Chancellor Sebastian Kurz
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry is going to speak frankly in this post in terms so that you can understand why you are being robbed and how when the American economic implosion arises that you will have read of a way to save yourselves as world war envelops the world again.
The United States operates under a criminal ponzi scheme, where the world is made to trade in Dollars, and America manufactures them in click of a keyboard in the trillions. Donald Trump had an opportunity to save America, but instead Wall Street rapine tax policy and big oil looting of American energy as the people were gleaned of the last of what they had, and were replaced with the Visa Vermin, as the underlying "drive" of the economy.
Adolf Hitler resorted to concentrated forced labor to deal with inflation, as the English Empire resorted to Nigger slavery to create revenue off sugar, rum and tobacco. The United States has engaged in same legalized slavery by importing cheap foreign workers. Only Europe under Sebastian Kurz has turned this tide for the Caucasian peoples of Europe.
There is simply too many dollars in the world and other nations are being robbed in trades in dollars, so they yearn for replacement currencies where they will not be gouged by the Dollar. BRICS which is the Russian Chinese led trading block, has now been joined by the European Union over Trump Iranian sanctions as the European Union is setting up it's own payment systems outside of US control.
That means the US Dollar is not being utilized, which means too many dollars, which means inflation, and which means in the end, the United States will have to reckon with trillions of dollars in debt without any production of real goods to pay that debt. In short, America will have over 100 million foreign breeders consuming and not producing inside the United States.
The classic trauma which the United States is facing as England faced and only became a usury nation with a 3rd world class of living, is the penalties inflicted on Germany after World War I. The Germans were force to pay reparations, had their lands stole, the colonies confiscated and the entire German infrastructure was falling apart. The man who entered into this was Hjalmer Horace Greeley Schacht.

Adolf Hitler - Hjalmer Schacht
Schacht's father had come to America and greatly admired the American writer, Horace Greeley, who was an abolitionist and an advocate of western American expansion, so he named his son Hjalmer after thee American.
It was in the darkest days of Germany that Schacht as head of the Reichsbank undertook some interesting economic plans, as the men he admired most were John Maynard Keynes of England and Franklin Roosevelt of America.
Yes, Adolf Hitler's banker was devoted to the American socialist Franklin Roosevelt's public works programs.
After Adolf Hitler passed his Enabling Bill Schacht toured the United States where he made forty speeches, appeared on radio and wrote several articles for American newsletters where he claimed that Hitler would soon return Germany to democracy. He met Franklin D. Roosevelt but made a bad impression on the president who later described him as "extremely arrogant".
In August, 1934, Hitler appointed Schacht as his minister of economics. Deeply influenced by the economic ideas of John Maynard Keynes and Roosevelt's New Deal, Schacht encouraged Hitler to introduce a programme of public works, including the building of the Autobahnen.
Schacht also introduced the New Plan which rigorously controlled everything that was imported into Germany. This involved negotiating a series of bilateral trade agreements including one with the Soviet Union in 1935.
Like other Nazis Schacht was extremely hostile to Germany's Jewish population. In one speech he argued that "the Jews must realize that their influence in Germany has disappeared for all time." In 1934 he arranged with the World Zionist Organization, a deal where German Jews could pay 15,000 reichmarks to emigrate to Palestine. It is estimated that over the next four years over 170,000 reached Palestine under this agreement.
As one can read in the above, Schacht understood the problems of foreign domination of domestic policy by non natives. That is what was behind the Jewish Return to Palestine which had nothing to do with concentration camps. Schacht was removing an employment and economic competition problem in resettlement to the Jewish native lands. America on the other hand still under Donald Trump is importing hordes of competitors creating massive shortages. Sebastian Kurz on the other hand to save Europe, has placed border security and European jobs for Europeans at the forefront which is sound economic policy.
The basis for Adolf Hitler's economic recovery was Abraham Lincoln's Greenbacks, a currency which Lincoln produced, instead of incurring record debt for war. As Germany needed money and had none with hyper inflation. Schacht instead issued German MEFO notes, which were from a company backed by the German State.
In short, Schacht engaged on an economic plant which achieved 100% employment of Germans, an expanding economy, and a money which was tied to the goods produced, so the money was actually backed by goods,and not in oversupply or undersupply , speculation or inflation were kept under control.

Abraham Lincoln
Greenback (1860s money) - Wikipedia
When President Abraham Lincoln assumed office, he understood the importance of money for the war effort. With this in mind, ... Lincoln's greenback currency.
For Americans in their coming economic disaster, Schact's remedy as Lincoln's are a reality which America will have to implement to save herself.
Yet, from 1933-1938, thanks to Schacht, the economy recovered spectacularly (Figure 1).2 Schacht’s objective to jumpstart the moribund economy required money. But money was not available, since savings were inexistent and production was so restricted that savings would not accumulate (Schacht 1967). Neither could money be printed, since lending to the government would have put the Reichsbank at risk of losing control of monetary policy.
Schacht then contrived a brilliant unconventional monetary solution. For payments, state contractors and suppliers received bills of exchange issued by a company called ‘MEFO’.3 The MEFO-bills were state guaranteed, they could circulate in the economy and could be discounted by their holders at the Reichsbank in exchange for cash.
Schacht believed that the duty of the central bank was to make available to the economy as much money as necessary to facilitate output production. The issuance of bills of exchange was instrumental to this end – as each bill stood against the sale of newly produced goods, and each issue of money was based on the exchange of the new goods, central bank money issuance against bills could not be inflationary. Indeed, the employees of MEFO checked that every MEFO-bill issued was tied to a quantity of newly produced goods, and only bills issued against the sales of these goods were granted. This way, the circulation of money and the circulation of goods remained in equilibrium.4
The Reichsbank undertook to accept on demand all MEFO bills, irrespective of their size, number and due date, and to exchange them for money. The bills were discounted at a 4% interest rate. As such, they were given the character of interest-bearing money, and banks, savings banks, and firms could hold and use them exactly as if they were money.
Yet in Hjalmer Schacht is the genius which Chancellor Sebastian Kurz must find his European salvation for the supers state forming as Germany is an economy as are all European economies in being Balkanized. They are based on the economic laws of Walter Eucken, whose main economic base is Germany produces what the world will accept in trade and no more for economic prosperity. Such a national economic plan is fine for a nation, but not for a Federated Nation as Europe is, as Europe is too large to have the world absorb it's production. Europe must move to a Schacht system in order to produce as Sebastian Kurz advocates, and trade, but the ability to compete and prevail on all economic fronts.
The United States under Birther Hussein Obama, engaged in the worst check kiting scheme in world history. In it Quantitative Easing had the Federal Reserve first charging Americans to print their money, which was in debt, and then bought that debt back from America, which was charging Americans twice for the same dollar bill.
Schacht like Benjamin Franklin strictly adhered to an economic foundation which was based in goods produced equaled the currency to absorbed by that production. This creates a stable and expanding economy without inflation or speculation.

Walter Eucken
Eucken’s vision of the German economy was – and remains – one of a relatively small-open economy which relies on the rest of the world to sustain its aggregate demand. But what is rational for a small economy may turn out to be irrational for a large one.1 If Eucken’s vision epitomises the economic success of Germany, its underlying fallacy of composition exemplifies as much the failure of the Eurozone – a large economy that, thinking of itself as small, refuses to use its internal potential to propel growth, and yet it is too large to piggyback on the rest of the world, especially when the latter gets weak and slow. As a result, the Eurozone has deprived itself, and the world, of the full use of its very powerful economic engine, most notably when using it could prove beneficial to all.
President Donald Trump has made a colossal economic, diplomatic and MEGA mistake. He was wrong in alienating Russia and focusing on China which made a fool out of Trump. Mr. Trump made another mistake in making America an extension of Greater Jewry policy, as usury and the Mideast are not in United States interests. The last mistake Donald Trump made was not accepting Sebastian Kurz's hand in the Vienna Summit of Putin and Trump, and instead in arrogance chose Helsinki.
Austria Germany is the industrial and economic hub of Pan Europe. They are about to form a Europa which is moving ahead to replace the United States as the Eurasian trading partner in Russian raw resources and Asian cheap labor. Mr. Kurz instead of importing Muslim and Latins for cheap labor will instead employ on ground Slavic laborers who are trained. Christian and industrious. The entire Kurz Model is built to overtake the United States, and in that spells the economic down turn of America in a reckoning which will genocide thee American Race for a mongrel swarthy people who will make the Americans into piglet womb producing continents of 4 billion human vermin in an equal state of what Africa has become since George W. Bush stopped the marlia cropping of those unproductive breeders and Africa is on the road to evolving a plague to cure that continent of humans.
There is a great apocalypse forming on the American horizon. The American presidents have been willing tools of the global financial state, and not since Ronald Reagan have any benefited thee American People. Ronald Reagan with Milton Friedman proved that even Carter depressions can be overcome when leaders work for the American People. Obama proved as did Franklin Roosevelt that treacherous leadership enslaves free peoples in order to gain dictatorial powers.

Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Hjalmer Schacht all proved that in the worst of economic implosion, that IF THE LEADERSHIP IS INCLINED TO SAVE THEIR PEOPLE, that methods are available to restore economic order and prosperity. No indications are anywhere in the United States that any such leadership is present or ever will arise again and what is coming will be utilized to seize even the souls of thee Americans in exchange for bread.
You though have the basic economic lessons in how nations can rectify rapine situations and this is something to remember when you are told that the economy is "wonderful" or that nothing more can be done. Those are lies, and they are meant to keep the People from their prosperity and their money.
Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter as no one else will inform you of these realities.
Nuff Said