Wednesday, August 29, 2018

John the hero McCain WAS my friend

“John McCain was my friend. I will remember the good times. My family and I send prayers for Cindy and the McCain family.
– Sarah Palin and family”

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry simply adores John the hero McCain, because just when you  think that old bastard could not sink any lower, even from the grave the prick finds a way to sow discord in millions of Americans, and worse yet, his family of Cindy the Brew Queen and Tubby Megs, do not have the sense to override John the hero McCain's self destructive nature, to save themselves from being the same gnawing their limbs off pariah family.

So news has now leaked out, as John the hero McCain is taking up space in the Arizona Rotunda to be on display, that McCain not only told Donald Trump to not attend his funeral, but after Sarah Palin got John the hero McCain renominated and re elected for the last time in the Senate, he ordered her to stay away from the funeral too.

Sarah Palin Not Invited to John McCain
Memorial, Funeral Services: Confirmed

Gateway Pundit, by Kristinn Taylor    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 8/29/2018 5:28:46 PM     Post Reply
John McCain’s vice presidential running mate Sarah Palin was not invited to attend his memorial or funeral services, reported NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell. A Palin family source commented to O’Donnell, saying in part, “Out of respect to Senator McCain and his family we have nothing to add at this point.” (Photo) MSNBC booking producers Jesse Rodriguez and Michael Del Mouro first reported on O’Donnell’s scoop, tweeting, “NBC’s @KellyO reports: Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin has not been invited to attend memorial services for John McCain” and “No invitation has yet been extended to former Alaska Gov.

I simply relish this look in the John the hero McCain psyche as the vile seething hatred inside of this man toward people who were nice to him, which included Donald Trump until John the hero McCain started smearing Donald John, is astounding. While on the other hand, George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama who stole a nomination and the presidency from him, McCain invites and embraces them.

Two names you won’t see on the guest list: Trump and Palin,” says a Capitol Hill source with knowledge of funeral plans for McCain, who died of brain cancer Saturday at age 81.
“Invitations were not extended” to the two political figures, confirms Carla Eudy, a fundraiser who has worked with and been friends with the McCain family for decades…
…“Donald Trump and Sarah Palin were not served official notice outright,” says the source close to the McCain family. “I want to make that clear. It wasn’t a no-trespass order. They won’t be turned away by guards if they show up at the funeral.”
The stay-away messages were sent through intermediaries.

See what is delightful in all of this is, note how John the hero McCain plotted all of this out. In order to curry favor with image Obama, McCain leaked that President Trump was not invited to the funeral. John the hero though after trashing Sarah Palin in blaming her for his horrid campaign and Obama voter fraud, WAITED until Sarah Palin said something nice about him in public, and then John the hero McCain lowered the boom and insulted her, knowing Sarah Palin was too polite to not call John the hero McCain the son of a bitch he is.
That is really malevolent and sadistic psychopathy of a narcissistic sociopath, which is who John the hero McCain always has been. Let the North Vietnamese communists belittle him and he tells them all the military secrets he knows to save himself, but let the Vietnamese farmer who saved John the hero McCain from being lynched by the people and John the hero bitch slaps him out of the way. That is John the hero McCain in he simply will come to heel to anyone from Obama to Bush fam who treats him like the piece of excrement he is, but let someone be kind to him, an he calls his wife Cindy a cunt to this humiliation of Sarah Palin.

That is what I ponder in  this, in having read of near death experiences of people who commit suicide, it was the sadness of the people they hurt after death which they felt. That makes me wonder in all of the heinous things John the hero McCain engaged in life in getting people killed and betraying them, just how much of this in hell is John the hero McCain going to have hot coals poured on his head in what he just pulled on Sarah Palin and how many families will bury their dead because John the hero McCain kept Obamacare on the books with that sadistic vote.

For the first time, in chivalry I feel sorry for Cindy and Meghan McCain, for the simple reason, they apparently suffer from Beaten McCain Syndrome, as they are so held by bondage by him even past death, that they can not in reason and common sense for their own lives going forward from this moment, not reached out and apologized to President Trump and Sarah Palin and invited them, as what vitriol of John the hero McCain is now on their souls and as yet living in this world, they are going to have to deal with the fallout of what their husband and father engaged in, which is petty, low and just mean.

Why this family does not have the sense to break free and play nice, as Donald Trump did appoint Cindy McCain to a government job and Donald Trump has never said anything mean about Meghan McCain, it leaves the reality that the McCain widow and children are either as dark as John the hero McCain in their souls or they are suffering from an imprisonment of his nefarious character that they do not have the sense to know how to treat people to make things easier for themselves, as John the hero McCain is certainly not looking out for his own family by what he has been engaged in.

Who sends out emissaries warning people not to come to their funeral, and worse yet, what kind of trolls carry out a dead guys wishes which will hurt the family? Seriously, these trolls are just as destructive as you know if this was Henry Kissinger asked on this mission, he  would have agreed, and when John the hero McCain died, he would have told Cindy McCain, perhaps with Lindsey Graham, "You really do not want to to this as America will be displeased and this will last forever, and your children and yourself are the ones who are going to have to deal with this, not John the hero McCain".

And if Cindy McCain still insisted, Henry Kissinger would have told Cindy McCain, "That for your own good, I will invite the President and Sarah Palin, as someone is going to protect you from John the hero McCain".

As  I have said, John the hero McCain is a subject to be grateful for. Watching him is like watching the Hatfields and McCoys in one torn apart soul screaming from the grave.  He is not of this world and is still trying to control the world. I wonder now what his will has stipulations in for his wife, children and grandchildren in  being disowned if they say something nice about someone John the hero McCain hates forty years from now as they realize what an unsound soul John the hero McCain was.


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Nuff Said
