As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This is a question for you bright children and asstard brats, "What will be the result of the Nunes Memo and this entire Mueller witch hunt, after this is over".
EEERRRRONK!!!!! Sorry Hans, wrong answer as you are flat world thought and your answer was not in the form of a question, and it had something to do with hand cuffs, jail and political things.
So let's just move this along to Final Jeopardy where the big sums can be bet.
Want to wager something? Don't be shy now in your bids as you know you are playing against the God Inspired Lame Cherry who knows all.
I will even help you Grasshopper in giving you a hint, a big hint, Webster Griffin Tarpley.
Feel like wagering like you have ovaries the size of Mrs. King Kong now?
Ok the result of all of this drama which you are being sucked into is Webster Griffin Tarpley.
Will anything change.....NO.
Let us call this the WGT Factor as you are now completely at a loss and that is a good place to end this post so you can go troll some pertinent sites like, "Men with Breasts" or "Men with Beasts" as if you like one you are sure to enjoy the other.
OK, I think that has polluted this all enough that the respectable trolls who would dare to quote this, are all wetting themselves on their Sponge Bob Sheets, so we can now proceed into the Cherrystone File again.
As I started this about Trump State, move along and do not think too hard, as you will get it wrong.
Remember what I told you about Webster Griffin Tarpley in his great insider information on Jeff Rense, that Web said, "What "they" are planning to do is divide the Democratic party into two parties, while destroying the Republican party to a 3rd rate Whig party with Hillary Clinton winning and leading the socialists and Bernie Sanders leading the communists, and that is who will rule America forever".
Yes it is hard for Hillary to rule when she is in hiding from federal prosecution, but ask yourself is it so hard for Donald Trump to rule from the White House in this very same plan?
Ok, Trump Trolls are already bristling and making excuses, but I will put some things forward here and you tell me if this is something you are in favor, or if this is what Hillary Clinton would be making law.
Someone named Donald Trump banned legalized African elephant imports.
Someone named Melania Trump made the White House fur free.
Someone named Melania Trump was in bed with the pater pope, praying for a kid to die so his little heart could be cannibalized for a Melania Marionette Miracle.
Someone named Donald Trump is selling American coal to China and American gas to Poland and American crude to somewhere so that gasoline prices went up 30 cents a gallon since last fall.
Someone named Donald Trump kept Obamacare to 2019 and is NOT going to repeal it in 2018, so if Republicans lose Congress it is right back into operation.
Someone named Donald Trump allowed Christian Roy Moore to be destroyed.
Someone named Donald Trump allowed the Bundy's to rot in prison.
Someone named Donald Trump lied to you about your tax breaks but Goldman Sachs got them all.
Someone named Donald Trump is trying to start two nuclear wars with Russia and North Korea.
Someone named Donald Trump is giving amnesty to at least 2 million foreign criminals.
OK smarty pants, are those the things you voted for in 2016 or are those the things Hillary Clinton would be implementing in Obama's 3rd term?
Ok, come at me now with YAH BUT, as that is what you have in Yah but, Donald pardoned Joe Arpiao...........ok and exactly what did that do for you? I will answer in it distracted you, like everything you THINK you are getting from Donald Trump in he gives you a crumb and takes away your loaf of bread, like being the Sodomite in Chief cementing that abomination policy, as he is named the Life President............all the while the same numbers of American babies are butchered as under Obama, and butchering babies half way out of the womb is still Ivanka legal.
Now that you are at least silent in the YAH BUTS, you can become educated as you have the facts that things are liberal under Donald Trump, and Mr. Trump is smiling wonderfully at his Obama voting staff led by John Kelly and Homeland's Crissy Nielsen, who are implementing all things Obama in Trump's name, because that is what Andrew McCabe's job was to oust Reince Priebus, so these globalists would all be in power to pass the things Hillary Clinton would be as President.
Let us now look at Webster Griffin Tarpley's statement again, but this time under Donald Trump as Hillary Clinton.
Web said that the Republican party would be destroyed. Is Donald Trump with Mitch McConnell destroying the GOP in offending the base with obliterating forces like Christian Roy Moore, and not passing the bills the House is baiting and switching with?
So you get this, the Obamacare frauds in the House have been passing bills to restore some of your rights which they point to as being your representatives. McConnell in the Senate is passing none of them, only the skewed big name bills to make you think you are getting something, as Donald Trump stays silent in all of this, and praised McConnell, who is protecting the deep state.
So effectively, the GOP is being marginalized as the base is furious at Republicans who are all Obama voters.
Now Web said, that the democratic party would split into two, in the Hillary wing and the Bernie Wing. Revisit the above list of the leftist things Donald Trump has been engaged in, which is EXACT Obama Clinton policy, who is auditioning to lead the homosexual Vatican welfare democratic wing of the DNC? Yes that would be Donald Trump, with Obama's Blonde Gillibrand along with the taco of her choice leading the communist nasty snatch wing.
See what I said in nothing will change from Robert Mueller, in what was suppose to get Trump is now meant to establish TRUMP STATE. This blog informed you in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord that Donald Trump was the DIA man of that intelligence group, which under the Control was making a move, in a series of moves to secure the deep state in America, from the CIA deep state, when it released Edward Snowden on the world. Do not think of this in right and left wing, but in leftists represented by John Kelly implementing the same policies that leftists like Eric Holder represents, but it is about who is in operational control, because this group was cut out of the control under Obama being installed.
What replaces Deep State is Trump State. Do not think of this as the CIA control of America in the 1950's where armed Veterans from two world wars had to be given things to stop a revolution, as there are not armed White and Black Americans like this anymore. No in Trump State if your name is Shylock you get to pick everyone's pocket and if you name is Pentagon you get to junta things up in the protection racket. If you are not part of this feudal few group, you are going to be genocided in being replaced by Trump Visa Vermin.
Do you understand now how you get distracted from the game in being all flat world in thought when you fall for shams like Nunes' memo becoming a soap opera? It was all created to be a soap opera of high WWE drama to hold your attention while everything else was taking place which was wiping out the American left and right.
Is the memo important for facts, sure it is, but facts have nothing to do with the Brietbart Factor in this in why he was assassinated on the streets and went puffy pink. This is about who the cartel puts into power, leverages to get what they want, and in the end they all divide up the pie and you get the shit when the toilet flushes.
So you see now why I have not been ranting and raving about all of this and rather bored? Why I appreciate the intricacies of the rats in the maze like Andrew McCabe being gnawed on, as that is interesting in what the rat does under pressure, not this other stuff which has all been decided.
For the Christian it simply means more liberation as your reward is not in this world, and there are no princes nor sons of men to put your trust in, as this is all arena theater, and once you understand the information that Webster Griffin Tarpley shared on Jeff Rense, it explains everything which you have been left unsettled by for the past year and the foreseeable future.
Donald Trump tells you he is one of you, and it is why there were those headlines bastardizing the name of Ronald Reagan in the State of the Union, as those behind this want you Trump clappers to run along this parade of horse shit and praise being led to the gulag.
Donald Trump has you defending sodomy, amnesty, anti hunting, anti conservation, anti fur, anti peace and everything you said you detested under Obama and Hillary Clinton. That is how they do it and that is how the same cartel suckered liberals like Ashley Judd and John Fogerty to defend Obama, as Obama gave it all away to the same Shylocks as Obama blew up babies around the world for his peace prize.
Just watch this, and see the coming Trump State. There is absolutely nothing in this regime for me, as it is the antithesis of Founders Freedoms. This is Dwight Eisenhower's Soviet American People who installed him into office 50 years ago envisioned and he spoke of.
Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter and you know something only those around the table know, and you are not supposed to have this information, because I live in the future.
Keep watching the girl and you will walk right into the abyss.
Nuff Said