Sunday, September 30, 2018

Father Donald and the Two Dictators


Do not worry my child, as I only molest little boys.
I will sell you to someone though who will molest you. 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Donald Trump is no anti Christ, but he certainly is anti Christian as he remains silent as the lambs when it comes to Christians being vanquished in communist China.

This President though went out of his way  to praise dictator Xi in Mr. Trump's United Nations speech where Mr. Trump railed against Iranians, Venezuelans and Cubans. That is the reality of Donald Trump.

This blog is one of the few media sites which has continued to expose the terrorism against Christians in China. Churches there are destroyed, the Faithful terrorized and recently that false prophet the Pater Pope signed a Vatican deal with Peking which will wipe out Protestants in China, leaving only the Whore of Babylon riding the Peking state dragon for control of religion in China.

The Pope has a China dream, and burning Bibles won't get in ...

The Pope has a China dream, and burning Bibles won't get in the way. Rumour has it that Francis is about to switch the Vatican's allegiance from Taipei to Beijing - and he appears willing to ...

Yet absolute Twitter silence from Donald John and Marionette Melania over Chinese terrorism of Christians, while they praise the men behind it in dictator Xi and the Pater Pope.

President Ronald Reagan set the standard for human dignity, all human dignity, in his moral compass as a shining light in America, for all the world, which was unquestioned. He never would have accepted this wholesale obliteration of Christianity in China, and that is what is most troubling in the Mockingbird cage of John Kelly meets Donald Trump, in the propaganda of FOX never makes an issue of this in human rights. This is the foundation of America in religious freedom established by Christians, and the Trump White House is absolutely negligent in standing for the core beliefs of America's foundation.

A Protestant Christian heartbeat in China would end nuclear missiles pointed at Americans and end Chinese aggression all through Asia and the world. Christianity is in America's national interest, and yet not one word from the Trump  White House as two dictators in Xi and Francis just initiated a Protestant Holocaust in Asia.

Nuff Said
