As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
A Ryan Pitterson, was on Coast to Coast AM, and like that false teacher, Steve Quayle was twisting Scripture again concerning the Nephilim as this is some great cash draw apparently for suckers to buy books.
I have dealt with this before, but Pitterson has a new twist in his book which is a few years old in he is twisting St. Paul's Scripture of "celestial" bodies to mean Angels or Demons have bodies, when the correct translation is detailed in stars as celestial bodies and objects on earth like mountains, in this has nothing to do with Angelic beings, as this blog first pointed out that spirits do not produce sperm as they are spirits, and as Jesus taught, we will be like Angels, not marrying or sexual in Heaven. It is absolutely clear and I am just wearied at having to address this every few years.
I Corinthians 15:40
There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
In his Inspired teaching from the Holy Ghost, St. Paul is teaching that there are two forms of human bodies in Christ as that is what chapter 15 is about, in the Godly and the earthly. Paul in the next verse literally uses the sun as an example. He in not any way is mentioning anything of Angels or demons.
The Heavenly and earthly bodies are translated as the Body of the Church.
The Resurrection Body
…39Not all flesh is the same: Men have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds another, and fish another. 40There are also heavenly bodies and earthly bodies. But the splendor of the heavenly bodies is of one degree, and the splendor of the earthly bodies is of another. 41The sun has one degree of splendor, the moon another, and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor.…
So what does the Bible really say about demon sex? Absolutely nothing. The term Sons of God is translated as a male offspring, and God is Elohim or the God family of the Father, His Thought Jesus as the Word, and the Holy Ghost in their Presence.
This then is speaking of humans and not Angels, as people are a creation of God in the physical meant to reproduce. Angels can not reproduce.
To explain this easily, the Sons of God are the Adam or Shem line of Spiritual humans God was creating to sow Himself into by His Spirit. The daughters of men are the Cain line, who rejected God and chose to promote their own Nimrod regime and religion.
So you understand this, I repeat, Sons of God are the Spiritual Adam line and the daughters of men are the carnal Cain line which had retarded their Spiritual nature.
Genesis 6
The Wickedness of Man
1Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, 2that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.
This part is important as there were in that period two lines of humans, in the Spiritual Shem line and the carnal Cain line. It is revealed in this that if a cross of these two human branches took place, that a manifestation of extreme growth began taking place, as in Giants.
4The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
This condition is in the human DNA apparently as it does appear even in the modern age in these genetic misfits in giants, lion men, people with multiple fingers or toes. This is how the giants appeared again in the Promised Land after Noah, as there was a genetic marker in these Canaanite peoples of the Shem line, which adds to the projection that it must have been Shem's wife who had this signature as this was of this specific breeding group.
These were robust individuals of aggression as they were named in antiquity for their accomplishments.
This blog has explained that it is possible in the volcanic soils of Greece and Italy to produce a biological condition to produce human animals such as Pan if sex rites were in place and drinking that water as it breaks down the natural barrier which does not allow species to cross.
Jacob in laying sticks with bark pealed before animal troughs was able to make mottled cattle. Those are environmental realities, and the fact in this is the English and Americans in their breeding programs for agriculture have manipulated vast stores of seeds and stock to make them grow large. Crossing a Spiritual human with a carnal human did produce an effect where the human growth hormone went into overdrive out of the womb and this group of genetic freaks were produced.
This is why the Canaanites and Sodomites were struck down by God. It is possible to so animalize a human that no Spiritual contact with God will ever return. These genetic misfits can never rise to a Spiritual state as their genetic DNA frequency is producing an inferior human.
There is a reason in God's last breeding project of Abram, marrying his half sister. Isaac marrying his cousin. Jacob marrying his cousins, who were White as Laban that was the name of the brother and father of these White women who were from the Sons of God line. God was centralizing the genetic Spiritual traits in this line to produce Priestly line called Israelite, which Americans are sprung from as are most of western Europe for Christ's redemption plan.
The above facts are more enticing and wonderful than demon sex, which never happened, as the Gospel of each person becoming Christ's to be transformed to the children of God is far more important and is the reality of what the Scripture teaches.
I leave this lesson off at that.
Nuff Said