I swear by the Pater Pope and the Jesuit for which I stand,
this hand did not have sex with that unnamed girl...
Oh the misery of it all, in the Jesuit Vatican nominee of Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court, who no one has asked his position on the Pater Pope's position of protecting child rapists in the Catholic clergy, has now been accused by an unnamed woman for attempting to Pater Pope her to the tunes of loud music.
Fortunately Senator Diane Feinstein was on this hard, and has demanded that the FBI investigate and castrate this lech, but the FBI has refused to investigate as there are no investigators left in their investigating themselves and trying to frame Donald pussy grab Trump.
The essence of the story is the Jesuits had a party, where little girls who should have been home doing their virgin mary, instead engaged in alcoholic cocktails, where a duo of Jesuits led by Brett Kavanaugh leapt upon her threshold, and as she threshed around, he held her down, whereby Brett Kavanaugh being soy milk boy, lost his stamina, unlike Bill Clinton who was raised on Old Turkey and breast milk, became deflated and the girl beat him up and fled the scene.
The other Jesuit boy states that he has no recollection of the rape and I suppose the loud music which was playing, as I would be most interested in what tunes Jesuits rape by.
The Lame Cherry though ponders why Donald Trump ditched Judge Roy Moore on the same charges and helped elect a democrat baby butcher, but in the case of Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump and especially John Kelly are holding firm.

The story follows.
Samantha Wilson
Senior News Writer & Reporter
Supreme Court nominee has been accused of alleged sexual misconduct by an unnamed woman when they were both in high school, a new report claims. Find out more about the allegation here.
Senator Dianne Feinstein handed over a letter to the FBI on September 12 that reportedly contained an allegation of sexual misconduct by Supreme Court Nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh. The content of said letter was not made public, but The New Yorker reports that the allegation came from a woman who accused Kavanaugh of alleged sexual misconduct that occurred when they were both in high school in the 1980s.
The woman, who asked to remain anonymous, approached Democrats in July, shortly following President Donald Trump nominating Kavanaugh to fill Justice Anthony Kennedy‘s open spot on the Supreme Court bench. Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing is scheduled for next week. The allegation dates back to the early 1980s, when Kavanaugh was a high school student at the all-boys Georgetown Preparatory School in Bethesda, Maryland; the unnamed woman was a student at a nearby high school. The woman alleges that, during a party, Kavanaugh allegedly held her down and attempted to force himself on her.
According to The New Yorker’s report, the woman claims that Kavanaugh and a classmate, who allegedly had been drinking, turned up the music in the room to “conceal the sound of her protests, and that Kavanaugh covered her mouth with his hand. She was able to free herself from the situation before it escalated. She claims that the memory of what allegedly happened has been “a source of ongoing distress.”
Kavanaugh said in a statement, that, “I categorically and unequivocally deny this allegation. I did not do this back in high school or at any time.” The classmate named in the woman’s letter, who also remains anonymous, stated, “I have no recollection of that.”
Fortunately the Lame Cherry found exclusive photos the Jesuit Boys Preparatory School, and I had no idea that so many Negroid and Chinoid were Vatican Faithful. The Lame Cherry has discovered though that there is a phrase at Georgetown Prep which keeps popping up, in "doing the Kavanaugh".

Hello you little rapists. Today's lesson is the Kavanaugh. To do the Kavanaugh, you go to a drunken party where underage girls are invited and you tell them your name is Brett Kavanaugh and friend of Brett Kavanaugh, so that when you rape the little wanton tramps, they tell everyone it is someone else, The Kennedy's were very adept at this. This is doing the Kavanaugh.
Of course once a theologian terms comes into play, all the players start using the term to mean all sorts of things.

Get your hands off my balls. What are you some Kavanaugh.
Hey man watch the hands. That feels like you are trying to do the Kavanaugh on me.
Yes my little Chinaman, when you invade America, always remember to do the Kavanaugh. I tell all the little boys my name is Francis.

Hey sax boy that notes sounds like you are blowing the Kavanaugh.
As you can see the entire campus is erected in the form of a giant erection.
Of course this has none of the luster of Anita Hill and pubic hair on coke cans, as Jesuits drink bottled water and everyone knows those flimsy bottles like Saran Wrap as they just do not hold up and no self respecting pubic hair would be caught on one.

No Senator Metzenbaum, I am not worried about can cuts on my vagina, as I have been doing this since pop top days, and I have developed a callous spot.
All the same this #JustSayKavanaugh #MeToo would be a great deal more interesting if Jesuits were better at things than just burning Joan of Arc at the stake. A story needs more to it like John Kelly created to smear Judge Roy Moore. It helps to have food products.

Is that a pubic hair or are you glad to see me?
See it would have been much easier if the nominee had been Christian Conservative Protestant activist woman who would have overturned all of Obama outlaw instead of Brett Kavanaugh being given Clarence Thomas cover as democrats pretend they don't want Kavanaugh who has sworn to uphold aborticide to sodomy.
Nuff Said