Christine Blasey Ford
Brett Kavanaugh's and all men's weakness
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry finds this extremely difficult, but as a woman I must break with Liberty Daily on this in defending the accuser of Brett Kavanaugh in Christine Blasey Ford as by the above photo we can all sympathize that Christine Blasey Ford is a cock magnet and learned this lesson early at the hands of a very erect Brett Kavanaugh.
We all know if there was internet there would have been photographic evidence of this attack as Brett would have certainly bragged about this, in being overcome with lust for a cock magnet of this kind of power.
Transparent Political Hit Job – Kavanaugh Accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, an Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ Professor Activated To Advance 35-year-old Accusations
The Lame Cherry though in defending Christine Blasey Ford AKA #TheCockMagnet, realizes something which has puzzled all of us for so long, and that is the fact that 9 11 happened in all that Muslim outrage in they could just sense Christine Blasey Ford in America, and not being able to purchase her for a harem of one were forced to outrage and attack the Twin Towers of the American penis in complete frustration.
We now know why the Mexicans are invading the United States. It is not for jobs like mowing John the hero McCain's lawn, but it is because they sense the nethers of Christine Blasey Ford and are risking all they are to find the scent of her trial.
Poor Molly Tibbetts, is but another example of this, in she was a victim of this, in what can Mexicans do all worked up by the thoughts of Christine Blasey Ford, and all those cow tits and vulvas before them, in needing release. When you have a Cock Magnet exuding such magnetism that even Brett Kavanaugh becomes engorged to animal instincts, you know that you are dealing with a Darwin work of nature.
Yes, Bill Clinton in raping all of those women, that is Christine Blasey Ford, as the former President could feel this super nova of sexuality around Washington DC and it simply drove him into a frenzy.
Barack Hussein Obama? Yes even he in sensing Christine Blasey Ford, went gay as he simply knew he was never going to be black enough for a woman like her.
I fear when Robert Mueller really gets to the heart of Russiagate, that the thing driving it all was this cock magnet of Christine Blasey Ford, who drove John Brennan insane, Peter Strzok crazy and yes, it can now be revealed why John the hero McCain committed suicide in it was Christine Blasey Ford, or his knowledge that she was out of his league which made John the hero McCain take that final step.
I am certain that in time we will discover that Christine Blasey Ford is responsible for all sorts of manmade and natural disasters. Men and women ruining their lives over such a cock magnet. Women like Debra Messing and Hillary Clinton realizing they can never measure up, and men in desperation losing all control of their morals as they simply have to have that woman, or worse still becoming gay in realizing they will never have Christine Blasey Ford.
Yes in the deep secrets of every homosexual there is Christine Blasey Ford, having made these lesser men part of the gay fraternity.
Could the Pentagon weaponize a weapon like Christine Blasey Ford. I am sure they could, but should not society protect itself from such a cock magnetrix as this? Is not Christine Blasey Ford like a narcotic, a Vulcan rutting season, an alcoholic beverage which makes people lose control? Of course it is not Christine Blasey Ford fault in this, as Helen of Troy, the Queen of Sheba, and Cleopatra were all such like women who drove the world to war and men to their destruction.
The Lame Cherry advocates that America pass laws to not let weak men and women within 500 meters of Christine Blasey Ford in order to save them from their own destructive lusts, as it is obvious how attractive this woman is. I must also note that we know what was making Donald Trump pussy grab women and paying prostitutes to pee, as it was he simply was losing control in knowing a woman like Christine Blasey Ford was out there, and all he could marry was Ivana, Marla and Melania, all women whose names end with an A and are quite grade A, but Donald Trump just wanted an E for Excellence.
So while the Lame Cherry must break with Liberty Daily in defense of CBF and yes we must only refer to
Christine Blasey Ford from now only by her initials as she is that comely and the mere mention of her name will drive weak men and women into frenzy, the Lame Cherry desires that the people at Liberty Daily make certain to protect themselves with layers of straitjackets, steel locked doors, razor wire, electric fences, mine fields and yes, handcuffs, because honestly can any of us really trust ourselves now in knowing such a cock magnet exists in this world.
Sorry Farah, you never set off Muslim Terrorism or Mexican Invasion
I mean Brett Kavanaugh had a choice of going after Farah Fawcett or Christine Blasey Ford, and of course he chose this cock magnet, as proof of how cock magnetizing Christine Blasey Ford is. I suggest all of us to put a leash on ourselves with an emergency sign to others,
WARNING PULL IN CASE OF Christine Blasey Ford!!!!
DIAL 911 and if necessary wave photos of Michelle Obama to break the spell.

I am a Bush Magnet, what can I say..........
Well it will work on all except George W. Bush who simply can not get enough of this sweet chocolate.
Nuff Said