As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is a reality that has not been examined in the Russiagate coup against President Donald Trump, and that at key turns in this, Jewish Mosaad spies appeared shadowing Mr. Papadopoulos in directing this "leaking to inside the Trump campaign" and at every turn that Robert Mueller seemed to be reaching a dead end, suddenly Don jr. becomes the focal point, whether in Russian meetings or the NRA and Russia mingling, and the one person always in the email chain is Jared Kushner.
Let us not deceive ourselves that the Jewish state had a national interest in who the President of the United States is, and in 2016, we had two Jewish factions either competing or running an operation to befriend Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, in order to curry favor or blackmail rights over the next President.
For most of us, we have no idea that there is a BDS movement against the state of Israel, BDS stands for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, and in response there is an entire propaganda ministry for internet operations against the outside world to plant stories which are favorable to the Jewish state.
This operation is run by Mosaad agents and out of Benjamin Netanyahu's office, and in that, Mr. Netanyahu used to sleep in boy Kushner' bed, so Tel Aviv has direct access in propaganda to the White House via Jared and Ivanka Kushner, leveraging President Trump.
It must be understood in this, that you can love the Jewish state all you want and promote them, but as an American that love and promotion comes AFTER the love and promotion of the United States. American policy must be set in DC and not Tel Aviv, and it must be geared to keeping Americans safe and prosperous, and not Jews having Americans fight wars and become terror targets to save Jews.
This is the face of the Israeli State Fleshbot in Sima Gil. She has been spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to influence each of you, to put the Israeli state first, instead of America.
When Sima Vaknin-Gil took over as director-general of Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs at the start of 2016, a crucial fact went largely unnoticed.
For years, she had been a high-ranking officer with an Israeli spy agency.
This means that for the last two years a former intelligence officer has been running Israel’s global war against BDS, the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.
This is a highly placed operation in the Jewish regime. It is designed to keep American foreign aid flowing to Tel Aviv in the billions, which is then in turn invested to US armaments of the military industrial complex in a perfect shell game.
Her ministerial boss is Gilad Erdan, a key ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.The reason all of this matters is each of us experience this intimidation and propaganda. In 2008, I had an email to Jeff Rense returned by him, asking what it was, as the email was gutted, but it was highlighted in yellow over certain sentences to send a message to me of intimidation.
They were last month revealed to have spent huge sums creating anti-BDS propaganda targeting social media and news media.
The Obama campaign in 2008 hired numerous Jewish freelance hackers to spy on Americans and post intimidating propaganda. The same force of Jew boys and girls is still viable and can be witnessed on Twitter posting ludicrous tweets to set the Tel Aviv narrative.
It is in this Russian Insider story which something in passing was mentioned, in the Jewish Electronic units were breaking British Laws, by enlisting resident British Jews, as in British Citizens behind the back of the Embassy or the official government of Israel, in order to initiate an electronic warfare against London.
A rival government ministry in 2016 accused Erdan and his fiefdom of “operating British Jewish organizations behind the [Israeli] embassy’s back in a way that could put them in violation of British law.”
Let that electronic warfare against London soak into your minds, because what is done in London, has been done against Washington DC, and that did include Donald Trump as Mosaad agents were appearing in this Russiagate fiasco, and once again you will notice that these Ashkenaz get mentioned, but there is never a follow up or an investigation into who this was, and it all gets shut down again, just like in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
We know for certain that there is a cohesive bond between the Kushners and Tel Aviv. We know that Jewish intelligence's fingerprints were spotted in Russiagate, and who is the boy being led around in the Mideast but Jared Kushner as the great arbitrator, one can leave the ARBI off and just focus on the traitor part, because we never have found out what was taking place in these early Kushner Netanyahu meetings, and just what deal Kushner had Donald Trump offer the Saudi Royal Family that led to a Regicide there as Kushner was running a deal with the now leader of Saudi Arabia.
Donald Trump touted peace with Russia in 2016, but as Russiagate unfolded, Donald Trump spoke of the special relationship with London, and then MI6 was revealed to be part of the coup against Donald Trump, because London wants America at war with Russia on German soil, to end British competition on the Continent. The same reality is fact in Tel Aviv wants war between America and Russia, and in the shattered Mideast America will wipe out competing factions to the Jews, and who will be left untouched as America bleeds again, but the British Ashkenaz of London banking and the Tel Aviv Ashkenaz of international intrigue.
We have before us in Jared Kushner an Operation: Favorite Son, operatsye: balibt zun. Kushner has overseen Trump Trans which wiped out Loyalists like Mike Flynn and Christians like Jerry Falwell jr. None of the leading people of 2016 from Sarah Palin to Michelle Bachmann were offered anything in the cabinet for being Loyalist Christians.
It is time for an inquiry into Jared Kushner and the connections he has had for all of this time with Tel Aviv, and the release of Robert Mueller investigative notes in who in the Kushner sphere was leaking information to investigators time and again about the innocent Donald Trump jr, as every leak benefited Jared Kushner.
That is the reality. It is time to investigate the Kushners and their Tel Aviv allegiances as it certainly has displaced family in Don jr. and Americans.
Nuff Said