Saturday, September 1, 2018

Who are the Traitors in the Trump White House?

Who are the traitors in the Trump White House?

*EDITORS NOTE: The following information is so exclusive in and important that this is a stand alone post again from this blog, as this is information so damning it can not be lost in a number of posts.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am first in thanking God, going to thank TL for the genesis of this Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. I do not have the time to read all of the German publications, and it was from a German blog, quoting  German edit of the London Financial Times which produced this damning information which none of will have reached you, because the American press will not cover Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and there is a reason for that.

My children should remember that the Lame Cherry has invested a great deal of space by God's design on the Austrians and exposing the colossal blunder which President Donald Trump engaged in over the Putin Trump Summit, in not accepting the generous offices of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz to host the meeting in Vienna.
The results as this blog have exposed exclusively is a trolling of Mr. Trump by Chancellor Kurz, a greater cooperation between the European Union and Russia, Mr. Putin attending the wedding of the Austrian Foreign Minister, Kneissl and Europe literally cutting the United States out of every trade deal.
For those who are Trump Clappers or #NeverTrumpers making excuses or being gleeful about his, the fact is Donald Trump is in a Trumprage over these events in Europe as he can not figure out how things are going so wrong.

The Lame Cherry can figure this out for the President, as the evidence is in the press, and it is in German, and it is hoped that the trolls for Donald Trump who are still leaking information to him as their own in plagiarizing this blog, will make Mr. President aware of the following as it is damning, and if Donald John Trump does not get this rectified, there will we a multi front nuclear war against the United States, as that is the end game of this operation. The Lame Cherry can tell you without a doubt that the criminals behind the Pissgate Dossier are involved in this. This is not though John Brennan. Rod Rosenstein, Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama or Peter Strzok, but is instead their mole in the White House and by degrees of separation, the Lame Cherry can tell you exactly who sabotaged President Trump and who the sources were behind this sabotage of American Austrian relations.

This will be degrees by steps in connecting exactly who these people are and it begins with the Trio Amigoes who cornered President Donald Trump after the summit with Vladimir Putin, had it leaked to the press to humiliate the President, and most telling, sent Donald Trump off on a leash to bow to Congressional Republicans in making Mr. Trump backtrack from what he agreed with Mr. Putin at their joint Press Conference.
Remember in this, after Mr. Trump had his chain jerked by these three in Mike Pence, John Kelly and John Bolton, that Russia responded with upgrading to a new first strike nuclear arsenal, even more advanced than the old one. Someone wants Mr. Trump engaged in a nuclear war with Russia in Eastern Europe, in the same David John Oates reversals discovered in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, in which Birther Hussein. Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush were all speaking of Europe being scorched earth in a war with Russia.

Who is Hillary Clinton's mole and Donald Trump's traitor in the White House?
John Kelly, John Bolton or Mike Pence?
or is it more than one traitor?

Mike Pence, John Bolton, and John Kelly just blew up at Trump ...

When Trump returned from his trip to Russia, ... Mike Pence, John Bolton, and John Kelly just blew up at Trump in explosive Oval Office meeting. By Natalie Dickinson.

But who is supplying the Trio of Amigoes their talking points? Fortunately in the German language addition of the Financial Times, the very person is named, with the exact talking points as if someone fed her the information from inside the confrontation with Donald Trump, and her talking points mirror exactly George Soros globalist confrontation with President Vladimir Putin, down to the gas pipelines coming out of Russia.

Meet the White House's faux German and the real international community organized operative who is directing White House Policy, which destroyed the relationship deliberately between Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and President Donald Trump. It is none other than German multinational funded seat of Robert Bosch GmbH, at the American Liberal Brookings Institute in communist infiltrator,  Dr. Constanze Stelzenmüller.

Dr. Constanze Stelzenmüller

Read the Frau's own words of condescention against President Donald Trump over the Putin Trump Summit, and more to the point in her praising those who "wrestled down President Trump" from making peace with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.

Constanze Stelzenmüller, Robert Bosch Senior Fellow in the Center on the United States and Europe: After one of the most cringe-worthy press conferences ever held by an American president (preceded by a shock-and-awe tour of Europe), it’s worth focusing on some essentials.
In terms of formal policy outcomes, the worst has not happened, because the administration has managed to wrestle down the president: The United States is staying the course on the illegality of the Russian annexation of Crimea, on the war in Ukraine, on deterrence and defense of NATO’s eastern periphery.

If you need a more graphic reality of who Dr. Constanze Stelzenmüller is and what she is injecting into the Trump White House by a traitor or traitors there, read her quotes on praising Barack Obama's Muslim terrorism uprising in the Mideast in BEING EXACTLY LIKE GEORGE WASHINGTON IN THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION.

In a radio interview with Deutschlandfunk on May 20, 2011, she assessed a speech Barack Obama because of its comparison of the Arab democracy movement with the American independence movement in the 18th century expressed equal benevolence.

Constanze Stelzenmüller: I would say, definitely! That was a very strong speech. First, because it makes very concrete promises, financially. It promises investment programs, training aids, support for civil society. And the strongest of these words I find is that he has compared this movement, this freedom movement in North Africa and the Middle East, with America's War of Independence, the War on Slavery, and finally the non-violent struggle for civil rights in the South. That is very impressive.

Constanze Stelzenmüller, the source for linking George Washington's American Liberation to Obama Muslim terrorism, the source for Mike Pence, John Kelly and John Bolton accosting the President over meeting with Vladimir Putin. For those who need a reminder, this is what Constanze Stelzenmüller is praising in Muslim terrorism in linking it to Americans.

The brutal butchering of Colonel Khadaffi that Hillary Clinton laughed at.

The brutal rape to death of sodomite Christopher Stevens in Benghazi.

Do any of you think that Constanze Stelzenmüller should be the source for whoever is the  traitor in the White House after a reminder of those pictures? Do you want your American Virtue linked to these heinous Obama crimes?

This is all being funded by German industry in the sabotage of the Trump Presidency, by implanting it into American Think Tanks as Brookings Institute.

Robert Bosch Stiftung - Wikipedia

The Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH (Robert Bosch Foundation), a charitable institution, is one of the leading private foundations of Europe that is known for its promotion of natural and social sciences, including public health and science, education, society and culture, and international relations.

In June, Stelzenmueller actually trolled Donald Trump in mocking him in promoting the treacherous Angela Merkel of Germany.

Angela Merkel to Donald Trump: thank you for making me great ...

Constanze Stelzenmüller. June 20, ... Dear President Trump, Lieber Donald, It was great — if rather unexpected — to hear about Germany from you on Twitter!

The intrigue of ALL of this first evidence begins in June, with the Financial Times smearing not Donald Trump, but Sebastian Kurz, and Chancellor Kurz receiving an apology and retraction from the Financial Times in calling the Chancellor as far right.

Ende Juni hatte Kurz vor einem Ausschuss gesagt, dass sich das Medium für die Bezeichnung „far right“ entschuldigt habe. Auf hatte der Journalist Edward Luce mitgeteilt, dass er sich dafür jedenfalls nicht entschuldigt habe. Er räumte aber ein, den Ausdruck zu adaptieren. Luce wäre auch die Bezeichnung „Ermöglicher der extremen Rechten“ passend erschienen. Die Beschreibung „Rechtsaußen-Kanzler“ lässt sich in der „Financial Times“ nicht mehr finden.
At the end of June Kurz had said to a committee that the medium had apologized for the term "far right". On request, the journalist Edward Luce had said that he had not apologized for it anyway. He admitted, however, to adapt the expression. Luce would also have the name "Enabler of the extreme right" suitable appeared. The description "right wing chancellor" can not be found in the "Financial Times".

 And who was the source of the Financial Times article, which at the time also had the Austrian Embassy in Washington DC, demanding to know why this communist was quoted as the source who was smearing the Chancellor from America

Da auch die Frage, ob er vor dem Ausschuss die Unwahrheit gesagt hat, unbeantwortet blieb, habe Kurz „indirekt bestätigt, dass er gelogen hat“, so Rossmann. Der Bundeskanzler ging ebenfalls nicht näher auf die Fragen ein, ob eine alternative Formulierung vorgeschlagen wurde oder warum die Botschaft eine Aussage der Politikwissenschaftlerin Constanze Stelzenmüller hinterfragte


Since the question whether he told the untruth before the committee, remained unanswered, Kurz "indirectly confirmed that he lied," said Rossmann. The Chancellor also did not elaborate on the questions whether an alternative wording was proposed or why the embassy questioned a statement by the political scientist Constanze Stelzenmüller

As one can read in this final quote in the intrigue of all of this Constanze Stelzenmüller destruction of European and American relations in the London MI6 Financial Times, that it was her work, which moved the Putin Trump Summit from Austria, and into Helsinki, which started off the entire upheaval which now has President Donald Trump exasperated as to what a disaster his foreign policy has become.

Die Botschaft in Washington wollte laut Luce nämlich wissen, warum er Stelzenmüller in seinem Artikel zitierte. Sie bezeichnete ein mögliches Treffen zwischen US-Präsident Donald Trump und Russlands Staatschef Wladimir Putin in Wien als „nicht weise“. Der Gipfel fand wenige Wochen später in Helsinki statt.

 According to Luce, the Washington embassy wanted to know why he cited Stelzenmüller in his article. She described a possible meeting between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Vienna as "not wise". The summit took place in Helsinki a few weeks later.

 But who is this Constanze Stelzenmüller? From real Germans, she is not a German at all.

ohne Zensur: Constanze Stelzenmüller

Constanze Stelzenmüller, die US-Amerikanische Lobbyistin ohne Skrupel und Gewissen

 Constanze Stelzenmüller, the Barack Obama advocate of Muslim rape and mass murder, is described by Germans as an AMERICAN LEFTIST FRAUD with a German passport.

Mehr zu dieser US-Amerikanerin mit deutschem Pass:

More about this US-American with german passport:

Constanze Stelzenmüller ist und bleibt die US-Amerikanische Lobbyistin ohne Skrupel und Gewissen


Constanze Stelzenmüller is and will remain the American lobbyist without scruple and conscience  

But exactly who is it that would pay huge sums of money to employ Stelzenmüller to steer America into the next global nuclear war, with her own asset inside the Trump White House?

It is this photo though that provides a hint of the first leak in this espionage chain and once one understands what they are looking at, they are looking at MI6 intrigue in the 2016 AD Presidential elections in the United States, the Pissgate Dossier being planted into the Obama regime intelligence and security apparatus, and most damning, the names of the traitors in the Trump White House.


It is not at this point the communist Stelzenmueller nor the German Kielinger, now working in the MI6 press of England, but what you see plastered on the wall behind them in CHATHAM HOUSE in ownership over North America and South America.

Just what is Chatham House?

International Affairs Think Tank | Chatham House

Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, is an independent policy institute based in London. Discover what we do, visit our website today.

 And just who are linked to this British MI6 operational group who are Americans?

US Security Partnerships in the Asia-Pacific Region | Chatham House
Feb 28, 2012 - Mark Fitzpatrick, Director, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Programme, IISS Dr Stefan Halper, Director of American Studies, University of ...

Yest that Stefan Halper, the FBI paid informant, who was trolling Carter Page, George Papadopoulos and other Trump officials for John Brennan to frame Donald Trump. THAT Stefan Halper who disappeared and was a Hillary Clinton operative who worked for the Bush family and who is perched at Chatham House, but the German communist who just so happens to be at Brookings Institute, advising someone at the Trump White House to make Donald Trump look like a fool and to sabotage the relationship of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and President Donald Trump in Constanze_Stelzenmueller.

Oh but wait for a moment as it gets better in this line of treacherous minders framing Donald Trump. Do you remember someone named Mike Shields?
The same Mike Shields who is now a paid troll at CNN. The same Mike Shields named by Reince Priebus to head the GOP. The same Mike Shields who was the political representative to the Republicans in Congress. The same Mike Shields who was at Chatham House. The same Mike Shields who was let in to 10 Downing Street. The same Mike Shields who happened to pose with his fiance who he proposed to at 10 Downing, who just happens to be that treacherous Katie Walsh who Donald Trump fired for leaking to the press to destroy this President, and the same Katie Walsh who like Mike Shields just seems to keep landing on their feet in high paying deep state jobs.........and the same Katie Walsh whose advocate and protector has been revealed to be Vice President Mike Pence.


Operatives Mike Shields and Katie Walsh 
best friends of the treacherous British Goverment

Katie Walsh Involved With Foreign Intelligence Against President ... › ... › Discussions › Politics Forum (Local/National/World)
Feb 21, 2017 - 1 post - ‎1 author ... Rob is the fraternity brother to Mike Shields of George Mason University.

The Enigma of Katie Walsh's Protector - Conspiracy Cafe
Mar 2, 2017 - As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. ... No it is not her man whore finance Mike Shields, nor even her coup plotter leaking ...

Lame Cherry: Reince Priebus's Dirty House
Feb 26, 2017 - Priebus as head of the GOP chose as his top lieutenants Mike Shields as Chief of Staff and Katie Walsh as chief finance officer. The problems ...

Do you see now the importance of this degree of separation in how all of this revolves around the Cecil Rhodes intrigue against the United States, in the common link is Chatham House from the framing of Donald Trump, the Pissgate Dossier, the FBI paid operative Stefan Halper, Mike Shields and the communist  Constanze_Stelzenmueller?
Ponder it in the above quotes of Stelzenmueller parrot the released talking points leaked to the press by Mike Pence in putting Donald Trump on a leash with John Kelly and John Bolton. Consider the writings below of the communist who is DIRECTING POLICY INSIDE THE TRUMP WHITE HOUSE which Mike Pence, John Kelly and John Bolton are gladly implementing against the President and the will of thee American People.
Look at the communist's writings listed under at Brookings Institute in the Illuinati moto of  ORDER FROM CHAOS.

Make absolute certainty in this, that the genocide of the German People under Angela Merkel by Muslim Rape Cock is the same genocide of Americans from Muslim and Jesuit Rape Cock, and it is coming from the same source, in this group who all are linked to British MI6 Chatham House.