fiona Hill.

We have before us, a British agent, who served under Prime Minister Theresa May, in May came to America feigned friendship, and then returned to England and stabbed President Donald Trump in the back over protecting Muslim rape cock invading the West.

Even the nature of Obamite Samantha Powers does not equal the failure of Fiona Hill intellectually, and the inclusion of an Anglo with primary allegiance to London, is something which violates National Security.  This is the same London which ran an MIG Pissgate operation against President Trump, and the same London who just sat down with Jared Kurschner in the bad operator who learned all of American policy for the Mideast "peace".

Hill has concluded that Vladimir Putin is a series of personas. She has absolutely no conception of what Russia, Russians or President Putin is, except from anecdotes and the inept conclusions of her mentor, Polish Jew, Richard Pipes.
Nom de Deus, President Trump, why not bring in an Islamic Turk like Endrogan and have him educate you about a Russian Orthodox Christian.

It is a guess that this British Agent at liberal Brookings Insitute, appeared from Mike Shields and Katie Walsh in Theresia May associations. The Trump White House is become a conduit of 10 Downing Street to die for the cartel. Death is the word in this, as the American Russian Expert is an English Agent which serves 10 Downing Street, who thinks Vladimir Putin is not a man, but is a dress up character, and the "expert" who she co authored her epic conclusions, that America and the west is going to have to implement a policy to destroy by conflict all of Russia's weapons or America and the West will have to survive a weapon's of mass destruction war, which there is no survival and all of us die gruesome deaths.

I constructed the Time Line of Donald Trump to have Russian American Peace. The shadow of what is being constructed is a wave in the matrix which we will not die with glory. We will die in our fears and witness the eradication of America, Europe and Asia.

America will not be made great again if this time line generates. It will be the prophecy of George Washington in the third trial of America fertilized by her own people's ashes.

These are the people in place for the outcome of things of Armageddon.

Putin claims that the Syrian militants were merely mercenaries Obama hired. He explains that, “they [Obama] arm them [the rebels], and pay them a certain amount… then they discover somewhere else pays a little more. So they go fight there.”

Putin’s accusations have been verified by WikiLeaks,

We will die hard. We will replace our blood with bullets and carry them dead in our combat, as we sell hard our life.


The Surprising Appearances of Sarmatians in European History

The altar in the Sarmatians' religion seems to have been a sword embedded in a stone. (To be continued.) HOME PAGE OF applet-magic HOME PAGE OF Thayer Watkins ...


Как еще один Lame Cherry эксклюзив в материи против материи.

Фиона Хилл, эксперт Новой России по Trump, отправилась в Гарвард
Хилл встретила своего будущего мужа в Доме Кабота.

И кто такая Фиона Хилл, которая посвящена в каждый секрет в Президиум Трампа, чтобы послать сообщение в намерение российского правительства Америки?

Фиона Хилл (ранее Каннингем, род. C.1973) является британским политическим советником. С 2016 года она является штатным начальником штаба на Даунинг-стрит, работая рядом с Ником Тимоти.

Бывший журналист, работавший на Sky News и The Scotsman, Хилл работал вместе с Терезой Май в Министерстве внутренних дел в качестве медиа-консультанта, прежде чем уйти в отставку в 2014 году. Хилл покинул правительство после того, как был вынужден уйти в отставку в качестве специального советника Май в спор 2014 года с Майклом Гоув Предполагаемого экстремизма в школах, который завершился ее выпуском конфиденциального письма на веб-сайте мая, что побудило тогдашнего премьер-министра Дэвида Кэмерона настоять на том, чтобы Май ее уволил. В 2015 году Хилл стал директором Lexington Communications, лоббирующей фирмы. 14 июля 2016 года после решения о проведении выборов в Консервативное руководство в 2016 году Хилл был назначен главой штаба Терезы Май, на следующий день после мая стал премьер-министром.

Ник Тимоти все еще работает на премьер-министра Англии.

Главным достижением Фионы Хилл было создание книги с Клиффордом Гэдди, которая фокусируется на том, что президент Путин - это персонаж, который носит костюмы и позирует для фотографий. Проще говоря, эксперт в администрации Трампа делает вывод, что фотооператор - это человек.

Хотя авторы не заявляют об этом полностью, вывод из этого психографического портрета заключается в том, что для того, чтобы пережить этот президентский срок до 2018 года и далее, г-н Путин должен изобрести новую персону. Для всех его изменчивых костюмов далеко не ясно, способен ли на это российский лидер.

Амазонская обратная связь для этой книги о Путине, обратилась к пустому уму, но этот конкретный отзыв был о ближайшем к проверке реальности на фантастическую книгу Фионы Хилла.

Фиона Хилл написала из своей кабинки в Вашингтоне самую поверхностную книгу, которую я когда-либо читал. Я жил в Санкт-Петербурге, в России в качестве преподавателя в университете, и удивляюсь, когда-то Хилл когда-то входил в страну. Нет фотографий, мало фактов, но страниц и страниц бесконечных догадок. Эта книга даже не на уровне разведчика.

Хилл не относится к какой-либо формулировке политики из-за ее мозговой оценки человека, возглавляющего самое большое в мире собранное вооруженное христианское население в Евразии.

Если наша стратегия состоит в том, чтобы заставить Россию отказаться от всех целей независимо гарантировать ее собственную безопасность и суверенитет, тогда мы должны быть готовы бороться до конца. У нас должен быть план, как нейтрализовать все российское оружие или быть готовым выжить.

-Клиффорд Г. Гадди

Холмс »российской политики заключается в силовом разоружении России, в результате которого российская выжженная земля Европы и ядерная подводная лодка атакуют Америку в ответ на американскую реакцию на войну в Европе, и решение состоит в том, чтобы выжить в ядерной, биологической и химической Оружие, так как еда на американских кукурузных хлопьях считается завтраком чемпионов.

Стоит отметить основание Фионы Хиллз в Гарварде, был Ричард Пайпс, отец плагиатора Даниэль Пайпс, и этот польский еврей считался экспертом по христианским русским.

Достигнув ее в советских исследованиях, Хилл хотела продолжить докторскую работу, но сомневалась, что это возможно. «В то время гарантии финансирования просто не было, - говорит она. Именно тогда ее советник Ричард Пайпс взял ее под свое крыло, чтобы у нее были средства для продолжения учебы в качестве кандидата наук.

И кто такой Ричард Пайпс, наставник нео русского эксперта в Белом доме Трампа?

Команда B столкнулась с критикой. Журналист международных отношений Фред Каплан пишет, что «Команда B» оказалась ошибочной почти в каждом пункте ». Группа Труас настаивала на том, что Советский Союз с 1976 года поддерживал «крупный и расширяющийся валовой национальный продукт» и утверждал, что убеждение ЦРУ в том, что экономический хаос мешает обороне СССР, было уловкой со стороны СССР. Один сотрудник ЦРУ, названный «Team B» «суд кенгуру»,

В случае, если вы пропустили вышеприведенное, Ричард Пайпс был аутригером ЦРУ, и во времена Картера Бжезинского его КАЖДАЯ ОЦЕНКА БЫЛА ПЛОХОЙ ПОМОЩИ.
Тот самый человек, который выбрал Фиона Хилл, утверждал, что то, что президент Рональд Рейган впоследствии осуществил, чтобы уничтожить злую империю без войны, в перерасходе Советов, не имело бы абсолютно никакого эффекта.

Это то, что наставник Фиона Хилл.

Перед нами британский агент, который служил при премьер-министре Терезии Май, в мае приехал в Америку, притворился дружбой, а затем вернулся в Англию и ударил президента Дональда Трампа в спину за защиту мусульманского члена изнасилования, вторгшегося на Запад.

Даже природа Обамиты Саманты Пауэрс не равна

Неспособность Fiona Hill интеллектуально, а также включение англо-британцев с основной лояльностью в Лондон - это то, что нарушает национальную безопасность. Это тот самый Лондон, который провел операцию MIG Pissgate против президента Трампа, и тот же Лондон, который только что уселся с Джаредом Куршнером в плохом операторе, который узнал всю американскую политику для ближневосточного «мира».

Хилл пришел к выводу, что Владимир Путин - это серия личностей. У нее нет абсолютно никаких представлений о том, что такое Россия, русские или президент Путин, за исключением анекдотов и неумелых выводов ее наставника, польского еврея Ричарда Пайпса.Ном де Деус, президент Трамп, почему бы не привлечь исламского турка, такого как Эндроган, и не дать ему просветить вас о русском православном христианине.

Предполагается, что этот британский агент в либеральном институте Брукингса появился у Майка Шилдса и Кэти Уолш в ассоциациях Theresia May. Белый дом Трампа стал каналом 10 Даунинг-стрит, чтобы умереть за картель. Смерть - это слово в этом смысле, так как Американский российский эксперт - английский агент, обслуживающий 10 Даунинг-стрит, который считает, что Владимир Путин не человек, но нарядившийся персонаж и «эксперт», с кем она выступила в эпических выкладках , Что Америке и Западу придется проводить политику по уничтожению путем конфликта всего российского оружия или Америки, а Западу придется пережить войну с оружием массового уничтожения, в которой нет никакого выживания, и все мы умираем от ужасной смерти .

Я построил Временную линию Дональда Трампа, чтобы иметь российский американский Мир. Тень создаваемого - это волна в матрице, которую мы не умрем со славой. Мы умрем в своих страхах и станем свидетелями уничтожения Америки, Европы и Азии.

Америка не станет великой снова, если эта линия времени порождает. Это будет пророчество Джорджа Вашингтона в третьем испытании Америки, оплодотворенном пеплом собственного народа.

Это люди, которые пришли к исходу событий Армагеддона.

Путин утверждает, что сирийские боевики были просто наемниками, нанятыми Обамой. Он объясняет, что «они [Обама] вооружают их [мятежников] и платят им определенную сумму ... тогда они обнаруживают, что где-то еще платит немного больше. Таким образом, они идут бороться там. "


Обвинения Путина были подтверждены WikiLeaks,

Мы умрем. Мы будем заменять нашу кровь пулями и нести их мертвыми в нашем бою, поскольку мы продаем тяжело нашу жизнь.

Русь !!!!!!!

What is behind Ryancare TAX CREDITS?

The return of Rand Paul...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the Ryan Rationed Debt Care to replace Obamacare, you are reading about these states that expanded Medicare for Obamacare, like John Kasich in Ohio, and then these Senators like Rob Portman or whatever his name is from Ohio, at odds with Rand Paul of Kentucky who is calling this Obamacare Lite, which it is, but no one is telling you what is behind these "tax credits" or vouchers for the this is subsidized healthcare for people in the 75,000 to around 150,000 dollars a year in incomes.

That all seems puzzling, and it is, because why would Republicans be offering tax credits to people who really could afford health insurance?

The Lame Cherry will explain all of this, as this is the sticking point and Rand Paul is doing a disservice in not exposing this for what it is, and the Lame Cherry will explain what is behind this.

First I am going to break this down so you understand this in the plus minus.......people earning 50 to 100 thousand dollars are employed, so they are earning money.
That might seem unnecessary, but it is the basis of all of this graft as that is exactly what it is in these Big Koch oligarchs pushing this.

Why did John Kasich expand Obamacare in Ohio like other mafia insiders? Money of course, but not how you would think of it as money. See businesses have been crushed by these Teddy Kennedy social welfare benefits, and this was by design to bring in Obamacare as the medical industry was gouging people for the Rockefellers in profits of rationed death.

So a business could go bankrupt or spend forever in doing bookwork on health insurance, or Obama gave them a way out, as in Big Koch, in they could pay a fine and dump people onto Obamacare.........hence the John Kasich expansion of Medicare. This was a kickback to GOP business interests in the Chamber of Commerce, in sticking all of us with the bills for their damned Mexican imports which were appearing on public welfare rolls.

It is the same situation now with the upper income groups, who are employed by the oligarchs. Instead of those corporations paying health insurance, they have donated to Kasich or Portman or that hag from Alaska, who in turn with Paul Ryan write into federal law a system of "tax credits", so a corporation does not have to provide insurance and instead forces the tax payers to pay for these rich people's insurance, so the business does not have to, nor the employee in full.

Is this right in Davy Crockett economics? Not in the least, because this is making taxpayers pay for something which is robbing them and bankrupting the country, instead of a company working in a fair market to provide insurance or not provide insurance.......but in this Ryan Rationed Debt, WE THE PEOPLE do not have the choice in we have to buy insurance for others, even if we are told we are not mandated to buy our own Obamacare any longer.

As someone who does not have insurance and had to apply for an Obamacare waiver to stay out of prison, I suffer from illness and I have to get my ass up and work every day as there is not any alternative. When satan knocks me through two stories to a most interesting fall, I don't run to the emergency ward, as I can not afford it. By God's Grace I survive.
None of that might seem fair, but life is not fair. Obama destroyed the US economy to keep people from voting for people like Donald Trump to deliver them. That Obama Super Depression robbed me in donations, while people did not have money, and inflation robbed me for the Wall Street robber barons could drive up prices so I can not afford a home. In a real economy, I would be able to provide, but now I save money and do not buy insurance and trust in God that I keep going.

It is criminal to hand out tax deductions to people who have good jobs. Break it down to 50,000 a year, 15% income tax is 42,500 dollars.....and if there is other debt, then that is their problem as much as debt is my problem.
I have a rule that I never violate in if I do not have the money, then I do not buy it ever.

So God forbid I get busted up and linger and die, that is God's Will. In this world too many people get into Congress handing things out to people who are scared all the time. I die and it is over and there is no point in whining about it.

As Milton Friedman would say now in being a great economist, he would be raising hell, in if the GOP hands out tax credits, all that does is make people think this satan robbing system is working, when the fact is the medical profession is gouging people too much and corporations are not having their employees scream about it so it gets fixed.
When you get your car fixed, the mechanic gets paid 50 bucks an hour, no matter if it is a tire change or a transmission overhaul. The price goes up on parts and time spent. Doctors though charge different rates on appendix or heart and it is the same knife and stitches. That is where the cost overruns come in, as much as the monopoly of only a doctor can do minor surgery when any vet or nurse can treat the majority of people.

John Kasich does not give a damn about poor sick people. His leash is held by chamber of commerce and Big Koch, and he figures he can profit them in passing the debt to the US Treasury and more debt on taxpayers, and that is economic treason to Americans.

People find out what is behind this economic treason of the tax credits and raise hell about it, and these crooks will back down, and we will get a real health system built on fair insurance competition, cooperatives or health savings accounts, and reasonable care for all people in a Medicaid or Trumpshare policy where people are only charged 15% of their total income for insurance in what they can pay.

Paul Ryan robbing me to pay for your tax credit when you got the big house, the big boat, the atv and the nice cars, eating pizza every week in take out, does not solve things except for the oligarchs who have more money to bribe traitors in Congress and they all end up on pedo island.

Put it to the market and people will buy what they can afford, and insurance companies will produce policies which will offer the basic services all need, and the medical establishment will be forced to start working like mechanics and plumbers or even vets who are doing the same job, and it is not costing 100,000 dollars.

And there better be these words in this bill:



Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


The Kurschner File

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that the coup plotters against President Donald Trump from George W. Bush to Barack Obama to the conspirators in the White House in the #NeverTrumpers like Katie Walsh leaking to the Clapperites in embedded in the Government criminally involved in disclosing classified information, and Mika Brzezinski bawling in blaming the victim in President Trump........

It is time for each of you to step back from this in your worry and your angst to understand something as Hillary Clinton's server provided an open window into all the US Government files, including your files, that the real intelligence agencies across the globe have been assessing every detail in this and from Saudi Intelligence, to MI6 in England, to the Russian FSB, the Chicom PLA, the French CIA, the German BND, all have created psychological profiles on the weak link in the Trump group and the weakest link in the inner circle is the son in law, Jared Kurschner.

One does not have to hack into FSB or BND files, to assess a psychological profile of Jared Kurschner, because he has been busy presenting himself before his liberal consorts whoring for attention as the little Alamo Project who conned all the Americans in algorithms to vote for Donald Trump.
Yes if not for Jared Kurschner, it would be Hillary Clinton as President.......even if Kurschner's corrupt data showed Mr. Trump losing.

In forensic psychology, the Lame Cherry is going to produce a profile on Jared Kurschner which all the intelligence agencies now possess, including the American behavioral sciences.

Example one in the Kurschner profile:

Subject sought petty revenge in disrupting his father in law's transition to the Presidency in a combined coup with Mike Pence, Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon, to produce the unholy trinity in removing Trump loyalist Chris Christie.

Subject was browbeaten by Katie Walsh, then chief of staff of Reince Priebus at Trump Tower concerning lack of financial assistance from the RNC to the Trump campaign when it was in dire need.

Subject exposed his wife and children, to militant homosexual terrorism on a Jet Blue flight, as subject stood in the aisle and did nothing to protect his wife and children from the verbal assault.

Subject joined in the group to deprive his father in law, of Mike Flynn as NSA Director.

Subject joined in the group to force an innocent Attorney General Jeff Sessions in recusing himself from protecting the President from smears in fake news Russian hacking.

Subject engaged with Mike Pence, and Ivanka Trump, in bringing in James Baker to the White House to destroy the Trump recovery by imposing a "carbon tax".

Subject after the Jeff Sessions coup, was witnessed on CNN spy cameras, being berated by Steve Bannon, and subject simply stood there cowed and took the abuse.

Conclusions on subject, subject is a pliable male, who was picked for marriage by Ivanka Trump, so she could dominate. Subject is passive aggressive in willingly absorbing abuse or perceived wrongs, and later in vendetta retaliating.
Subject is proven to conspire with others to implement an agenda divergent from his father in law, the President, to the President's failure, weakening to impeachment and removal at President, for subject's liberal ideology.

This is compounded in all of these leaks, as we now know that perpetual intimate of George W. Bush of fake intel Iraq and the Clinton's most charming asset in Tony Blair (both of who are involved in the coup against Donald Trump) had a sit down, not at Kurschner Mansion, but an official sit down at the White House in FULL CAPACITY of the US Government and Donald Trump, whereby Kurschner offered Tony Blair a job which was denied by Blair, but which was at the very least Kurschner comparing notes on Mideast Peace, which Blair was a disaster at for being so crooked..........
Translating Jared Kurschner revealed to his intimated Tony Blair the US process on peace, and therefore MI6 knows what Jared Kurschner has in plans, which are the Trump Adminstration's plans, which are the private conversations of President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Tony Blair denies report he was offered job as Trump's Middle ...

Tony Blair has dismissed a report he is in talks to become an adviser to US President Donald Trump as "an invention". The former Prime Minister was said to have ...

So the bad operator Tony Blair who no one trusts and is in the pocket of every competing group in the Mideast, knows what the American policy is, as do all of the coup plotters who want this to blow up as peace will neutralize their dictatorial control over their fiefdoms.

“Tony Blair has been so closely involved,” the source said. “He’s not going anywhere. He’s not going to disappear off radars any time soon. It won’t be a formal role but he will continue working through his contacts with key players like Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Authority.”
Since leaving office Blair has received millions of pounds from a mixture of business interests that include advising Arab and other governments, consultancy work for the US investment bank JP Morgan and the lucrative international speaking circuit.
Clients in the Middle East have included the Gulf states of Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, the latter pursuing a strongly anti-Islamist agenda. Others are Peru, Colombia, Kuwait, Vietnam and Kazakhstan.

It is always good to enter into a volatile conflict of centuries where one of the most powerful armed terror groups is convinced the person you are best friends with is a bad actor who is betraying their movement.

Palestinian leaders are clear about their resentment of Blair. During a Nov. 9 meeting with a group of Egyptian journalists in Cairo, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas attacked Blair and called him a “spy” for Israel because of his attempts to conclude an appeasement agreement between Hamas and Israel, while ignoring the PA.

“Abbas has been refusing to meet with Blair for two years because of his pro-Israeli negative role,” political sources in the PA told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity.
The PA was suspicious of Blair when he was the envoy of the Middle East Quartet in 2011 and accused him of using the Quartet to “achieve Israel’s demands only, satisfy it and reflect its stances.”

America is faced with a situation where America needs Russia to be a partner in Mideast peace and the Pentagon is sabotaging that effort, and into this America has Jared Kurschner who indicates an easy target to manipulate, bully and induce to betray the President, and his wife who is in need of control, promotes her weak husband's worst attributes.

The world has before us the reality of the Simone Peres Peace, which is the Rothschilds have a war cleansing the region of religious Jews, Philistines, and in scorched earth the Vatican manages the world capital of peace, Jerusalem for the Rothschild cartel.

Personally it is not my projected concern, if Jared Kurschner initiates all of this, as all that concerns me is in this the 3rd Temple is built so Christ will return, a Christ that Kurschner denies and a series of events where the Pater Pope will false prophet in the anti Christ invading the Mideast for Armageddon, as the acceptable outcome is Christ's second coming to put an end to this worthless world regime of intrigues and incapable operatives.

Jared Kurschner has proven incapable of the trust put upon him by the President and in his first interactions has shown an absolute radar for locking on every coup plotter against Donald Trump or America.

That Balkan voyage in August of good will concerning the hackers has sort of maxed that good intentions out.........yeah if that gets out as was exposed here, it will be because Joe Biden's little sortie to Hackerslavia is deemed expendable to ass bang prison.

Sorry trying to keep this G rated as people with halos like reading about traitors, mass murderers and ass rapers in churchy terms.

Nuff Said


The Russian Manufacture of Consumer Goods for Americans

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Most people do not realize that there are numerous Russian products which Americans have had access to in previous Obama sanctions, and to understand that the "Russians" make reliable, effective and affordable products.

The Lame Cherry will list three as examples of what is sincerely hoped in Russian American trade and peaceful relations provides both citizens consumer goods and consumer jobs.

The first is the fine Belarus tractors of Minsk.

Belarus (tractor) - Wikipedia

Belarus («Белару́с», earlier «Белару́сь») is a series of four-wheeled tractors produced since 1950 at Minsk Tractor Works, MTZ (Мінскі ...

These tractors were built where no one had money to repair and they had to start in 60 below zero weather. My Uncle owned such a tractor in North Dakota to feed his livestock and never was more pleased, as American tractors cost 5 times more.
In a world of New Holland Canadian, and Kubota Japanese, Americans should be aware of Belarus.

For aircraft, while Boeings rule the skies in America and Airbuses crash the ground around the world, the Russians in cooperation with the Italians in marketing have the Sukoi Superjet, which goes for 35 million American, compared to again jets of this type selling for 4 times this price.
As we all hope to be rich under President Trump, the Sukoi Superjet 100 is designed like Chuck Yeager's F 20 to be a low maintenance and cost effective operating jet. Think of a jet like this licensed to be built in the United States in how many would be sold worldwide with the Russians making wonderful expansion and sales.

Air-to-air photo of a Sukhoi Superjet 100 (RA-97004) over Italy.jpg

Sukhoi Superjet 100 - Wikipedia

The Sukhoi Superjet 100 (Russian: Сухой Суперджет 100) is a modern fly-by-wire twin-engine regional jet with 8 (VIP) to 108 (all economy) passenger ...

Lastly in fine things built Russian, are the Saiga line of consumer rifles, which of course were banned by the Obama regime. The Saiga was specifically designed for the American market in being affordable, a consumer AK 47 type for hunting, and absolutely reliable.
Named for the antelope of southeast Russia, this is a handsome weapon for home defense, hunting or recreational shooting. Like all Russian weapons, they can be filthy to sow seeds in and still function. The wonderful part is they break down without tools, and can be cleaned easily.

The Saiga was manufactured in 223 and 308 American, and the Russian AK 47 round of 7.62 x 39 mm.

Saiga semi-automatic rifle - Wikipedia

The Saiga semi-automatic rifles (/ˈsaɪɡə/, Saiga) are a family of Russian semi-automatic rifles manufactured by Kalashnikov Concern (formerly Izhmash), which also ...

So this is a list of consumer products Americans should have access to. I am a firm advocate of President Trump's buy American, but I also hope that America and Russia can increase trade and licensing agreements to the mutual benefit of all of us, because the reality is, sometimes Americans want a tractor that costs 1/4 of the American models, without damned computers to fry and an engine that does not require a 100 dollar an hour mechanic to know like when Henry Ford made garden tractors that are still running today.

When Nixon and Brezhnev could have detente, Reagan and Gorbachev could have openness, then Trump and Putin certainly can have peaceful trade as it is the Russian American tradition since Lincoln's time.

Nuff Said.


В качестве еще одного Хромой Cherry в эксклюзивном материи анти материи.Большинство людей не понимают, что есть многочисленные российские продукты, которые американцы имели доступ в предыдущих санкций Обамы, и понять, что "русские" делать надежные, эффективные и доступные по цене продукты.Хромая Cherry будут перечислены три в качестве примеров того, что искренне надеется на русском языке американской торговли и мирных отношений обеспечивает как гражданам потребительские товары и работы потребителей.Во-первых, мелкие белорусские тракторы Минска.

Беларусь (трактор) - Википедия
Беларусь ( «Беларус», ранее «Беларусь») представляет собой серию из четырех колесных тракторов, произведенных с 1950 года на Минском тракторном заводе, МТЗ (Мінскі ...
[Поиск домена]Эти тракторы были построены там, где никто не имел денег на ремонт, и они должны были начать в 60 ниже нуля погоды. Мой дядя владел такой трактор в Северной Дакоте, чтобы прокормить скот, и никогда не был более доволен, так как американские тракторы стоят в 5 раз больше.В мире New Holland канадских, и Kubota японцы, американцы должны знать о Беларуси.Для воздушных судов, в то время как правило Боинг небо в Америке и Airbus аварии на землю по всему миру, русские в сотрудничестве с итальянцами в маркетинге есть Sukoi Superjet, который идет на 35 миллионов американских, по сравнению с вновь Струи этого типа продают за 4 раз эта цена.Как мы все надеемся, что быть богатым при президенте Трампа, то Sukoi Superjet 100 разработан как Чак Yeagers F 20, чтобы быть низкими эксплуатационными расходами и экономически эффективной операционной струи. Подумайте струи, как это лицензированный будет построен в Соединенных Штатах в том, сколько будет продано по всему миру с россиянами делает замечательное расширение и продаж.Воздух-воздух фото Sukhoi Superjet 100 (RA-97004) над Italy.jpg

Sukhoi Superjet 100 - Википедия
Sukhoi Superjet 100 (Русский: Сухой Суперджет 100) представляет собой современный летать по проводам двухмоторный региональный реактивный самолет с 8 (VIP) до 108 (вся экономика) пассажиром ...
[Поиск домена]И, наконец, в прекрасных вещей, построенных России, являются Сайга линия потребительских винтовок, которые, конечно, были запрещены режимом Обамы. Сайга был специально разработан для американского рынка в том, доступным, потребительский AK 47 типа для охоты, и абсолютно надежны.Названный по имени антилоп на юго-востоке России, это красивый оружие для защиты дома, охоты или развлекательной стрельбы. Как и все российское оружие, они могут быть нечисто, чтобы посеять семена в и до сих пор функционируют. Замечательная часть они ломаются без инструментов, и могут быть очищены легко.Сайга был изготовлен в 223 и 308 американских и России AK 47 раунд 7,62 х 39 мм.

Сайга - Википедия
Сайгак полуавтоматические винтовки (/ saɪɡə /, Сайга) представляют собой семейство российских полуавтоматических винтовок, выпускаемых концерном Калашников (ранее Ижмаш), который также ...
[Поиск домена]
Так что это список потребительских товаров американцы должны иметь доступ. Я твердым сторонником президента Трампа купить американские, но я также надеюсь, что Америка и Россия может увеличить торговые и лицензионные соглашения к взаимной выгоде всех нас, потому что реальность такова, что иногда американцы хотят трактор, который стоит 1/4 американские модели, без проклятых компьютеров обжарить и двигатель, который не требует 100 долларов в час механика, чтобы исправить ........... вы знаете, как когда Генри Форд сделал садовые тракторы, которые еще работают сегодня.
Когда Никсон и Брежнев мог бы разрядку, Рейган и Горбачев мог бы открытость, то Трампа и Путина, безусловно, может иметь мирную торговлю, как это русская американская традиция со времен Линкольна.
