Saturday, September 1, 2018

A Tribute to John the hero McCain

The always warm and tender
John the hero McCain

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As many of you know, I have been deeply broken up in the passing of John the hero McCain. It is as if the sun is not as bright, that food has lost it's zest and I wonder if America will ever come out of this national depression over the passing of John the hero McCain.

As tribute, the Lame Cherry found fitting memorials to this hero, John the hero McCain, lest we forget, and allow the mark of this man ever heal from our lives. Should not all of us suffer each day just a little bit, to keep the memory of John the hero McCain in our lives, as the least we can do for such a great man in John the hero McCain.

 First up, the mourning crowd, all 9 of them. Well it was not really 9, as one woman stopped to text to her daughter she would be late as some traffic jam was blocking the street, one woman was hired to hand out posters, and one man was taking pictures to prove his wife was there working, so they would get paid the minimum wage for being there.

I am sure though that hundreds of thousands would have been there, if they simply could have like the families of the Forestall for a large group.

Then there was Meghan no tears McCain.

I realize that Meghan had to share her trust fund with her adoptive dark skinned sister, but all the same, Bill Cliinton and Barack Obama would invest in eye drops to at least show tears. I know that Megs did not want to mess up her make up, but she is working of an Oscar against Ben Affleck, so she could have splurged in the few dollars for the drops.

Then there was the Vietnamese tourist who mistakenly thought this was an American rummage sale sidewalk give away, and picked up several bouquets which the McCain family had borrowed from other funerals.

 Lindsey Graham appeared with heartfelt thoughts in, "John old boy, I will be nailing your wife and getting my hands on that beer money, to be setting pretty in my golden years. Thanks Johnny!"

And lastly, Speaker Paul Ryan, who summed it all up with, "I can't believe John is gone. It is almost like he is here yet."


 The problem is this photo I discovered, as when the House leadership was paying their respects, it looked like someone was peeking around from behind the curtain, and in an exclusive I blew up the photo and it honestly looks like John the hero McCain.

I could not be more ecstatic as our hero, John the hero McCain looks alive. Yes he faked his cancer to stick us all with rationed death, and he used his cancer to attack everyone from Sarah Palin to Donald Trump, but damn it all to hell, the best thing is that John the hero McCain faked his death and we can now all be joyous he is alive yet.

Think of all that John the hero McCain can do for us! The day seems a bit brighter and the nights not as dark, knowing the #NeverTrumper is there. There will be rejoicing from the McCain Isis terrorists in Syria to the McCain Nazis in Ukraine and endless joy across America in knowing our hero, John the hero McCain looks alive.

Look, have you seen a body? Have you seen any autopsy? Has Meghan shed one tear? Has Cindy wept one weeping? Has the darkie daughter looked grief stricken? Does any of these Congress people look like they think they are rid of John the hero McCain and they will still have to deal with him?

Yes that man peeking from behind the curtain at the John the hero McCain memorial is not just wishful thinking. John the hero McCain is still alive and in my endless grief I am so relieved  that this hero is still with us with all of his warmth and tenderness.

Nuff Said
