Don't worry I will keep Obama out of jail so you can
keep Michelle on the side for that brown sugar George
and not have to end up marrying her...
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Andy McCarthy over at National Review, has been useful to a point in being a Bush man explaining the Obama gotcha of Donald Trump, but his latest foray has been one of stating a fact that the FBI in counter intelligence as Lisa Page and Peter Stzok stated in texts was that in September, Obama wanted to know ALL that they were involved with, in the investigation of Donald Trump.
McCarthy states the President has every duty to be informed by the FBI in this matter as it is not a criminal matter, all of that is fact, but it neglects the dominant question.
There was manifestly no impropriety in the FBI’s briefing of President Obama about the state of its counterintelligence investigation of what was alleged to be Russia’s efforts to court Trump. Whether that investigation was catalyzed by good faith fear or a sinister political agenda to spy on the opposition candidate, or both, is a question worth exploring. It does not change the constitutional fact: The FBI’s counterintelligence operations are undertaken for the purpose of informing the president.
Just the same, President Trump cannot obstruct a counterintelligence investigation. Such investigations are not undertaken to build prosecutions but to inform him.
That’s the point.
— Andrew C. McCarthy is a senior fellow at the National Review Institute and a contributing editor of National Review.
The question is HOW did Obama know about this investigation?
The McCarthy answer would be that FBI always keeps the President informed. The question to that is, "About everything?"
The FBI is involved in numerous investigations, and they do not inform the President of most, and in this the President is not instructing the FBI on specific issues to keep him informed. Yet in this Obama was focused on the investigation which was targeting Donald Trump.
For McCarthy to state there was not any impropriety on the FBI informing Obama, is like stating, there was not any impropriety in the Sec. of the Treasury handing a few million dollars in 100 dollar bill sample to the Obama girls as his job is to print money and distribute it to banks. The impropriety in this is what everyone is well aware of, in these were Obama Clinton's 5th column, and they were taking self generated fake intelligence, seeding it into the media, seeding it back into active FBI investigations, all to assist Hillary Clinton's election.
None of these characters were acting intimidated in the least of being caught by Obama or Loretta Lynch. This was SOP from Obama and why the Obama IRS to the Obama FBI was targeting Tea Party to murdering LaVoy Finicum, as they all knew their crimes were never going to be prosecuted.
It is as Rush Limbaugh has always stated in Obama and Clinton's cronies never had memos written as directives to them. They all knew what crimes Obama and Clinton expected them to engage in, and in return they would be rewarded like Sandy Berger stealing classified information and stuffing it into his socks. He was protected and Strzok, McCabe, Rosenstein, Come and Page all understood they would be taken care of if they used their offices and power to intimidate, destroy and murder Americans who were a threat to Obama. Andrew Breitbart is a prime example of dividing up the spoil.
So for McCarthy to attempt to place this as he knows a detail of what is legal and what is not, is disingenuous to the entire narrative. Barack Hussein Obama and his image were involved in this FBI investigation, because what Obama had set Vladimir Putin up for was to sanction a deal out of Putin for Russia to turn over Russian oil profits to Wall Street, for the cartel to plunder Russia, as Bush family did and as is being initiated against Russia again.
Obama was into preserving handing the blackmail over to Hillary Clinton on Russia, and to bring down Donald Trump in this investigation.
What McCarthy is not addressing is Russia was targeted in this, to being the bad guy hacker, so that continued souring relations with America would allow pushing NATO to Russia's door to either start a war in eastern Europe to defeat Russia and then steal her gold reserves or again blackmail Russia out of all her wealth.
That is the story in this and not McCarthy said McCarthy said, as it misses thee entire point that crooks creating fake files were briefing image Obama with fake intelligence which Obama knew was fake and it was all to monitor the overthrow of the 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, elections.
The question is now is why is the Bush man, protecting the Obama criminals in giving them cover, for his former boss who is cuddle buddies with the shemale Michelle Robinson Obama.
Nuff Said