Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Faith Builder Front

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is a Lame Cherry insight into the necessity of "Help thou my unbelief". Mark 9:24.

There is the adage in seeing is believing, but the reality is if you keep hearing something often enough, you will believe the  propaganda too. Each Christian has the responsibility to speak good things for themselves for them to manifest in their lives.
That means not holding onto the prayers, but sending them to accomplish things.

I will use myself as an example. I once prayed over 5 hours one night in bed in great anxiety in "God have mercy upon me", before the Holy Ghost's presence was felt. I will figure that I was saying that prayer every 2 seconds, so 30 time a minute, 180 times and hour which is 800 times that night.
I am not talking about chants or vain repetitions, but I am speaking about the reality that Jesus always prayed and spoke before He created the world or did a miracle. Jesus is the Thought of the Father, so speaking words is important, not that the speech is the progression of power, but inside of you is that belief which goes out into the energy fields to manifest what your will is.

So how do we do this on the faith builder front. We only say positive things. We stop as I have stated saying that things make us sick or give us pains. We watch our speech and focus on the fact that what we say is sent out to become true no matter what it is.

Respect of God is a good thing, but when you say, Please God have mercy on me", that is not "Be merciful to me God", as one is you asking for God to move and the other is speaking movement from God.

That is key in this, as there is a difference in "God heal me" and "I am healed by God". One is expecting something to happen, the other is stating something has happened. That is what each Christian must train themselves to speak. As I stated polite with God is good, but you are not saying, "Our Father, please save me from this car crash as You are my Protector", because if you said that, you would be dead. Instead you blurt out, "GOD SAVE ME", and it happens as it is urgent. Your needs are just as urgent for money to pay a bill, peace at work or a good government as is your falling off a cliff.

So you start speaking things. I in speaking repeat things 7 times, as that is a perfection number, but it often takes about 5 times to get me into the focus  of what I am saying to establish a foundation of belief. Remember that other people have wills, want things and are forcing their wills out there, so you have to keep running that framework into a network which works for you as your words are the ones being accomplished and not someone shoving you aside. It sounds like pigs to the tits, but it is. Thousands of people were around Jesus and wanted things done, but it was Jesus Who got things done, as His Will dominated by the work He invested in prayer, meditation and following God's laws, so He was at the correct frequency.

It is a good thing several times a day, when you can focus and concentrate to repeat things you will to happen.

If you want a home, the say, "God give me a good house". If you want a specific house, then you say, "That house is mine". See the difference again in sometimes it is leaving it up to God to sort out the best, but if you want some specific place which moves you, then you state that it is yours.
It helps to have your spouse or family stating the same thing in agreement, but if they are not on board for whatever reason, you just broadcast your message of will and in repeating it, it will establish that belief in you and when you are convinced, nothing will stop this from taking place once God is involved.

I want you to listen to things by the Holy Ghost too, as He does lead you to ask things. Like when I said for a relative to beg me for help and 2 days later it happened, I remembered driving and thinking as I said that, "This feels like it will  happen and I believe it". That is the feeling you need to nurture and  build in you, as sometimes the Person is God getting you a cake pan and sometimes it is you getting you a car.

As you  already know you want and need things, stop saying you want and need things, and stop the "God You know I need that," and start with, "THAT IS MINE!!!", and mean it, like a cat growling over a piece of chicken or a bulldog locked on the throat of a bull.  Get in there in this heathen world and stop the polite with the heathen animals, and begin with the  "THAT IS MINE AND I AM KEEPING IT".

If there are "setbacks", then you expect round  two with a better deal and say it, and keep saying it.

That is the lesson today on the faith builder front.

May God amplify the Christian Will in you to speak the possessing of things you want in Jesus Name Amen and Amen

Nuff Said


