The Saxon Race
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
For those who think the vitriol of Meghan McCain in threatening Donald Trump at John the hero McCain's dead man stalking, is bad, there is real turmoil against Nationalists in Europe and the graphic artwork produced in the Germanic regions is astounding, considering the police state crushes Germans like flies for Muslim rape cock.
thanks merkel now also honor killing official to germany
The following are some examples, including the European left actually calling for the harming of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of Austria. Donald Trump is not alone in this in the United States.

The left of this this world is completely out of control and involved in advocating murder and hosts of other criminal acts, built upon the rape cock anarchy they imported due to Chinoid Obama blowing up Muslim lands and causing this endangerment of the West.

The face of this can best be summed up in the German actress, who has been victimized like American Patriots in Hollywood, in she has been denied work and threatened, but she will not remain silent, and instead has become a refreshing voice for liberation and security in Europe.
Silvana Heißenberg
This is my favorite photo of her, and it proves the stereotypes that Americans have of Europeans is completely wrong. Europeans are not all these faggot Macrons or mad cow fraus like Merkel. Real Europeans are just as "American" as real Americans are. They are Christian ethics, gun owners, moral and the best of citizens.
Most of you reading this have distant kindred in Europe and as you are the same DNA as they are, they are the same patriots you are.

These are the Germanics who are held in bondage in Europe, and who the masters there are in political process there of trying to rape genocide to death. There is a unity and it is a necessary unity that Donald Trump, Sebastian Kurz and Vladimir Putin unite in common grounds to defend civilization from the anarchist left which is protected by the police state to prey upon the true and native lines who God intends to inherit this earth in peace.
Nuff Said