Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Lighting up Donald Trump

Frackin' cylons all belong out the Air Lock

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


North Korea details Guam strike plan and calls Trump warning 'nonsense'

Pyongyang says it will launch four missiles into waters ‘30-40km’ off US territory in clear attempt to goad the US president

As a warning in this is being lost in the fury over North Korea.

The Lame Cherry told you China and Russia created North Korea as their front in the Pacific against American hegemony. They produced the missiles and nuclear warheads, including the H bomb, which Clinton bribes funded.

Russia and China are now utilizing their asset in North Korea to light up the American defenses to test those systems, expose those systems, in order to gauge American capabilities, in order to deal with them in the event of a nuclear first strike or response.

That is what all of this is about, and it does not make any difference what Donald Trump knows or understands, because this is McMaster NeoLiberals and Cohn financiers running this Obama Clinton Bush policy. So it concludes the President is either a dolt or a traitor, because he is either not intelligent enough to see through this problem or is progressing this treachery.

There is absolutely no sound advice in this White House as the greater part of American security is being revealed and is about to be revealed in Kim Jong Un moving the President with John McCain and Obama's witch hunt, into a position where American national security secrets are being shown to American adversaries to be exploited by them.

I would advise the President if he would listen to Christian advice over the din inside, if he had anything American left in him from 2016 yet, that he is making a huge mistake and about to hand over to the Eurasians the greatest secrets of American national security.
Leaks come in many forms.  This blog first posted the President was being played by China, by his Kushner weak side, now you know the greater part of lighting up this board.

It is calculated that 4 missiles will provide a statistical test on the entire American Aegis system.

Battlestar Galactica - All Along the Watchtower - YouTube

Full version of All Along the Watchtower -

Nuff Said



For Brutal Intimidation

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

One expects surprise, in the black of the night, terror raids, in regimes like Pyongyang, Tehran and Rhodesia, as that is what the police state does to subjects. It is what took place under Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo. It is what is America now in nothing has changed under President Donald Trump.

It reminds one of the railroading of Governor Blagojevich, John Edwards. It reminds one of the bleeding out of LaVoy Finicum after another deep state raid flushed those Americans to their peril and death. It reminds one of death sentences for the Bundy supporters. It reminds one of Sheriff Joe Arpiao, the latest political prisoner in America.

So much was made by liberals of the witch hunts of Senator Joseph McCarthy, but what is the difference in McCarthy to Bobby Kennedy railroading mobster competitors into prison of Patrick Fitzgerald terrorizing Americans for years in Plamegate, when he already knew everyone he targeted was innocent.

America has a new witch hunt, like the old ones against Richard Nixon by Archibald Cox going beyond Watergate, Ray Donavan targeted as leverage against Ronald Reagan, Lawrence Walsh running a coup against HW Bush, Ken Starr bringing Bill Clinton to heel, and now Robert Mueller is taking the already mistrusted FBI due to Mueller's protege in James Comey abusing all authority there, and has unleashed them in a thug act against Paul Manafort, which is designed with the same purpose as raids against the Branch Davidians, Ruby Ridge, Hutatree, to send a message of terror to the Citizens, that the police state will protect the system at all costs.

It is all the same unAmerican, distasteful and disgusting abuse of power and authority which in the year of 1776 at America's founding, was being engaged in by the English rulers to terrorize the American to submit to tyranny.

Yes, Muellerstate is the terror police state, terrorizing Paul Manafort for crimes he never committed in hiding money, the same way the Clinton's are not being prosecuted for.

Muellerstate, the troubling reality of what Donald Trump was elected to protect Americans from, and not one FBI agent resigning in protest of tyranny old as Nimrod, now as PLA, KGB and whatever else has been exposed as the definition of corruption in it's worst brutality.

Billy Budd - Wikipedia

Billy Budd, Sailor is the final ... mutiny throughout the British fleet. Condemned to be hanged the ... of Billy Budd in 1955, starring a young ...


Mr. President doesn't need his base.......

 It's ok daddy, you don't need your base to win, because Jeb Bush
said so..........

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Americans are held hostage and would rather pay extortion than submit to the Neo Junta ruling America from the West Wing Cabal.

FREEDOM TAX: 6.5 million pay fine to avoid Obamacare...

And it is not just the 6.5 million paying extortion money, but the 25 million who can not afford to pay the fines, and are terrorized each year being force to submit evidence to keep themselves out of prison.

Millions of uninsured Americans exempt from ObamaCare ...

Aug 07, 2014 · A new congressional report has estimated that more than 25 million Americans without health insurance will not be made to pay a penalty in 2016 due to an ...

Last time I did the math, that would be 31.5 million voters.

Last time I checked in the vote fraud margins the 2016 election was running this tally.

As of Wednesday evening, hours after Clinton called Trump to concede, the former secretary of state clung to a narrow lead in the popular vote, 47.7%-47.5%.
She had 59,755,284 votes, according to CNN's tally, with 92% of the expected vote counted. Trump had 59,535,522. That difference of 219,762 is razor-thin considering the nearly 120 million votes counted so far.

Thost 31.5 million Americans voted for Donald Trump, because Mr. Trump promised to end the mandatemand yet we are reading that 6.5 million Americans are being tormented in this legal jeopardy, having money extorted from them in the billions in paying this fine, the other 25 million on waivers are stuck filing EVERY YEAR the proof to not get the fine which they can not afford, because that is what I am forced to do, churning up my world.

I am reminded every day that I am stuck with this mandate and Donald Trump did not keep his promise. Mr. President said it was Mike Pence and Reince Priebus who would get this done in liberating Americans, and they failed. That makes this Mr. President's responsibility, not the crooks in Congress.

Only 13 million Republicans voted for Mr. Trump. There are 31.5 million Americans who are the GOP majority who are not going to forget they have been lied to again as this is about their deaths and their taxes.

This is the President's responsibility and none of these sham rah rah rallies are going to fool the people another day. That is why Mr. President does not venture over the Mississippi River as the People of the West have already decided in Sheriff Joe being abandoned, the Bundy's persecuted and Sarah Palin kicked to the curb, what kind of rewards the President protects his supporters with.

It is beyond foolish for anyone to antagonize or ignore a voting block of 31.5 million Americans, and yet Hillary Clinton did it in 2016 and now Mr. President has gone whole hog in 2017 in ignoring them.

Nuff Said




Let's talk about this some more as Ivanka says it dupes Americans
by making me look more caring.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Mr. President is focusing on opiod crisis in America, and like most crisis, the crisis is a farce, as it could be neutralized by self control and enforcing the law.

Coming Up This Week

Today, Secretary Price will join President Trump in Bedminster, New Jersey, for a briefing on the opioid crisis. Tomorrow, the Secretary will attend HHS Night at the Nationals Park in Washington D.C.

The Lame Cherry will break this down on Mr. President's lack of communication in what this is in the opiod crisis.

First let us have a Wikipedia definition:

Opioids include opiates, an older term that refers to such drugs derived from opium, including morphine itself. Other opioids are semi-synthetic and synthetic drugs such as hydrocodone, oxycodone and fentanyl; antagonist drugs such as naloxone; and endogenous peptides such as the endorphins

Those are the synthetics, and the natural grows in the Obama poppy fields of Mexico and Afghanistan which Mr. Trump inherited.
Now that we understand what we are dealing with, we can progress to the situation of this is all based in money in street corner traffic, worth three million dollars on every city street corner where this traffick is allowed, because it is allowed by the police force, because that money is laundered into those strip businesses of the franchise pizza and whatever that you always see empty, and once it is on the books there it profits Wall Street and your local banks who get the deposits, and the funds then show up in politicians pockets who all look the other way, as this is how metro and Indian America operates.

So that is the finance of it in Gary Cohn's Wall Street makes out like bandits in this, and everyone knows this is taking place, just like the politicians know, and that money then ends up in speculation like the Kushner investors looking for funds to dump into front businesses.
What you think the Chicoms invest in America, because that money is legitimate? It is all fraud double end leveraged money off of slave labor, dope traffick and the gem of the human trade of Chicoms like Mexicans sowing their mongrels into America who then send billions home to those slave states to prop them up.

Now for the solution which Mr. President has no intention of engaging in, because  this standing around and having meetings, with millions more in funding being given to more regime employees to not enforce the law, is all a front to keep the Wall Street finance propped up with black market funding.

Pretty simple in they can RFID chip socks, and they can put serial numbers on diamonds, so pharmaceutical pills can all be etched, and when they show up where they are not supposed to be on the streets, the President signs Wanted Dead and Dead Warrants, and the Big Pharm suits are taken out and shot, the dope dealers are taken out and shot, the doctors are taken out and shot, the fake patients are taken out and shot, and the politicians are taken out and this a dozen times, and you will be amazed how quickly the opiate crisis ends.

Same point in the poppy fields. Bomb them with naplam, spray them with atrazine, shoot all the farmers who grow the dope, the Muslim and Mexican dope lords, the dealers and voila the opium crisis ends.

As hooch weed is now legal, just hand that out by the bale, break that racket too, and doped up opiate heads, go up in a puff of smoke and the problem ends.

Granted the billions in the financier dope trade disappears and all those franchises go office space, but it is not like I am Mr. President hanging around with the white collar dregs who pretend they are so above it all, when the fact is all this finance is nothing but goddamn underworld crime.

The world was better when the mafia ran things, as the mafia kept the dope trade out, and policed the entire situation, as they gave jobs to dock workers, unionists and card dealers at casinos, and people worked and lived productive lives.

So if Mr. President was serious about ending the opiod crisis, he would not be calling it by some asstard name no one knows what the hell it is, and he would have unleashed the dogs like President Reagan did as Nancy just said NO.

Once again the Lame Cherry filling in the blanks in matter anti matter exclusives and my children and you brats, now you know if the President is serious, because once again the cheap solution is posted, and if the President was serious, the problem would disappear in 6 months to a 97% completion.

Make me American Protector General, Mr. President and it will get done, but understand that my authority goes to the White House and when those leakers start warning the dope lords on Wall Street, those leakers are going to get the same justice as McCain's ISIS in Syria.

All of that is fiction, as nothing is going to be done, as this post is simply to expose the fraud of this, in there is a solution, has been a solution, and nothing is done, because the financiers are running this, and their bought politicians call off the DEA and military from shutting this all down, and the President's friends and associates all are part of this filthy lucre, as this is the grease which runs finance.

Nuff Said



McCain makes you a Nuclear Target

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is a headline from the Washington Examiner and in this American utopia of witch hunts and rationed death, the nuclear smudge pot of global war are not being paid attention to, as this is the Trump junta, run by John McCain and his lethal puppet, HR McMaster, in a place none of you have ever heard of.

The obscure Eastern European country that could further roil US-Russia relations in 2017

The problem is the Russians have heard of Transnistria and they are absolutely aware of what the globalists are up to, and why this matters to each of you, is if this is the eruption point with Russia, then the Americans there will make this a direct nuclear exchange point for Russian missiles falling in the United States.

Transnistria appeared after the fall of the Soviet Union, when they declared their independence, sitting on the western Ukraine border and on the eastern Molodovan border. In 1992 a war broke out as Molodova attempted to annex this slice of earth, and these Russian speaking people fought them off, for their autonomous governance, and this is where it all now come to strategic push and shove, as Molodova is supposed to be neutral, western Ukraine is McCain Nazi, in between is Transnistria with Russian peacekeeping troops, and on eastern Ukraine is Russian Donbass with McCain Kiev shelling the Russians there with bombs.

A country of roughly 3.6 million people, Moldova initially watched Russia’s incursions into and takeover of territory in Moldova’s much larger eastern neighbor, Ukraine, with unease. Since 1992, Russian military units – officially, peacekeepers – have been stationed in Transnistria, a largely Russian-speaking area bordering Ukraine that declared its independence from Moldovan rule in 1990.

Remember in this, that Moldova is supposed to be neutral, and yet not only is NATO running exercises there, but the United States in June of this year, was building a forward Naval military training base there for the European, African and Asian command.
Just imagine if Russia started building bases on the Apache Indian Reservation in the American Southwest, if this would be a worry for Americans, and yet this is one more senseless and aggressive action which the warmongers that Donald Trump has appointed, after he promised peace with Russia.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said Monday that the US Navy's plans to construct facilities for urban military training in Moldova are an indicator that the United States has started preparing Moldova's special forces for a potential military conflict with Transnistria.

So with the Russians on edge, President Dodon of Moldova, apparently has no idea what the hell is going on in his own nation, as Dodon stated Moldova will not join NATO, as they must remain neutral according to their Constitution, but somewhere in this Individual Partnership the United States Navy is building a forward operational and training base, right next to the Russian peacekeepers in Transnistria.

 Dodon has repeatedly stressed that NATO membership was unacceptable for Moldova, which needed to remain neutral, and opposed participation of the Moldovan military in NATO drills.
Moldova is constitutionally neutral, which means it does not participate or support any belligerents in wars. At the same time, Moldova has been cooperating with NATO since joining the Partnership for Peace in 1994. The cooperation also extends to the Individual Partnership Action Plan, which Moldova became a part of in 2006.

The majority of Moldovans in 84% do not want any part of NATO, and yet somehow this small nation by McCain and McMaster footprint has made itself one of the biggest scorched earth nuclear targets in the world.

The most recent opinion poll shows that Moldovan support for the Euro-Atlantic alliance is far from robust. In a November 2015 survey, the bi-annual Barometer of Public Opinion, only 16 percent of 1,160 respondents stated that NATO membership “would be the best solution for ensuring the security of our country” – a figure only two percentage points above the 2014 number. Fifty percent of respondents preferred neutrality.

To explain all of this in real terms. Transnistria is an indefensible piece of ground in war, and an absolutely vulnerable projection point for Russia in an invasion or annexation as Ukraine is in the way. It is not that Russia can not easily roll through the Baltic states or Ukraine, but it is the fact that America antagonizing Russia in this base, making a neutral nation in Moldova a slaughter pit target, and therefore the Continental United States a nuclear target over an absolutely non strategic area is not policy protecting thee American People, which is supposed to be the oath of the President and the mandate of the Pentagon.
This is about globalists seeking a coup against Vladimir Putin, to seize Russian natural resources for their exploitation, and using American Soldiers as nuclear bait and the American People as nuclear fodder.

Any of you can tell me that building a NAVAL BASE ON A LANDLOCKED NATION, in the middle of eastern Europe and on the Russian front is something that America just has to have to keep America safe, and America will cease without being in Moldova, are liars just like John McCain and HR McMaster. All this is, is one more tripwire to start a nuclear war with Russia.

None of this is in United States national interests. This is about globalists making Americans nuclear hostages for their profits.

You want to die for Transnistria? HR McMaster, John McCain and this entire coup plotting junta with the Cohn bankers and Pence conglomerates want you to. It is all the same if it is Obama bankers and Clinton conglomerates. This was initiated under Barack Hussein Obama and Donald Trump has not done one thing to roll any of this back.

Nom de Deus, it is the US interest to have Russia expending resources sandwiched between two Western allied nations in Moldova and Ukraine. It is not in American interests to make American Citizens nuclear targets that is absolutely not in any of their interests.

Nuff Said


The Civil War 1865

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have addressed previously the fallacy and racism of the Lost Cause promoted by the failed Jubal Early after the Civil War in attempted to shift the blame to General James Longstreet. The year though 1865 in the late winter or early spring of that year is important to understand in the war was not lost if measures had been taken at that critical point.

General Longstreet had fought the Union forces in  Tennessee to stalemate, had returned to Virginia for the Wilderness Campaign and been severely wounded. He returned to active duty command in early 1865 and began formulating a necessary strategy which would have defeated General Grant.

The following letter is important in this time period at the end of the war, to refute the Ken Burns racist Lost Cause scenario, which made an excuse for the butchery of Abraham Lincoln on Southern Americans, and excused the failures of the Southern political and military leadership.

In the following sentences General Longstreet lays out a plan for victory which are:

  • Longstreet would need to drill the army into trusting his leadership and out maneuver the Union army which would build Southern confidence and destroy Union morale.
  • Grant's leadership in not being able to win would then degrade the Union army further, as the Union Soldiers would understand the South had better Generals.
  • Once that confidence was lost in the North, then the South would maneuver Grant into combat on Southern terms which would lead to victory for the South and crush General Grant.

In all of this Lincoln's army was always under the misconception that greater numbers meant victory and trusted in that lie. The South never appeared with greater numbers than the North, and in most battles defeated the North, by simple discipline and generals who could handle troops in combat.

After reporting the return of my command to service
with the Army of Northern Virginia, I took the earliest
opportunity to suggest that the preliminaries of the cam-
paign should be carefully confined to strategic manoeuvre
until we could show better generalship. That accom-
plished, I argued, the enemy's forces would lose confidence
in the superiority of their leader's skill and prowess ; that
both armies were composed of intelligent, experienced
veterans, who were as quick to discover the better hand-
ling of their ranks as trained generals ; that by such suc-
cessful manoeuvres the Confederates would gain confidence
and power as the enemy began to lose prestige ; that then
we could begin to look for a favorable opportunity to call
the enemy to aggressive work, while immediate aggression
from us against his greater numbers must make our labors
heavy and more or less doubtful ; that we should first
show that the power of battle is in generalship more than
in the number of soldiers, which, properly illustrated,
would make the weaker numbers of the contention the
stronger force.

In this connection I refer to the policy of attrition
which became a prominent feature during part of the
campaign, and showed that the enemy put his faith in
numbers more than in superior skill and generalship.

This was the policy of attrition, of degrading the Union army by time, as enlistment would expire, break confidence in the Union commanders again, and in that lack of trust in the officers, the South would then prepare a battle which Grant would be pressured to accept, and in that position the South would win.

General Lee and Jefferson Davis never engaged in the necessary evils of increasing ranks, using the gold horded by the Southern financiers, nor pushed the war to it's completion, as their war plans were to have the French or English join in the war against the Union.
In addition, General Longstreet was wounded and out of action for a number of months prior to this, and on his return with the above strategy, the South was of a siege mindset of hanging on, and by this time no actions were taken to marshal the forces necessary for success and the South was losing the war of attrition.

The above though is necessary to refute the Lost Cause. Lincoln had come close to bankrupting America. Confidence in him and his generals were spent. The army was a draftee military. If the South could have managed a victory, strung the war out for time, the South would have won by the autumn of 1866, in Grant would have been in retreat and General Sherman would have been in rags in Carolina and surrendered.

Nuff Said
