As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I sometimes wonder just how much the Trump Trans is monitoring this blog, as only this blog has been noting that on Religion Day, Donald Trump NEVER Mentioned Jesus or the Name of Christ. Mr. President had the same neglect last year at the prayer breakfast in not mentioning Jesus or Christ to CHRISTIANS.
At the 66th Christian Prayer Breakfast though it appears that Stephen Miller has been busy snookering the teleprompters as the name Jesus did appear a few times. If one though listens to this speech carefully, the President is making a Jewish Talmudic Coded Speech as his references are to Creator, God and the ever mentioned LORD, Who is not Lord Jesus, but the Person in the Trinity of Lord God.
This was different from the 65th last year when Jesus or Christ were not mentioned at all before this blog brought attention to the subject.
That indicates that Donald Trump did not care enough about this speech to have a Christian compose it, but that a Jewish writer wrote a speech to Christians and only slathered this time in a few Jesus comments to fool the Christians in that meeting.
Mr. Trump first mentioned Jesus in the book of Matthew, and speaking to Steve Scalise who was shot. This is fascinating, because if you recall in David John Oates Speech Reversals from the State of the Union, which was on the Rense Program and exclusively tracked down here, Trump was speaking to a brave man in Congress who was Steve Scalise, but in reversal Trump distinctly says, SO FUCK YOU. Whether Mr. Trump is speaking to Steve Scalise or those who shot him, is not clear, it would be interesting to hear the reversals on this Prayer Speech to see what profanity Mr. Trump is uttering again.
Otherwise again, the LORD appears in Donald Trump's Jew ware codex in Jesus being the Lord's handiwork. note in Jewish denial this is not Jesus the Son of God, but Christ is just handiwork like stars in the heavens above.
There is more which will be posted on this in Donald Trump's snookering Christians by hooking the Christian leadership to keep their mouths shut in not calling Mr. Trump out on sodomy, baby butchering and denying Christ, but each of you should listen critically to this prayer day speech, and be inclined to hearing it as a Jew scripted this for Mr. Trump in their denial of Christ as the Son of God, and once you start listening for that, you will note that Donald Trump to Christians never mentions JESUS, THE SON OF GOD.
All Mr. Trump is engaged in is speaking things that one hears in the Talmud or Koran. He does not go as far as calling the Virgin Mary a whore and Jesus the bastard son of a whore as Jewish doctrine does, but he certainly never mentions Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior and the Son of God.
Christian leadership has sold out the Christian base for their 30 pieces of silver. You better start listening to Donald Trump's words and looking at his actions as he is slick as Bill Clinton, and it was pure Jewish denial of Christ in that slick and clever speech.
As Obama was a Muslim, it is time to start asking in Trump's speech patterns denying Christ as the Son of God, in how much Kushner Jew that Donald Trump is, as that is what this speech is.
You shall know them by their fruits.
Matthew 7:20
The question needs to be asked why is it that Donald Trump never says Jesus is the Son of God?
Nuff Said