Saturday, August 5, 2017

For the Love of Putin

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Back in the 1970's, Russians were always shown propaganda by the Soviet of Americans, but the Russians were looking at all the nice cars the American had, so the propaganda failed.

Donald Trump does not comprehend propaganda toward Americans, or he would not be sitting on a golf course, with other suits, but instead be communicating to the American People who voted for Donald Trump, that Vladimir Putin is their American Dream come true.

President Putin gets all the leftist press in a wet spot over his shirtless photos, but what Americans are seeing is a Vladimir Putin who they understand.

Here is Mr. Putin, speaking to the aristocratic trout fisherman of America.

Here is Mr. Putin, speaking to the every day Joe, perch fisherman.

Here is Mr. Putin speaking to the adventurous American Northern Pike fisherman.

Vladimir Putin even hunts fish underwater as he is the Putinest Putin on the Planet!!!!!!!

Vladimir Putin is talking to Christian Americans cut out of the Trump junta.


Vladimir Putin is speaking to the heart of the American Dream, as everyone dreams of Alaska and Canada for a tiaga fishing trip.....including Don jr.

See Vladimir Putin goes into the American Dream for his vacations, and speaks to people of the land from Finland to Hungary, and every nationalist enclave from Scotland to Argentina, while Donald Trump sits behind a gated private resort, with rich snobs who loathe Americans.

Mr. President Trump would not even be aware like all of his cabinet that the perch above was a trophy fish in all the glory of Russia.

Donald Trump talks the American Dream, while Vladimir Putin lives the American Dream, and is telling every American and European heart, "Hey I understand you, and you understand me. My Soldiers will rape themselves out in the cities and it will not be so bad for my friends in the West who have guns and are just like me wearing your army surplus and not your expensive Cabelas wear and hanging out in country clubs."

Nuff Said



tō·w·ḵām: In the Midst

 It is such a pretty and serene day today on this Sabbath

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Sharing the Bible reading the Holy Ghost opened for study  and revelation this day.

And our adversaries said, They shall not know, neither see, till we come in the midst among them, and slay them, and cause the work to cease.

Nehemiah 4:11

Time to tend the animals, and a walk in the sun between showers.


Trump White Paper: Building a Korean Nuclear Wall of Protection

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The key element in North Korea is not North Korea, nor their nuclear arsenal, but the synergy of keeping communist China and Putin Russia from entering North Korea, by assistance or military reinforcement as the Harry Truman police action in the Korean War, in which Truman refused the solution of nuclear checkmate of the Chicoms by General Douglas MacArthur, which has created this festering mess that Donald Trump rips the scab off and in McMaster neocon idiocrity vamps between bandaging it with Rex Tillerson or poking it with a stick by McMaster.

This analysis by the Lame Cherry is designed to deal with the four Presidents involved in Kim, Xi, Trump and Putin, by placing America as the cause and effect.

It is assessed that North Korea can not be isolated without triggering a military response from Peking and Moscow. The correct method of isolating North Korea would be to dust the Yalu border with Cobalt 60, creating a death zone. The international problem is it would kill too many of the North Korean population, and trigger unfavorable results as the harbors of North Korea are too numerous to shut down with nuclear mines,  and if that effective measure was so initiated, a nuclear detonation of a Russian or Chinese tanker would heighten the state to war.

It therefore return to the Lame Cherry original protocols that Japan must produce nuclear weapons and arm herself, and arm in the Nuclear Asian Response, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Vietnam in a lend lease.

South Korea will be supplied with cobalt hydrogen bombs and neutron bombs. The cobalt bombs will be designed to create in a conflict a 300 mile DMZ corridor north of the DMZ, a no man's land in which all who enter will perish.
This checks the Russian and Chinese intervention in the event of war.

The purpose of this is to place a line in the sand, as North Korea has gained nuclear weapons breaking treaties with America in aid assistance, the region then becomes nuclearized.

The NAR  posts a warning that if Kim Jong Un fires one more missile, conducts one more test which the NAR deems is threatening, then Phase II is initiated.

Phase II involves Operation Toxic Pill. In this phase, the United States and Japan provide South Korea with the necessary cobalt 60 and plutonium to seed the entire DMZ with radioactive material in response to any additional threatening moves by North Korea.

The North Koreans are playing with nuclear warfare, then let radioactive toxicity be their border which is certain death.

If North Korea does not cease and begin disarming their nuclear weapons, and continues to threaten the NAR, then PHASE III is initiated in seeding the Yalu region with plutonium and cobalt 60 to isolate North Korea by land, and by this blockade produce thee effect for Peking and Moscow that their client state is now a toxic reality and all commerce moving by land is radioactive.

With this setting up of the graduated battlefield, the toxicity of the Yalu and the Incheon borders, China and Russia will be incapable of introducing any army into North Korea as the soldiers would be of extremely low morale and revolt in being introduced to a toxic radioactive bottle.


PHASE IV would involve surgical atomic strikes on all North Korean military assets.

It is deemed at any time during this process that North Korea may respond with military violence. In that event, the NAR would respond with surgical nuclear strikes to remove the nuclear sites of North Korea, with a full ringing of Pyongyang with cobalt 60 and plutonium.
It is deemed progressive to create hot zones at the railway and road centers of North Korea, in this graduated response, to Balkanize North Korea of safe zones and hot zones.
The result of this process in making North Korea too expensive for Russia or China to supply or occupy.

It is concluded in the above by the graduated effect, that the United States nor the NAR would receive a nuclear strike from the principles in responding, as the toxicity of North Korea would make her unsavory to China and Russia, and the Chinese and Russians by statistical margins will not begin a nuclear exchange over North Korea.

This concludes the Lame Cherry assessment of the tactical necessity of North Korea, in answer to the hot cold HR McMaster blundering of ships in the Sea of Japan, no ships in the Sea of Japan, Lindsey Graham all out war, Rex Tilllerson no regime change.
The Trump Administration has not had any concise direction on North Korea. It could offer the carrot of the Lame Cherry in gardens and Bibles, against the coming confrontation. There must be continuity in Trump policy which is missing. HR McMaster and Mad Dog Mattis have failed the President as much as Rex Tillerson. The above scenario, once agreed to by Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam and South Korea, must be adhered to and not deviated from with complete propaganda support in media by all nations involved.

What is the hot cold policy of America is not working and will not work, as it has not worked with Moscow or Peking. It will require real actions of toxic nature to make the belligerents pay without dropping bombs, but engaging in modern nuclear walls of protection. This is the most logical and best tactical solution to North Korea, now that it was placed on the front burner by Mr. Trump in what has become feckless policy.

One makes foreign policy in what you can control, to make the adversary uncomfortable to come to your position, before you engage in the next serious step on your side of the diplomatic line.

- Lame Cherry

As this has been started by Mr. Trump, it must now be finished with correct outcome, as there is not any walking away, now that North Korea has ICBM's with the ability of multiple warheads striking 10 American cities at a firing.

Nuff Said



In Your God Time

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Two days ago the Holy Ghost led me to a Bible verse in Isaiah, chapter 45, verse 7 which was meant to fascinate me, and as I never with this blog have any time for Bible study, I have been pondering this verse for some time, as the central theme of this lecture toward Cyrus the Great, Emperor of Persia, is the omnipotent nature of God, and that God even creates evil. Before though that cements into your infant minds, that will be addressed in the discourse it was meant, and not what the sloven would jump to with satanic definitions.

I form the light and create the darkness.  I make peace [National Well Being] and I create [physical] evil (calamity);  I am the Lord, Who does all of these things.

Isaiah 45:7
(Moral evil proceeds from the will of men, but physical evil proceeds from the Will of God.)

I form the light and make the dark. I make good times and bad. I, Jehovah, am He Who does these things.

Isaiah 45:7
Living Bible

In the above, we note that God does not create spiritual evil, but instead state He creates in this world calamity. In other parts of the Bible evil, translates as serious, bad, ugly, ill favored, wicked, harm, hurt, sore, mischief, harboring an evil inside, troubled, grievous, and perhaps the one which most people will understand best in adversity.

This is the ra' or God creates adversity, in response to the rebellious, sinful or perverted self serving choices that people couch in their hearts, entertain, and then act out in. A person or nation does evil, or is in rebellion against God's nature of being immoral in destroying the creative work of God or uncaring in destroying the creative works of God, then God does not empower national prosperity or peace, and individuals and societies receive the disorder which they have sown into themselves, their communities and their nations.

The word ra' is an adjective, not a known or a verb. It means that it amplifies an action, which is most interesting in the reality if one does good it returns 50 to 1000 times and if one does evil, it returns 50 to 1000 times on the person. Ra' is an amplification of the action of a verb.

Numbers 11:1
HEB: הָעָם֙ כְּמִתְאֹ֣נְנִ֔ים רַ֖ע בְּאָזְנֵ֣י יְהוָ֑ה
NAS: like those who complain of adversity in the hearing
INT: now the people complain of adversity the hearing of the LORD

I desire for you to even examine the word create, as that word yowser, (YO w ser). That word translates form, which again is from series of words in the Bible, linked to earthen, to make, devises, frameth, fashioned, in all of these, this is a hands on, intimate, continuous work like the Great Architect, conceiving the idea in mind, drawing a white print, finding the site to build, employing the contractors, the bankers, the construction workers, visiting the lumberyard, knowing the nails, touching the wet cement, walking the floors, examining the roof, decorating the house, planting the lawn in landscaping.
Most will never contemplate when God says He forms adversity in response to rebellion against Him or as a trial, God has already examined thee entire situation from before it began, to the trials of it, to the lessons in it, to past the conclusion, in how it will affect the person, others, the community, and how good people and evil people will respond.
This is not just some bolt from the blue, or some brimstone on Sodom and the cities of the plain. When God says He creates, He forms everything with as much detail as He did with you in the womb.

In moving on the word Lord is utilized, and while Jehovah is in the Living Bible, the Name in Hebrew is Yaweh, the same Name, but it is connected to Ani', or I AM. In this, when God answers Moses as to what Name He is to be introduced to the Hebrews, He responds  I AM the I AM, and in this it is different from the Lord translated as Adonai, or king. This is I AM WHO I AM, forming Peace and Adversity, as reward and reckoning, trial and judgment, on those who love Me and those who hate Me.
God was informing thee most powerful Emperor on earth, that God was more than mere king, God is a continuous forming motion.

Peace or good is from salowm, which is (SAY LOW wum). You will recognize it as shalom. It is a beautiful Christlike word in meaning well, ease, health, safe, prosperity, favor, welfare, perfect. Again as all encompassing word as form.

In all of this, God teaching in Isaiah to the most powerful person then in the world, the lesson of Paul by the same Holy Ghost, in there are lessons in the physical world of God makes the light and the darkness, and in those physical realities, we can know that people are happier in the light, things grow in the light, you are safer in not falling in the light, and you can find things in the light, while in the dark we need a light to see in order to find security. That simple lesson translates to the light or darkness or our wills, which is amplified in this world in if we do the things God says in actions which are moral, we have settled lives, but if we disobey God's moral laws, then all sorts of upheaval appears to correct the good and to bring self destruction on the evil.

I utilized Bible Hub, which is online for this commentary in teaching. It provides insights to each word in a verse so that you can understand the full meaning. I always pray before reading the Bible, and look for answers afterwards in the Holy Ghost, but I also have commentaries, and numerous Bible translations, and study helps Strong's in a Bible Plus, which I do not have on this laptop.
Reading the Bible is not all people should do. They must study the Bible and in most cases it is one verse, in context within that chapter, and then dissecting it word for word, to ponder everything God was teaching in that one sentence. If you noticed in this God says things in 20 Words, and it requires me several hundred to begin to touch on the meaning of the depths of what God is saying.

You do not have have to learn to speak Hebrew, read Hebrew or follow around Jews with foreign assistance, as God knows what English is, and knows who you are in His. I state that because there are far too many who think that being Catholic or some other sect puts you in better standing with God. Adam was not created a Jew and Abraham was not a Catholic. It is your personal relationship with God which matters, and that begins with forming your actions to God's moral directions, called repentance, communing with God in Spirit which is prayer, and pondering His Living Word which is God's Presence in you in the Holy Ghost guiding you.
Worship is important at home and in a non sodomite Church where God's Presence is, but it begins with a forming of yourself in God's forming by pondering the Bible.

I do not want to have anyone think though that God gives you adversity if you are His to ever harm you. Adversity is meant to strengthen His Spirit in you, and to build a foundation in you as you grow in Faith as that is why you are here. Just like you are not a child who can not police yourself from keeping your hands out of a cookie jar, the mistakes you made last year, you will not make this year.
Adversity though for evil people is the manifestation of their selfishness which brings their destruction.

You waste enough time each day on the garbage of words, you should invest the 15 minutes to the hour in just pondering a Bible verse, looking up the various meanings of words and then having God teach you by His Holy Ghost. You will certainly feel much better, freer, cleaner and at rest, than plinking away at Facebook in your God time.

Perhaps that is what I will once again discipline myself with in not trying to get donations from deadbeats in exclusives, but instead post more teachings from Scripture as that has been lost too much along this way.

Nuff Said


Roads into Ploughshares

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The mark of revolutionary generals is not their battlefield tactics as General William Tecumseh Sherman, no more than General George Patton developed blitzkrieg or lightning warfare, as that was something perfected years before in Alexander the Great.

What set General Patton apart was his first use of tanks with fighter bombers. The devastating dimensions which General Patton engaged the enemy of Germany, like Hannibal crossing the mountains on elephants, were what set George Patton apart from other field marshals of his time.

The more I study Lt. General James Longstreet of the Confederate American Army, I appreciate more the words of President Andrew Johnson to General Longstreet in stating that only three people could never be pardoned nor have amnesty from the Union, in Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and James Longstreet.

That will puzzle many as history has smeared and placed General Longstreet into oblivion, but he was not only the American Napoleon of 1860, but he was the most masterful battle general, field general, commanding general and visionary that the Civil War produced, as he simply has the Union officers swearing at him constantly as he so beat them and frustrated them.

I am going to provide an example of General Longstreet which to most will seem as nothing, but it was everything, and it broke every military doctrine to the past, and regrettably was never repeated as it is an art of absolute warfare.

The glamorous impediments to the enemy are Hollywood in blowing up bridges, and we have all witnessed Robin Hood felling trees across the road. General Longstreet though decided that instead of impediments of bridges to slow down an army or trees to impede the path, that the real solution was to roll up the roads that armies traveled on and spirit them away.

This sounds impossible, and yet the General employed the most unglamorous of tools in the iron plough. He ploughed every road up when he retreated and ploughed up every road for an enemy approach.
An army can not move with ease its horses over lumpy roads, nor can wagons when the road was dry. As the campaigns educated General Longstreet to the dirt roads all becoming swamps, in wearing horses out and wagons sun to their axels.
General Longstreet simply helped the quagmire by deepening it, providing a pool for the rain to sit in, instead of run off, so the roads would not dry. In effect, General Longstreet with a few ploughs was able to slow an army down and wear it out, so it was not in top form to be ready to fight his corp.

These moves brought Sherman's army into remote 
bearing upon our army at Richmond, and as a matter of 
course it began to receive more careful attention from 
General Lee. In order to better guard our position on the 
north side, I ordered, in addition to the timber obstruc- 
tions over White Oak Swamp, the roads leading around 
towards our left to be broken up by subsoil ploughs, so as 
to make greater delay of any movements in that direction 
during the winter rains, and wrote to ask General Lee if 
he could not order the roads upon which General Grant 
would probably march against the Southside Railroad 
broken in the same way ; also suggesting that the roads 
in Georgia upon which General Sherman was marching 
could be obstructed in this and other ways so as to delay 
and annoy his march, with the possibility that it might 
eventually be broken up. 

As one can witness, he was desperate in trying to move Robert E. Lee to order this all throughout the Union march to slow it down. In the last desperate months, Longstreet knew that General Sherman was coming out of Georgia to attack them in joining up with General Grant, so the solution was to break up the roads in South Carolina with such impediments that it literally would break Sherman's equipment, his stock and his Soldiers down from the toil in the mud. In effect, if Lee would have so ordered this, Sherman's army would have been broken, isolated and had to have made an attempt to march to the ocean to gain supplies on shoreline.
Sherman actually did make that march, but unimpeded. What Longstreet envisioned was Sherman in rags, his cavalry broken, his artillery unable to move, and General Joseph Johnson falling upon it and shattering the remnants.

General E. E. Lee, 

Commanding : 

General, — From the report of scouts received yesterday, it 
seems that the Tenth Corps is still on this side, or if it 
went over to the south side, has returned. The information, 
too, seems to indicate the arrival of the Sixth Corps 
from the Valley. 

Under these circumstances it will be necessary for me to force 
the enemy to develop the extent of his move on this side 
before taking any more of my troops to the south side. This 
I shall do, of course, as rapidly as possible. I am going 
to have the roads leading from White Oak Swamp to the 
Williamsburg road well broken up with subsoil ploughs. I think 
that the enemy will then have to build a corduroy there 
as he moves. He surely will, if I can have a good gentle rain 
after the roads are thoroughly ploughed. Can't you apply 
this idea to advantage on your side on the roads that General 
Grant will be obliged to travel if he goes to Burkeville? 
I don't know, however, but that it would be better for us 
to go to Burkeville and block the roads behind him. If the 
roads that General Sherman must travel to get to Charleston 
or Savannah can be thoroughly ploughed and the trees felled 
over them, I think that General Sherman will not be able 
to get to his destination in fifty days, as the Northern 
papers expect ; and it is not thought to be possible that 
he can collect more than fifty days' rations before reaching 
the coast. If the parties are properly organized, I think 
that they might destroy or injure all of the roads so as 
to break down General Sherman's animals, and result in the 
capture of most of his forces. 

I remain, very respectfully, yours most obediently, 


Lieutenant- General, 

It makes a great deal more sense why the Northern regime would never pardon Longstreet, because his methods of warfare made nothing easy for the enemy and in every case the enemy was beaten, and they wanted no part of James Longstreet's Corp.

In that, I often wondered in studying maps, why Longstreet was never the focal point of the Union commands, and often it fell to General Stonewall Jackson.  The reality is an army attacks the weak points on the field, and General Longstreet never had any weak points on his lines, as he was meticulous in preparations and the order of battle.

This is the genius of Lt. General James Longstreet hidden in the annals of the war, and never noted for his encompassing vision of utilizing every part of a battlefield, including the weather.

The key to victories is to wear the enemy out before it can attack, and do so with the least amount of resources.
