Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Rosenstein Web

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is something wrong with the Rod Rosenstein situation as this blog first exclusively noted in the Daily Caller quoting White House Insiders, posting a story that Andrew McCabe was the evil vixen trolling poor Rod Rosenstein, and the Trump White House was rallying to protect Rosenstein who is half of the Jeff Sessions reason America has been political raped by the judiciary for almost two years in Trump getting no MAGA promises done.

It was Jeff Sessions who began this, after Mike Pence said that Mike Flynn "lied to him", which got Flynn fired, which set off the firing of James Comey, which had Sessions recusing himself, which put Rod Rosenstein in charge of sending out the cluster bomb of Robert Mueller to shred everyone by judicial terrorism.
All of this centers around Sessions inactions and Rosenstein's actions in holding America hostage.

So in knowing that reality, of Rosenstein giving Mueller a blank check to terrorize and destroy innocent Americans, why is the Daily Caller which is the Pence, Bush, Romney press protecting Rosenstein?

The only conclusion is they want Trump neutralized and impeached, so Pence will be the GOP nominee in 2020 and Jeb! will be the Vice President as that cull hangs around like cancer doing interviews.

Now it is the Andrew McCabe Cabal after innocent Rod Rosenstein

There is more to this though in on Monday the big bombshell was Rod Rosenstein, was on his way out. Yet who rushed to "set the story straight" but Sean Hannity who is on dial up with Trump, and then we discover that Rosenstein, was in multiple long term conversations this past weekend with John Kelly.
Interesting in Kelly if Rosenstein offered his resignation did not accept it, and Rosenstein is staying on. The protection of Rosenstein continues.

Then Real Clear Politics has joined in progressing the refrain that Trump can not fire Sessions or Rosenstein. We have heard this often in the back press. First it was Senators warning Trump to keep Sessions as they could not get a new Attorney General through.......yes but Brett Kavanaugh as the Virgin Rapist is the vanguard of all the GOP stands for. So you can see the bullshit in this as the meter is in the nose deep setting.
Second we are being told that Rosenstein can not be fired, as Trump would be attacked for Obstruction of Justice.

Here are the quotes in it making it sound like Trump is in limbo.

The second takeaway from the Rosenstein leak is nakedly political. It’s a trap for Trump. It tempts him to fire Rosenstein immediately, before the midterms and perhaps before the Kavanaugh vote for the Supreme Court. The president has the constitutional authority to do that. But doing it before November would be a serious mistake.
The Democrats would immediately claim the president was obstructing justice. After all, Rosenstein is the Department of Justice’s sole supervisor of Mueller and his team. The Democrats could plausibly argue that Trump’s motives are corrupt, that he just wants a toady to step in and block a full, fair investigation by the special counsel. That reinforces the Democrats’ “obstruction narrative,” which is their current line of attack now that the “collusion with Russia narrative” is in tatters (since there is little public evidence of such collusion after two years of investigation; Bob Woodward also found none in researching his book, “Fear”).

The Lame Cherry laid out for the President in what Donald Trump could do. He could have demanded a written explanation from Jeff Sessions as to why Rod Rosenstein was not fired, and when that explanation did not result in Rosenstein's firing, Trump could in public ask for their resignation. That puts the onus upon them, and once that pressure builds in forcing resignations, the #3 at Justice would prevail and set this house in order.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

It is time for Jesse Panuccio as Acting Attorney General

The Lame Cherry desires for each of you to ask yourself why is it that the scenario has been laid out that Donald Trump has been politically castrated, in he can not do anything?
This is obviously what the President is hearing, and the songbirds chirping this are John Kelly, Mike Pence and all of their staff. Now the Lame Cherry asks you to consider this reality which none of these testicle trophy trolls is telling you............what happens if Donald Trump does not terminate Rod Rosenstein by his  resignation?

We have before us the November elections. Special Counsels are notorious for October Surprises to bring down Presidents. What happens on October 28th in Robert Mueller begins handing down indictments of Don jr. or a Plumbers cadre of Roger Stone Watergate types to splash across the press placed in handcuffs?

That might be a problem worse for Donald Trump than firing Rosenstein. It would mean the democrats would seize control over Congress. This would bring a first call from Chuck Schumer to Donald Trump, informing him, that if he fires anyone from now on, he will be impeached by January 20th, 2019 AD in the year of our Lord. Nancy Pelosi as Speaker would issue the same warning public.

So there is not going to be any firing of Rod Rosenstein after the elections, as assisted by Congress, if Trump tried it, Robert Mueller would indeed offer that as soon as Congress impeached Donald John Trump, that he would indict him for obstruction of justice.

Now why is it that none of these Pence Bush trolls placing stories in the Mockingbird Press and by John Kelly whispering to Donald John, those realities, but telling the President to wait around to run the clock out? It is because this group is working to neutralize the Trump promised agenda,, to protect Rod Rosenstein, and as soon as possible remove Donald Trump from office.
Keeping Rosenstein in power, protects Mueller and the witch hunt. Accepting Rosenstein's resignation, places someone in charge who can shut this investigation down.........as we do not want this hanging over another national election.

Wow, that sounds like what a great political strategist like Lee Atwater, Richard Nixon or Mike Deaver would offer, but none of that is reaching Donald Trump.

There are only three conclusions in this concerning Rod Rosenstein:

Conclusion 1: Donald Trump is in on this and is protecting Rosenstein as once he learned he was working for the deep state he discarded MAGA.

Conclusion 2: The President is being manipulated by Mike Pence, John Kelly and his various trolls he trusts in.

Conclusion 3: Rod Rosenstein has been the hand which rocks the cradle in this from the start by the Bush and Clinton families, with Mike Pence placed on the ticket to guide the removal of Donald Trump, and with John Kelly, Donald Trump is staked out in the sun, and all he can do is bend at the waist and follow the orders given him.

Donald Trump is not an idiot, nor a moron. Watching his handling of this Rod Rosenstein situation is going to reveal a great deal more of what Donald Trump really is, just as his holding the line for Bushman Brett Kavanaugh, as Lindsey Graham is now his inside man in Congress pulling strings for the DIA.

This is a DIA operation, Defense Intelligence, so it probably is something you should see that all of the above are DIA assets, and that means when the DIA is protecting Rod Rosenstein, Rosenstein is DIA and following their orders.

You can see numbers of Pence people are protecting Rod Rosenstein, and not giving you the ways of having him removed which would not harm the President. Again you are not ever getting this information from any one else, so it informs you how corrupt your sources are, and how brier patch isolated this blog is, and when it disappears, so does your Kit Carson way out.

Nuff Said
