Saturday, September 29, 2018

Happy Days: Obama Gets Another Judge on the Supreme Court

Michelle Obama and George W. Bush really Pillow Talk you Brett


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Did the diversion of Brett Kavanaugh work with his no make up paleness, his tears, his daughter praying for a lying liberal whore? Did it work to divert your attention as Senator Lindsey Graham almost stroked out sounding like a hell and brimstone preacher from the bench?

Did it work, so that you think you won something with Brett Kavanaugh?

Yesterday as the smoke had yet to clear from Christine Blasey Ford's performance, FOX along with all the other Obama media was calling her credible, and then Judge Kavanauh appeared and suddenly the tables were turned, and those arrayed against him, lost the white man testicles on the wall they had nailed up.

Again though, are you pleased that you got sucked into a fight, where Judge Kavanaugh has stated he will uphold ALL Supreme Court Laws, from Obamacare, to sodomy, to gun control, to amnesty, to aborticide as that is the law of the land?
That is just what we got was a known Bush Constitutional Jurist who will not overturn one liberal law. Are you happy about that?

Does it make sense why Republicans who for 30 years of majorities since Newt Gingrich have done nothing to give us our guns back, give us our nation back, protect our babies, protect our borders, give us Reagan tax cuts again have suddenly grown nut sacks and are fighting for Judge Kavanaugh. Should not that be a red flag for you to comprehend that if these socialists are being ordered by the deep state to put Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court to protect Obama law, that we are once again being screwed over again.

Sen. Lindsey Graham: ‘I’ve Never Seen Anybody More Used and Abused than Dr. Ford was by the Democrats’

Sen. Hatch Asks Why a ‘Porn Star Lawyer’ Is Controlling the News Cycle

Squishy RINOs Collins, Murkowski Reportedly to Vote ‘YES’ on Judge Kavanaugh, Sealing His Confirmation

You remember all the lies from the John McCain Gang of Eight in why we couldn't get anything done. Then there was Dennis Hastert the pedo in we just could not pass things because we did not have the votes in the majority, then we needed the House, then we needed the Senate, then we needed the White House, and once we got that, we got nothing but Donald Trump passing Gary Cohn tax rapine, keeping Obamacare on the books, keeping aborticide in butchering 250,000 babies a year, threats of Trump gun control, no peace with Russia, but we did get sodomite foreign invader lover Neil Gorsuch and we are about to get Obama Law Protector Brett Kavanaugh.

I ask you again, because no one else is going to ask you as they play the Mockingbird brainwashing on you, are you happy you just got played again?

This question is for Alyssa Milano in being one the of the biggest dupes on the planet in her role of political heroine as much as all of you who fought for Brett Kavanaugh. I was lured in as I will not allow the Truth to be wiped out, because this was done to Roy Moore.........oh another Conservative Christian wiped out in Donald Trump or Congress would not stand by him and now Doug Jone the baby butcher will vote against Brett Kavanaugh (great concession there Donald Trump), can be done to any American.

Fake Red-State ‘Moderate’ Democrat Sen. Doug Jones to Vote Against Judge Kavanaugh

Liberals will get exactly the David Souter and Anthony Kennedy they lusted for and why Kavanaugh was going in easy. So they had to rough him up a bit to get democrats herded to the polls and for Trump clappers to head to the polls in this sham of all election results have already been tabulated, as that is part of this theater, and little girls being raped in the press in the Kavanaugh girls are just more fodder, as now they have a big strong daddy who stood up as the Black  Clarence Thomas.

The Republicans all were ordered to vote together to get Kavanaugh out of the hearing. They will vote to confirm. No one will point out as the Lame Cherry does in when they can vote for Kavanaugh, they could vote pro life, vote for guns, vote for ending rationed death, vote for Reagan tax cuts, vote for cheap energy, vote for border security, JUST LIKE YOU HAVE BEEN VOTING FOR IN EVERY ELECTION since Ronald Reagan, but they lie to you until it is something they want like more Nazi Conglomerate socialism or a Judge Kavanaugh to protect the system, and then suddenly the votes appear.

I would have appreciated if all the culls who had rallied to this blog in winning with Trump in 2016 would have donated as they did then, instead of going off and pouting and blaming me for trying to protect them by exposing what was going on. Ingratitude is a condition all of them have. Instead of doing things Lame Cherry right, they want to believe in the easy illusion which is producing their American Genocide.

There is zero to celebrate in Judge Kavanaugh or Christine Blasey Ford. All it did was cement an end to America by more uncivil political warring, where the foreign pets will rise up and Alyssa Milano will not have a high enough fence to hide behind and Ivanka Trump will have to vacation in less disturbed waters in Europe.

It is what it is, and the only thing which can be done about it, is knowing the Truth, as the police state will make morgue material out of any dolt who thinks they can change this. This blog is simply pointing out the reality of the GOP can find a spine for an Obama Law Judge Kavanaugh in this great diversion, but it deliberately lies to you and tells you nothing can be done for MAGA.

And the President is not going to tweet in pointing any of that out either, as that is the deal which has been worked out, as he refuses to release FBI files exposing all the collusion of Russiagate, protecting MI6, which could have ended all of this.

Trump agrees to delay release of Russia files, asks IG to ...

President Trump agreed Friday to delay the release of key files related to the Russia investigation, asking the inspector general to review the documents on an "expedited basis" amid Justice ...

Kavanaugh was the perfect Catch 22 to keep a weak GOP in Congress, so none of the Trump agenda progresses as another excuse, as the midterms are now given cover so no GOP landslide will take place.

You did notice the Obama's stayed out of this.........because Kavanaugh is their George W. Bush guy.

How do you feel about being played, besides blaming innocent me in not donating.

Nuff Said
