Saturday, September 29, 2018

Balaam the son of Beor

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have no excuses other than my weakness of being exhausted and too much of this fight on me, in why I have not focused more on the messages the Holy Ghost has given me. I have gotten into the bad habit of reading the Scripture and moving on, in hoping some rich Christians would make the big donation, as I know I have reached beyond the limits and have no return energy to make it back, and I keep looking for a place ahead  in this ocean, but only see more endless waves.

I think about Bob who wrote to me of his family experiences on property and  hear him in his appreciation on the Christian teachings and that is what moves me on this eve to generate this post. This is a most interesting thing to me in for those who remember when God moved me to construct the time line to elect Donald Trump to the White House, I began alerting people that someone was taking placed before Trump appeared as the Holy Ghost kept referring to Jehu, and is not the Holy Ghost proven absolutely correct in how furiously Donald Trump driveth, just like Jehu, in Mr. President in mirror of Jehu going to the military side and leaving God on the shelf.

That is what has me pondering, as I at this point do not know what the Holy Ghost is driving at with something He has started speaking to me about again. It feels the same and I am certain of it and the story is one of interest to me, as it is the story of Balaam the son of Beor.
For those who do not know the story, the Israelites, this is not the modern Jew but the Americans and western Europeans, on Exodus out of Egypt for generation, began looking like locusts and terrified the locals who were about to be genocided.
To stop this, Balaak the king of Moab, hired Balaam to come and curse Israel. The story is long, but in the end Balaam kept blessing Israel, because it pleased God, and that which is blessed by God can not be cursed.

It is in this that the Holy Ghost was directing me, in the part of Balaam foreseeing the coming of the Christ.

 17 I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.
 18 And Edom shall be a possession, Seir also shall be a possession for his enemies; and Israel shall do valiantly.
 19 Out of Jacob shall come he that shall have dominion, and shall destroy him that remaineth of the city

There is duality in this, as this is King David in part, in smiting Esau in Edom, Jacob's brother, and smiting Moab, who was an incestuous son of Lot by his daughter, and nephew of Abraham. Lot is the person who came out of Sodom by Angelic force before it was destroyed.

I believe someone is coming just like Jehu was foretold to be coming. I am not going to post on this in public unless I am so moved by the Holy Ghost. I am very fatigued in the warfare and money chase, so inquiry is a point I am not moved to try to lock this down, but in the Spirit in me, without asking, that still small directional voice, tells me someone is coming.

Perhaps in taking possession of our place, having time and focus to lock onto this and open this information, I will be able to progress this. As I type this, I am moving into the matrix current already as something is there to this, as I am getting that same delightful feeling inside when something is there, like an orb of information, like a burr of current of many prickery things to stick into me to listen to it, to see, to smell, to feel, to touch, to have it joined and learn what this is and all the knowledge of this event.
You would have a look on your face of concern if you could see me, as I have a habit of cocking my head like a dog, shifting my body, as I gain information in contact with the matrix. It is most interesting in there is a void of information in the content is being hidden.

Perhaps the Holy Ghost does not want me posting this here, but I will roll this thing around as once in contact with the energy field it almost welds into place and the connection grows.

I ponder who is coming and why the Holy Ghost chose this discourse in the Bible to speak to me.  He will reveal. This time though it would be novel if the information did not get out because the rich hung onto their money and the person arrived with the world in ignorance.

Nuff Said

