Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Why has Andrew McCabe Not Been Fired

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Finally with the firing of Direct James Comey who has a taint about him of endless scandals, begins a welcome start to the draining of the swamp, as James Comey has been at the center of disrupting the FBI for years, and has been engaged in defying the President in investigating the leakers who have been criminally placing into the media classified information designed to smear Donald Trump.

While democrats attempt to tap the drum of things Nixonian in their drive to get a Special Prosecutor for a witch hunt against the President as that is what all of this was designed for, including what Comey has  been engaged in, the President should be commended for his patience as Comey should have been fired long ago, and would have been fired by Hillary Clinton if she was in the White House.

James Comey should have been fired over the issue of his second at FBI, being involved with the Hillary Clinton campaign in his wife receiving funding, as Andrew McCabe was not even forced to recuse himself from heading the investigation into Mrs. Clinton's emails.

James Comey's deputy, Andrew McCabe, will take over the law enforcement agency.
McCabe's wife is a Democrat who ran for the state senate in 2015 in Virginia, before he was promoted to the FBI's No. 2 position.
Terry McAullife, the Virginia governor and a close friend of both the Clintons, directed $675,000 Jill McCabe's way for her campaign.
The Virginia governor's political action committee, Common Good VA, spent $467,000 on her losing campaign. The state Democratic Party gave her nearly $208,000. 
A month before McAullife's PAC made its first donation to McCabe, Hillary Clinton headlined a fundraiser for the group.
As deputy director of the FBI, it was McCabe who oversaw the investigation into Clinton's secret server, as well as the bureau's investigations into alleged terrorists and spies.
He is under review by an inspector general for his involvement in the Clinton case, in light of his wife's ties to the former presidential candidate.
Sen. Chuck Grassley, the Republican chairman of the Senate's Judiciary Committee, also asked the FBI in a March letter about McCabe's role in the Russian probe and whether it 'raises the appearance a conflict of interest in light of his wife's ties with Clinton's associates.'
The Republican lawmaker asked Comey if McCabe would be recusing himself from that investigation, suggesting in the letter that McCabe faces a possible conflict of interest.

James Comey is the first firing which must be engaged in, in the FBI leadership, in a complete house cleaning must be undertaken, as this politicization of the FBI and the entire government has created an absolute criminal culture of the system protecting itself instead of Americans.

It is time for a request of the entire FBI leadership to hand in their resignations to right the FBI to it's standing which it accomplished before James Comey and the Obama regime.

If you have noticed, there has not been a mass resignation out of FBI in support of James Comey. No one at FBI was a supporter of this political troll. If James Comey was upstanding, his agents would have joined him in support, as it is, there was only silence, because all were pleased to see him go.
In that, if Andrew McCabe had any semblance of respect for the FBI, he would have resigned.

It is time for the temporary Director of the FBI to clean house and fire Andrew McCabe.

Nuff Said


Vivre en France

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The other night actor Richard Belzer appeared on Coast to Coast AM with that George Nouri sucking up again to Belzer's liberal amplified opinion of himself to change the channel. In the typical inflated dialogue of Belzer read it or said it, therefore it must be brilliant, he blundered out something about his sickness.

For those unaware as I was, the internet says he had cancer. That of course brings us to the point of Belzer blurting things out about medical treatment while doing the attack dog on Donald Trump and getting rid of Obamacare.

What Belzer lectured on in how bad America is, in the insurance companies charge too much (Yeah it has nothing to do with Belzer's pet foreigners not paying for health care driving up costs and Belzer's rich lawyer friends suing the hell out of everything medical.), but how absolutely great Europe is, especially France as "the last time I went to the doctor it cost me like 22 dollars".

That sounds like God's Heaven to Richard Belzer's all knowing mind, which is void of the fact that maybe France and all of Europe socialism can afford 22 dollar doctors, because since 1918, America has been stuck with the bill of defense spending in the trillions for Europe, so they could pretend how superior they were in their pompous ass Adolf Hitler transplanted regimes.

Mr. Belzer went on to state that in America his medicines would have cost tens of thousands of dollars, but in France it was just hundreds of dollars.

That sounds like the utopia of liberals again, but let us return to Lame Cherry analysis again in pointing out some realities. Now remember Richard Belzer is someone who can afford to live France, when most of you reading this can not afford to look at a picture of Quebec, and Belzer is loaded enough to live in France without working, as he retired from being he was rich enough to retire when he was suck.

How rich is Richard? 

Richard Belzer Sick - Richard Belzer Net Worth

richard belzer sick? Richard Belzer Net Worth is $16 Million. Richard Jay Belzer is an American stand-up comedian, writer, and actor; he has a net worth of $16 million.


So you got someone rich enough to be living in France, bitching about how shitty America is, how great France is, trashing Donald Trump ridding Americans of rationed death in throwing gimps off Obamacare, and Richard Belzer is as someone who has 16 million dollars sucking off of French welfare, funded by the American taxpayer on defense spending, where Americans can not afford a tank of gas, and Obama added a few trillion in bailing out Europeans, including France and Richard Belzer is paying just 22 dollars for a doctor visit when he has 16 million dollars.

I mean, would not a caring Richard Belzer who cares so very much about American poor, actually taken 16,000 dollars of his 16 million and purchased American insurance to help pay for the poor in America who have cancer or at least paid the American rate in France in full price so French people would be able to have better access to health care that Richard Belzer was taking advantage of and displacing French in the care he was taking.

Here we have another rich person, having once again money for a French house, so he can live among the peasants of France to feel superior and pretend like French intellectuals that they are so much more superior than the people with shit under their fingernails, looking for a way to make the system serve him, so he can hang onto his millions, while poor people are dying in America of cancer, because  the rich always find ways to suck off the system, while bitching at other people for staying around in America in surviving, after Richard Belzer's kind have sodomized America up the ass.

Only a liberal with 16 million dollars would never have it occur to them, that by cutting costs in France, they were cutting French and Americans out of healthcare and sentencing them to death.

It is always the same in no one speaks up for the poor in this world as it never occurs to the rich that they are exactly the thing they are damning everyone else in the world over.

Nom de Deus, 16 million dollars and so stupid you do not know 22 dollar French welfare is built on the corpses of poor Americans for almost 2 generations, and you pretend you are the caring one in the conversation.


Le petite Napoleon tête sans cervelle

Je mènerai en suivant Angela Merkel

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The  Lame  Cherry would like to explain the future to the People of France, as their leftists stole the election from Marine Le Pen, and they are now all celebrating their Little Napoleon, the Noveau Obama, the sperme of Jack Kennedy come to la vie, when in reality observing Emmanuel Macron follow President Hollande, one was reminded of the brain damaged poodle struck by a car in wondering which one of the four feet should be moving as he healed behind his master.

That is what Macron is. He is no Hosni Mubarak chosen by Anwar Sadat. He is no Medvedev as chosen by Putin. He is no Kim Jong Un as chosen by Kim Jong Il. Emanuel Macron is a subserviant socialist trained at the whoredom of a French pedophile.  He is the same boy of 15 fused in time, who made finance his god, as that was the only worth he felt and could control.

All of this has been noted by Angela Merkel as Little Napoleon will not need a leash for the Frau Fuehrer's commands. All of this has been noted by President Vladimir Putin who surveys Europe and assesses accurately that there is nothing of substance there to assist NATO or Donald Trump, as the females of France and Germany welcome Muslim rape cock as the males of Europe became Macron effeminate nursing at the nipple of body as sterilized of humanity and emotion as they are.

Emmanuel Merkel  Macron, will be a failure as President, as his socialists were before him. He can not govern for France is caught in the sophisticated delusion that their French makes them superior, like Obama being black made him alluring. That should have warned the French when an effeminate sodomite in Obama double was meddling in their elections to install another child of molestation. The failures of Obama and Jack Kennedy will follow Macron. Marcon is no man. Macron is no Napoleon. Marine Le Pen was absolutely correct in France would be ruled by a woman, whether it was a Merkel or a La Pen, and with Merkel she would have a pedophile wife to further degrade France to her bloody end.

What does Vladimir Putin see? What does the Muslim caliph see? It sees a France of unions who detest Macron and the Right who loathe this poodle. It sees the opportunity for the 52% who voted for Le Pen in victory to rise in militant action and all of those swarthy Muslims ready to burn 40,000 cars in France per year instead of 4000.

Macron will issue his French sounding statements from the Rothschild bank, retreat to failure, and disappoint all and the French will disavow him, and it is expected in that time frame that the Great Eurasia War should begin.
Think of the above as your savior in France, in battle against Putin. Macron is no Charles DeGaulle. Nom de Deus, DeGaulle could not even handle Adolf Hitler with a Manginot Line, where do you think Macron will be hiding? Under some pedophiles bed or will he flee to Quebec and tell  French to enjoy their rape and to die as true Frenchmen under Henry V.

France needed a Joan of Arc. France needed a Charles Martel. Instead France had her elections stolen for a feckless stain on a cloth that everyone wonders what they stepped in to pick that up.

This is your future France. This is what the seers of Europe foretold and this is what your rejection of the French Nation has impregnated you with in the bastard Macron.

Josef Stockert (1947)

In France the roads will be clogged by fleeing people and cars which cannot go forward and cannot go back. Men and women are used by the hostile army.  Those who refuse [orders] are shot.... Food and everything that the hostile army needs is taken from the population. The tank troops of the Russians will come up to the Rhine. The whole country will be full of strange soldiers who murder and rape the women without check. The people will possess neither property nor anything else. Many won't have a house and will have to live in hiding places."

You will learn to enjoy the sizzling sound of your ass mutton, broiled on the timbers of your homes, as you are raped to death by Asian hordes. If the Russians are game, they will blow your clean nuclear power plants to the pollution of your rotting moldy grape and cheese lands, to rid that land of the mongrels you are, and replace you with healthy and robust Russians.

War is coming to you dear France and what you have is Macron to feed you to Russian cannon and bullet.

Behold France, behold your master and the race destined to replace the curs you are.

Is not President Putin someone France would enjoy being exterminated for? Such a handsome and self assured leader who does not need women to tell him which leash to put on for the hour. It would be an honor to have your nation obliterated by such a leader. To have an historical footnote in, Vladimir Putin in war buried the French and saved humanity from those inferior genetics  now identified as the Macron gene.

Then there is the evidence of the faces of the Russian. A People who do not submit to communism, leftism, Marconism or Muslim Rape Cock. No, the Russian People are healthy, strong, virile and certain, in their  past, their present  and they know they have a future, when France has not realized she is a settled grave.

What beauty the Russian is compared to the Macronite, as let us be honest in the French do not deserve to be called French any longer. They do not belong in the race of Charles Martel, the Huguenots, Joan of Arc or Charlemagne. No, the French are Macronites, a sort of linoleum floor tile past it's wear and ready to be replaced.


Here is what Russians have in a past which drives them forward in 400,000 citizens in one city remembering their dead under Stalin and Hitler in a grande war of the ages.  And what of France, they have Macron.

There is no soul in France. France is a necrosis, a psychological event looking for death, but too cowardly to administer one of their nuclear bombs to cleanse their world of themselves, and instead lusting for the Russians to put them out of their frenchness.

These are the physicians for the French ailment. Behold the master race not in German faces, because that race is as in need of burial as the fallen leaves. The Slavic race, the superior race, the face of the future, and then remember the face of Macron.

But let not the world weep for France, as the oceans have enough salted tears.  For there is no reason to weep, as the French Lutherans settled in the New World in Quebec and are the true French race, which the British throne could not exterminate. President Putin being a fine leader will one day appeal to the Quebecois and bid them to restore the race of France to all she was, to join with Mother Russia in a continent of nationals and in hope by that age, ruled by Jesus the Christ, for in Him, the French and the Germans, will have a leader with a staff of steel, as  they are incapable of choosing a leader with any capacity to lead them to any place but a grave.

Nuff Said


Comme une autre exclusive de Lame Cherry en matière anti matter.

La Lame Cherry voudrait expliquer l'avenir au peuple de la France, alors que leurs gauchistes ont volé les élections de Marine Le Pen, et ils célèbrent maintenant leur petit Napoléon, le Noveau Obama, le sperme de Jack Kennedy, venu à la vie, Quand, en réalité, observant Emmanuel Macron suivre le président Hollande, on a rappelé que le cerveau a été endommagé par une voiture en se demandant lequel des quatre pieds devrait se déplacer alors qu'il guérissait derrière son maître.

C'est ce que Macron est. Il n'est pas Hosni Moubarak choisi par Anwar Sadat. Il n'est pas Medvedev choisi par Poutine. Il n'est pas Kim Jong Un tel que choisi par Kim Jong Il. Emanuel Macron est un socialiste subalterne formé à la prostitution d'un pédophile français. Il est le même garçon de 15 fusionné dans le temps, qui a rendu financiiste son dieu, car c'était la seule valeur qu'il ressentait et pouvait contrôler.

Tout cela a été noté par Angela Merkel car Little Napoleon n'aura pas besoin d'une laisse pour les commandes du Frau Fuehrer. Tout cela a été noté par le président Vladimir Poutine qui enquête sur l'Europe et évalue avec précision qu'il n'y a rien de substantiel pour aider l'OTAN ou Donald Trump, car les femmes de France et d'Allemagne accueillent les viols musulmans alors que les mâles d'Europe deviennent des nourrissons efféminés de Macron Au sein du corps comme stérilisé de l'humanité et de l'émotion qu'ils sont.

Emmanuel Merkel Macron, sera un échec en tant que président, comme ses socialistes étaient devant lui. Il ne peut pas gouverner pour la France est pris dans l'illusion sophistiquée que leur français les rend supérieurs, comme Obama étant noir l'a rendu séduisant. Cela aurait dû avertir les Français lorsqu'une sodomite efféminée à Obama double se mêlait de leurs élections pour installer un autre enfant de molestation. Les échecs d'Obama et Jack Kennedy suivront Macron. Marcon n'est pas un homme. Macron n'est pas Napoléon. Marine Le Pen était absolument correcte en France serait gouverné par une femme, qu'il s'agisse d'une Merkel ou d'un La Pen, et avec Merkel, elle aurait une épouse pédophile pour dégrader encore la France à son sang-froid.

Que voit Vladimir Poutine? Que voit le calife musulman? Il voit une France des syndicats qui déteste Macron et le droit qui déteste ce caniche. Il voit l'opportunité pour les 52% qui ont voté pour Le Pen en victoire pour se lancer dans une action militante et tous ces musulmans musulmans prêts à brûler 40 000 voitures en France par an au lieu de 4000.

Macron émettra ses déclarations de sonorité françaises de la banque de Rothschild, se retirera à l'échec, et décevra tout et le Français l'aura désavoué, et on s'attend à ce que la Grande Guerre d'Eurasie commence.
Pensez à ce qui précède comme votre sauveur en France, dans la lutte contre Poutine. Macron n'est pas Charles DeGaulle. Nom de Deus, DeGaulle ne pouvait même pas gérer Adolf Hitler avec une ligne Manginot, où pensez-vous que Macron va se cacher? Sous un lit de pédophiles ou va-t-il fuir à Québec et dire au français de profiter de son viol et de mourir en tant que vrais Français sous Henry V.

La France avait besoin d'une Jeanne d'Arc. La France avait besoin d'un Charles Martel. Au lieu de cela, la France a eu ses élections volées pour une tache feckless sur un chiffon que tout le monde se demande ce à quoi ils sont intervenus pour ramasser ça.

C'est votre future France. C'est ce que les voyants de l'Europe a prédit et c'est ce que votre rejet de la nation française vous a imprégné dans le bâtard Macron.

Josef Stockert (1947)

En France, les routes seront bouchées par des personnes qui fuient et des voitures qui ne peuvent pas aller de l'avant et ne peuvent pas revenir en arrière. Les hommes et les femmes sont utilisés par l'armée hostile. Ceux qui refusent [les ordres] sont tirés ... La nourriture et tout ce dont l'armée ennemie a besoin est retiré de la population. Les soldats des Russes viendront dans le Rhin. Tout le pays sera rempli de soldats étranges qui assassineront et violeront les femmes sans contrôle. Les gens ne posséderont ni propriété ni autre chose. Beaucoup n'auraient pas de maison et devront vivre dans des cachets.

Vous apprendrez à apprécier le son brûlant de votre cul de mouton, grillé sur les bois de vos maisons, car vous êtes violée par des hordes asiatiques. Si les Russes sont un jeu, ils exploseront vos centrales nucléaires propres à la pollution de vos terres de raisin et de fromage pourries et pourries, pour débarrasser cette terre des mongrels et vous remplacer par des Russes sains et robustes.

La guerre vient à vous, chère France, et ce que vous avez, c'est Macron qui vous alimente le canon et la balle russes.

Voici la France, voici votre maître et la course destinée à remplacer les cursus que vous êtes.

Le président Poutine n'est-il pas en mesure d'être exterminé pour la France? Un chef si beau et autonome qui n'a pas besoin de femmes pour lui dire quelle leash à mettre pour l'heure. Ce serait un honneur d'avoir effacé votre nation par un tel leader. Pour avoir une note de bas de page historique, Vladimir Poutine en guerre a enterré les Français et a sauvé l'humanité de la génétique inférieure maintenant identifiée comme le gène Macron.

Ensuite, il y a la preuve des visages du russe.

Un peuple qui ne se soumet pas au communisme, au gauchisme, au marconisme ou au viol musulman. Non, le peuple russe est sain, fort, viril et certain, dans son passé, son présent et savent qu'ils ont un avenir, alors que la France n'a pas compris qu'elle était une tombe bien établie.

Quelle beauté le russe est comparé à la Macronite, car nous soyons honnêtes en français ne méritent plus d'être appelés français. Ils n'appartiennent pas à la race de Charles Martel, aux huguenots, à la joan d'arc ou au charlemagne. Non, les Français sont des Macronites, une sorte de carrelage en linoléum après l'usure et prêt à être remplacé.

Voici ce que les Russes ont dans un passé qui les conduit dans 400 000 citoyens dans une ville en rappelant leurs morts sous Staline et Hitler dans une grande guerre des âges. Et qu'en France, ils ont Macron.

Il n'y a pas d'âme en France. La France est une nécrose, un événement psychologique à la recherche de la mort, mais trop lâche pour administrer l'une de ses bombes nucléaires pour nettoyer leur monde d'elles-mêmes, et à la fois convoiter les Russes pour les éloigner de leur charité.

Ce sont les médecins pour la maladie française. Voici la race maîtresse qui n'est pas dans les visages allemands, parce que cette race a besoin d'enterrement que les feuilles tombées. La race slave, la race supérieure, la face du futur, puis souvenez-vous du visage de Macron.

Mais que le monde ne pleure pas pour la France, car les océans ont assez de larmes salées. Car il n'y a pas de raison de pleurer, comme les luthériens français se sont installés dans le Nouveau Monde au Québec et sont la vraie race française, que le trône britannique ne pouvait pas exterminer. Le président Poutine étant un bon leader fera appel un jour aux Québécois et leur proposera de restaurer la race de France à tout ce qu'elle était, de se joindre à Mère Russie dans un continent de ressortissants et d'espérer par cet âge, gouverné par Jésus le Christ, Car en Lui, les Français et les Allemands, auront un chef d'équipe avec un corps d'acier, car ils sont incapables de choisir un chef capable de les conduire à n'importe quel lieu, sauf une tombe.

Nuff a déclaré

The Serbian Seer

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Swedish seer Anton Johansson has a record of seeing the San Francisco earthquake and other bonafides. He makes some telling predictions in this current time line, as they honestly fit what are modern headlines and logical response to the world events all are witnessing now.

We can all be pleased human stupidity destroyed the Lame Cherry pax.

Anton Johansson, Sweden (1858-1909)

Johansson predicted the following information which other seers pointed to.

    1) India will be occupied by china.

    2) New diseases used as weapons will cause 25 million people to die.

    3) Persia and Turkey will be conquered by what seem to be Russian troops.

    4) Revolutionaries will instigate unrest and war in India and Egypt to facilitate the occupation of India and Europe.

    5) The Russians will conquer the Balkans.

    6) There will be great destruction in Italy.

    7) The "red storm" will approach France through Hungary, Austria, northern Italy and Switzerland. France will be conquered from inside and outside.

    8) American supply depots will fall into Russian hands.

    9) Germany will be attacked from the east.

    10) There will be a civil war, Germans will fight against Germans.

    11) The Eastern Bloc will cause a civil war in England.

    12) Russia will lead a mass attack against the United States, so U.S. forces will be prevented from reinforcing Europe.

    13) New weapons will cause huge hurricanes and firestorms in the USA where the largest cities will be destroyed.
