Monday, September 17, 2018

The Ghost of 68

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The beginning of this was at a shopping mall in Lanham Maryland, where presidential candidate Hubert Humphrey had had a  good day after a month of being flipped off, swore at, things thrown at him  and the object of hate in the press over Vietnam policy, because loyal Hubert would not make a break with President Lyndon Johnson.

Johnson summoned Humphrey and Berman on the way back from Maryland to the White House and what followed is what HHH experienced in the Oval Office.

Humphrey had left Berman in his office and said he would pick him up when the meeting ended. HHH appeared 15 minutes later with a look of fury on his face and simply ordered.

"Let's go!" 

What followed was something unique in Humphrey never used profanity, but he was livid as Johnson had threatened to destroy Humphrey's campaign, beyond what LBJ had been engaged in to protect his Vietnam policy.

"That no good son of a bitch! The way I've treated him - I must be a goddamned fool!

He must have gotten another one of those recordings fro Vietnam". These were recordings from his sons in law who were serving in Vietnam and LBJ was always surly after hearing them.,

What was the source of setting Johnson off according to Berman was a Johnson staffer had read in the press in Maryland. It was something Johnson had told Humphrey in private, but HHH stated he was not the leaker, but Johnson was already in a fury and had the bully pulpit ready.

Do you know what he had the nerve to say to me, after all the insults I've taken from him in the last four years? He said that if I didn't watch my p's and 1q's, he'd see to it personally that I lost Texas. And he intimated that he could hurt me even in some of my liberal states - that Daley still listened to him. He said he'dry up every Democratic dollar from Maine to California - as if hasn't already.
Imagine a Democratic President telling this to the Democratic nominee! I had trouble holding back, but I wasn't about to come down to that bastard's level. I didn't even answer - not one word/ I just turned around and walked out the door."

"I'm sick and tired of this whole damn thing. With the trouble I've had in the campaign all because of him, you'd think he' at least respect my loyalty. But not a bit. I think I've had Lyndon Johnson around my neck ust long enough!"

"I'm in this thing, and I'm in it to stay. I know what my chances are, but I know also what I can do for this country if I get a break - and sure as hell, my break is coming. President or no president, nothing is going to stop me. I'm fed up to here with him and his tantrums. If I run out of money tomorrow, I'll take my car andgo across country with Muriel - as I am, without press secretaries, without press, without advance men, without anything."

Humphrey soon calmed down after this, but this was the shallow distancing he began at the end of September in 1968 AD in the year of our Lord, which culminated in his Salt Lake City Mormon speech where he laid out his Vietnam policy, which was the same thing he was saying for years, but the liberal press had wanted to make Humphrey say it an the liberal academia  in their tantrums were beginning to realize that if they did not stop tearing Humphrey down, Richard Nixon would be President.

In this series of posts about Hubert H. Humphrey, it may seem that this blog has gone native, but the purpsoe of these posts by God's Grace has always been about showing the Grandfather of modern sodomy for the good person he was,  and how the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and Hubert Humphrey always had good intentions in trying to help every person or group, which is not what the modern liberal communist is about, nor are these grandchildren of his in snowflakes,  antifa and black lives matter.

Humphrey knew these college kids who were protesting were having a national tantrum. Did they have reason in being sent to die in a war no one wanted? Yes they did, but they also were spoiled in American prosperity which they did not appreciate as they degraded the nation in perversions of sex, dope and disrespect.

Humphrey was also biased and  naive. He fixated on LBJ as the ogre in the room, because LBJ was a bully and LBJ had his own interests. What Humphrey and his doctor, Edgar Berman never figured out though was that yes Minnesotan Eugene McCarthy had started the vindetta against LBJ when Johnson had passed him over for Vice  President, and McCarthy preyed upon these bratty kids to stir them up as every party always has an anti Johnson faction, as it is anti Trump now.
Humphrey's problem was always Bobby Kennedy. He is the one lit the fuse to Lyndon Johnson in the White House and drove LBJ from the Presidency. Those brats smelled blood  and when ramped up by political minders  to tear America apart, it was the ghost of Bobby Kennedy these brats were exercising in all their violence and vulgarity with the media, and they went after Hubert Humphrey because they could not get at Lyndon Johnson.  But you will never hear a word of  that reality as LBJ is always blamed, when it was Bobby Kennedy who unleashed these political terrorists in a powder keg America.

HHH and Dr. Berman always said the worst possible things about Richard Nixon. Humphrey always said Humphrey was right on stopping the war and Nixon was wrong in not stopping the war. That is ignorance, as ignorant as the fact that Humphrey as President would have ended the war on January 21st and  brought all the Americans home by April. of 1969.
That is naive beyond belief, because what about the POW's? What about the Missing in Action? What about Japan and Korea facing China? What about western Europe facing the Soviet Union invasion? Was Hubert Humphrey going to just cut and run from Vietnam and send a message to every ally that America was a loser who would abandon even their own POW's or just what was Hubert Humphrey going to do when he abandoned the Armed Americans  who voted for Richard Nixon and held most of Congress?

See in Humphrey politics is simple to announce things like Obama would, but in real diplomacy Richard Nixon's stance for America which was Lyndon Johnson's stance, was not all wrong to make Humphrey's policies all correct.
The fact is that the way things went with Richard Nixon bombing south China, forcing the communists to the peace table, was what Humphrey would have ended up having to do too. North Vietnam would have overrun South Vietnam sooner and Humphrey would  have been a pariah, but would have initiated like Nixon round the clock bombing to try and save South Vietnam. All would have ended up in the same results in POW's as negotiating points and Humphrey abandoning the missing and yet alive as Kissinger, who was Humphrey's choice as counselor, achieved to the shame of America.

I desire to show liberals and conservatives, who in this Trump era are being replaced by communists to comprehend the mistakes of Hubert Humphrey and how he could see Johnson  in the room, but never could see the ton of bricks called liberal Kennedy falling on him.

People's judgments are always  black and white until the consequences appear, and then the grey areas become the muddled decisions, the hedged promises and the absolute failures. Hubert Humphrey gave a trusting hand to Americans in money and laws to help them, and they turned it into embezzlement and nationalized sin. He went too far in his zeal. He knew his voters were not able to control their natures and made excuses for them, and blamed LBJ and Richard Nixon, but never himself as he was doing good.

That is the problem with the road of good intentions. It drags nations right down to hell and the United States in open genocide of her native borns in replacing them with Visa Vermin is the result of the death of a Republic, for a Humphrey mob rule democracy, which is now an Obama Trump community organized self eating police state preserving the feudal few instead of Americans.

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