Thursday, August 30, 2018

If Money is the Mother's Milk of Politics......then I'll buy two whores Mom

Jesse Unruh

 "If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, screw their women, take their money and then vote against them you've got no business being up here."


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Do you remember that poor Governor Scott Walker in having millions of dollars in his  2016 AD in the year of our Lord, presidential bid which evaporated when he hired an insider campaign manager? If you don't, the Lame Cherry is going to enlighten you honest people who  have donated, and you crooked bastard non donors, as to how if you tap into that bullshit express, you would be living like a king on easy street.

The source of this is our favorite liberal socialist, Edgar Berman MD, physician to Vice President Humphrey. The thing is Hubert Humphrey was South Dakota honest. He no more would waste money than he would leave a light on in a room. It simply was not in him to exploit a donation, much as I would never waste a nickel of money ever donated here.
As Berman noted, if Humphrey had been  aware of how much crooked swindling was going on with his hustlers, those DC lawyers who always volunteer for campaigns, Humphrey would have been dolling money out by the dollar in keeping track.

Jesse Unruh the California liberal political boss once said that, "Money is the mother's milk of politics", to which Berman added, "That is probably why our staffs go through it so quickly as they are afraid it will sour".
Recent history shows the looted campaigns of Republicans, but you can remember Obama taking in 300 million in terror Muslim credit card fraud for his billion dollar campaign that ACORN laundered and you got stuck with the TARP bailout of that counterfiet ring, and realize that what is today is the same swindle of 1968 with Hubert Humphrey.

Berman recorded that black leader Bayard Rustin appeared in Hubert's manager's office of Larry O'Brien of Kennedy Watergate fame set up of Richard Nixon, and he was needing for the bruthas 25,000 dollars plus "petty cash"along with all the perk the white brutha's were getting, and O'Brien handed him 5000 in a check and Rustin was happy.

That is what Berman said in the big amounts O'Brien and the managers could keep track of, but what bled them dry was that petty cash of 5000 dollars and under, as that money was the king's salary of all the little prick volunteers.

Humphrey once was in Palm Beach for a fundraiser. One of the volunteers who had shifted from beer and ham on rye to Chateaubriand and Champagne, invited Muriel Humphrey and the entire plane load of people to the finest restaurant in the city, which cost a fortune in trying to impress her, as Muriel would have been happy with soup and crackers.
That one dinner as Berman put it, would have paid for 30 to 40 ten second campaign spots in Florida, which was necessary for Humphrey. That is the kind of bullshit that always goes on in campaigns.  


United States v. Jack L. Chestnut, 533 F.2d 40 ...

3. In mid-February, 1970, Jack L. Chestnut, a Minneapolis attorney, became manager of Hubert H. Humphrey's 1970 Senatorial campaign in Minnesota.

A volunteer named Jack Chestnut in 1972 assured Hubert Humphrey that the campaign had come out of Florida in the black. A short time later, Humphrey got a bill for 300,000 dollars that the campaign had not paid.
Another time the pilots of the plane refused to take off unless paid. Humphrey soon discovered that "petty cash" was at work in a volunteer was "saving" that money for something he might need.

While Berman does not mention this, it was common knowledge that after the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, that Howard Hughes gave Hubert Humphrey and  Richard Nixon both a suitcase with 1 million dollars in it for their campaigns.
This was before campaign finance laws, but all the same, one wonders just how much of that got squirreled away and laundered for personal interests, as you know these campaign ads appearing in various media go something like, "Hey we will do a 30 million dollar buy, but you know we have a few things you can invest in for us and there is always those family members which you have to hire for that buy we are making". 

Jeb and the Mujer

How Jeb Bush Spent $130 Million Running for President With ...

Feb 23, 2016 · How Jeb Bush Spent $130 Million Running for President With ... When he suspended his campaign on ... Voters Might Not Miss Jeb Bush, but Campaign ...

That is how this entire game works. It is all known. It is all crooked and the morons who donate money are aghast when they are duped by a bigger moron like Jeb Bush who blew through millions of dollars with absolutely nothing to show. One of the biggest laundering operations now is the "technology" field where geeks  swipe your name, sell it on a list to others, and the money comes in, strange tax deductions and expenses appear, and great Katie Walsh profits appear but not on the books.
Yes the same Katie Walsh with her hubby joined at 10 Downing Street, #NeverTrumpers, fired by Donald Trump, but rehired by Indiana Mafia Mike Pence to six figure salaries, as she did remarkable "service" in the technology sales of the GOP. 


Vital GOP Strategist Katie Walsh

It is just how the game is played, as once you are on the inside of this money express, it is lobster and designer clothes, as money is spent like a crack whore, while candidates and donors are all wondering how in the hell 1 million dollars disappear in a few hours, but it is always  those "buys" which bring  nothing and for some odd reason the buyers end up trashing the candidate later on CNN or CNBC.

That is the insider story of how the campaign contributions worked and still work. What Hillary Clinton wastes money on for those old lezbos who contribute to her is one of the biggest frauds ever. It is just how things work and I am surprised really by the non donors of this blog in why most of them are not working for political campaigns as it fits their lack of  morals perfectly. All they would have to do is smartly fuck some old politician like Katie Walsh did, use that cuddle to blackmail a spot in the national headquarters, and then parlay that lay into the perks which are part of the trade.

It is the way it is a thousand times over in America, in every campaign top to bottom, as it is amazing the things that suddenly become important and covered in those funds, and how creative it all is in the profit structure.

Do you think when Donald Trump holds a billionaire conference at his golf course that somewhere in this there is not some tax deduction, some billing of the government over costs or some other clever reality like when politicians are overseas or on junket, that certain hotels and rentals always get the big Obama contracts and others never do.

The money goes somewhere and it is not going to the honest people, and there is always a perk off the books coming back in every booking and every transaction. It is the art of the deal.

Nuff Said
