As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was watching on FOX Monday evening a series of never seen tapes of the Manson Family. It was one of the most perfect extensions of the CIA's MKULTRA programme on the Prophet satanic cult group. Manson was a live fire conditioning exercise which touched the underground of pedo porn in Sharon Tate to the dope trade in the Labiancas who the family murdered.
Manson admitted that the family had carried out 35 hits. They never would have been captured if Manson had not burned up an earth mover which interestingly brought a massive police raid to apprehend most of the family in the desert.
Manson was interested in Helter Skelter, or his code for a Nigger Revolution in the blacks going homicide against whites and in the end, Charlie would be the one in control. All of this mirrors in the last 1960's the exact same mirage which the forces behind Barack Hussein Obama unleashed in racism on America. What grew out of the 1970's in the rent a fag mob, of anti nuke, anti fur, pro aborticide to the Nancy Pelosi Bush Deranged Syndrome, that became Obama's cult of Soros funded terrorists.
Each step has been an upgrade, as Blacks simply could not riot effectively, as the #NeverTrump group has emerged as an interstate Manson Family under perfect brainwashing.
The latest effect in this was Tom Arnold in the infamous Nigger word by Trump on the Apprentice. I have not paid a great deal of attention of this, as I am shutting down politically, but Tom Arnold has been provided a platform where his rather off balanced actions, engaged in attacking the producer of the Apprentice to get those Nigger tapes.
The problem is that Mark Burnett has no control over those tapes, as they are the property of MGM.
Arnold though according to TMZ rushed Burnett and his wife Roma Downey, where he attacked Burnett, ripped off his cross, where Burnett put Arnold in a choke hold, and sometime in this Downey received a severe rupture of blood vessels on her hand which she posted.
Roma DowneyVerified account @RealRomaDowney
Got this bruise tonight when Tom Arnold tried to ambush my husband Mark and me at a charity event. Is your TV show worth it Tom?Please stop
The facts in this are quite straightforward with two eyewitnesses who agreed it was Tom Arnold who set this up, for his television segment in this was all planned.
Another eyewitness just walked us through what he saw ... he says Mark and Roma were walking up the stairs and stopped at the top to talk to someone. Within seconds, the eyewitness said, "Tom came charging up the steps and it was on." The eyewitness says it was clear Tom was there to confront Mark and, in a flash, Mark had his hands on Tom's throat, and Tom was tearing at Mark's shirt and ripping off his crucifix.
The eyewitness says it was all over in 15 seconds because "Survivor" host Jeff Probst separated them. The eyewitness also says Bryan Fogel was there filming the whole thing and it looked planned because the altercation was quick and without warning.
An eyewitness tells TMZ he saw the altercation this way ... Burnett and his wife, Roma Downey, had just arrived at the party and walked up the staircase to get inside. We're told just as they got to the top stair, Arnold came charging at them and pushed Burnett. The eyewitness says Burnett pushed Arnold back and then Arnold ripped Burnett's crucifix off his neck, breaking it. Arnold said it was a gold chain but in fact, it was a crucifix.
What followed though on Twitter from the Downey post was an instant projection of the Tom Arnold and Patton Oswalt fabrication that Burnett had attacked Arnold. Arnold had progressed the event to Burnett was trying to murder him, Arnold was filing a police report and Downey was being sued for defamation.
Arnold did not file any police reports.
This projection of the Arnold fabrication took place almost immediately after the Downey post of the injury on her hand.
Tom says it was Mark attacking him..
An independent witness seems to corroborate Tom’s version.
This is unfolding in real time so... I’m not picking sides, just reporting what I have seen so far.
Downey appears to have an entire group of stalkers who follow her on Twitter and they unleashed with calling her a liar, that she fabricated the bruise and the continued demand of Burnett to release tapes which has no control over.
For the record, Roma Downey by the irregular shape of a contusion, Bruising does require time to discolor in most instances. The shape of Downey's injury though points to a ruptured vein. As it does not take hours for a blood blister to appear, contusions of this type will appear almost instantly.
'm third @LillyIbrahim 11 hours ago
Roma, you claim to be a Christian. If so, then you should be horrified by Pres. Trump and his immigration policies and his attitudes towards women & minorities. Please convince your husband to release The Apprentice tapes. Our country is in big trouble.
Now I'm pissed!🌊⭕ @KangasMom1 6 hours ago
When you first get a bruise, it's kind of reddish as the blood appears under the skin. Within 1 or 2 days, the hemoglobin (an iron-containing substance that carries oxygen) in the blood changes and your bruise turns bluish-purple or even blackish.
Stop lying.
wtf 🍩🌈🔥 @VoidTheElection 20 hours ago
Darling, you and your scumbag husband have covered for Trump and refused to release his racist tapes while he was on The Apprentice. And now you’re going to claim Tom attacked you after he already reported your husband has attacked him. GFY.
The Lame Cherry has zero intention of defending Roma Downey as she suffers from the same malady of loving murderous wolves and detesting wildlife conservative, which the Trump White House is deluded with too.
What is of interest in this are the forensic psychological evolution programmes in how a population has been conditioned from MKULTRA and Monarch with direct manipulation and narcotic effect for these Manchurians in mass. What was once a brutal psychological rape of isolated inmates, evolved to the cult group think with sex, narcotics and propaganda, to this perfect storm of electronic conditioning and triggering. All of which is based in the fear of helpless vulnerability that a regular din is in operation, of paid cyber stalkers to literal cyber terrorists.
For those who think the hatred of Protestants is something that only manifests out of the Vatican, Mecca and Tel Aviv, Downey's board featured a number of interesting hate memes. What is fascinating in this is Messiah Obama and Jesus are joined in their hatred of Evangelicals and Donald Trump, as Obama and Jesus are co equals in this Resistance.
For those who need it bluntly put to them that their being Christians has made them a target of this modern Manson Family, read the following meme, and understand that these conditioned people who support Tom Arnold attacking people in public, have not forgotten Evangelicals won the 2016 AD in the year of our Lord election for Donald Trump, and this group has evolved from Hillary Clinton's Deplorables, to Christians in the United States are the dregs to be removed from society and they are a disease to use radioactivity against to eliminate.
As someone who is not of the Roma Downey "God loves me more because I have money" which everyone from the Clinton's to the Trump's suffer from, the problem for Protestants is these urban evangelicals who damn the rural Americans in choosing animals over humans in their own cult practice to whatever ignorant cause they have joined the left in, to prove how big tent they are.
The western nations suffer from a created psychotic under base designed to intimidate the silent majority. There are numbers of posts attacking Roma Downey though over her bruise. The fixation is a mania. The hatred for her for having voted for Donald Trump, who in these vulnerable stalker's lives has deprived them of the security of the psychosis of protection of the Priestess Hillary who would continue to progress the delusion that they are not going to hell, and in that perfection they have the authority to exterminate Christians, which triggers these insane rants.
Maybe you will be
Touched by an Angel.
You Evangelicals are the worst.
@TomArnold is trying to save our democracy.
What have you done today?

The reality is we have witnessed these unbalanced people ripping hats off of children and sending white powder to the Trump family. This group of fist clenchers is engaged in terrorism on their own and they are literally a psychological activation before Manson type events manifest.
This is all by design. It is something that people must begin to be aware of and not dismiss or ignore. Roma Downey is a woman, married to a man who produced the Apprentice, and there is a rumored tape which WILL NOT REMOVE DONALD TRUMP FROM PRESIDENT, and yet this lynch gang is out for Twitter Rape to assault this woman into submission.
It does not matter if it is the nuttery of John the hero McCain's political assassination of the President, a mirror of the Paul Wellstone funeral, these people have been animalized and in rabid attack slash at anything. There is a real danger in this, because this group is being manipulated by the deep state as a diversion, and already being unbalanced any trained professional from the intelligence community could trigger a percentage of them to violence.
For those who require reminding we have watched Lisa Page and Evelyn Farkas destroy themselves after being manipulated by this John Brennan operation. Those were educated and reasonable professionals and they were pushed over the edge.
So the reasonable understand this, the din of this diversion of Russiagate in focusing on Russians in election manipulation is deliberate, to hide the national manipulation based on the Lansdale Model in brainwashing populations.
There were thousands of out of control teenagers in California in the 1960's and of those Charlie Manson gained control of around 100 with a core group of almost a dozen minds, mostly women who engaged in the most heinous butchery, one of who went after President Ford in 1976 AD in the year of our Lord, joining other unbalanced women, in an assassination which would have made deep state Nelson Rockefeller as the unelected President.
That same hate has been groomed and released in mass in the United States in 2018 AD in the year of our Lord. This is something which should be taken serious, and yet the police state has allowed it, and platforms in Facebook and Twitter are promoting it and protecting this hate, as the mass posts aimed at Roma Downey prove.
This is beyond unhealthy for anyone and it is dangerous to a nation.
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Nuff Said