Sunday, September 30, 2018

While you had your hand up Christine Blasey Ford's Skirt

I swear I have a hot wife with large comforting breasts
in the coming event of nuclear war raining down 
on the purple mountain majesty and amber waves of grain 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As you probably missed it, Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke was in oil baron Pennsylvania, making some very provocative statements in stating the United States should blockade Russian oil shipments.

Zinke was very complete in his assessment, that without oil, Russia collapses, which reveals the need for European pipelines and how vulnerable Russia is. What Zinke has advocated is an act of war, and Russia has stated as such.

"The United States has that ability, with our Navy, to make sure the sea lanes are open, and, if necessary, to blockade… to make sure that their energy does not go to market," Zinke said.

"Russia is a one trick pony," Zinke said, stating that Russian economy depends solely on its ability to sell energy. "I believe the reason they are in the Middle East is they want to broker energy just like they do in Eastern Europe, the southern belly of Europe."
Answering the question on how the US should deal with Russia and Iran, Zinke said that "there are two ways."

"There is the military option, which I would rather not. And there is the economic option," he said. "The economic option on Iran and Russia is, more or less, leveraging and replacing fuels."

For those who are wondering what this is all about, the Lame Cherry will explain it all tomorrow, so all of you non donors who just went into Russian nuclear missile sights for a coming war, have a deserving bad time of it tonight, look for the answer in PEAK CHINA, as this blog will explain all of what is taking place.

Ryan Zinke is DIA, Defense Intelligence and was on a mission. This was a diversion, and a brilliant one coming from a low key United States official to get the Russians fixated.

As Interior Secretary I proclaim Lola's breasts
a national treasure and my private park.


Oh to have a listless night with all your money in your non donor pockets, under nuclear missile shrouds, and there locked away until morning the Lame Cherry answer to it all. What happens when the answers are not there any more and you have to sit in the dark being an asstard, because God does not reveal things to you which are so simply arrayed here.

II Kings 6

11 Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for this thing; and he called his servants, and said unto them, Will ye not shew me which of us is for the king of Israel?
 12 And one of his servants said, None, my lord, O king: but Elisha, the prophet that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bedchamber.

Yes nuclear war is brewing and all you wanted to do is fondle professor.

Peak China

Congrats Mr. Secretary, she does have nice hoots!

