As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
After America rejected Hubert Humphrey for President by voting for Governor George Wallace who was for the working men and women on assembly lines and President Richard Nixon who was for law and order in the Silent Majority, Hubert Humphrey went into a self questioning severe depression. In this time, President Richard Nixon most graciously offered the former Vice President, without any political future or prospects, the opportunity to serve America on a global stage as Ambassador to the United Nations.
The UN Ambassadorship would have afforded Humphrey the opportunity to serve America best in dealing with the Vietnam War which he was fixated upon ending and in dealing with the Soviet Union in lessening nuclear war accidents, as the Soviet's adored Hubert Humphrey.
HHH turned President Richard Nixon down flat and instead took a lucrative paycheck from Encyclopedia Britannica as a board member.
Again in this in early 1970, President Richard Nixon phoned Hubert Humphrey at his home, and requested Humphrey coming over to the White House to chat about some pending legislation.
Dr. Edgar Berman ventured along and in the almost 90 minute meeting that Hubert Humphrey had with the President of the United States, the following conversation emerged afterwards between Humphrey and Berman.
In it the worst of Hubert Humphrey the pontificating, judgmental self absorbed intellectual appears, hiding behind his fears for America, when all of this was about, a wounded Hubert Humphrey still upset that "Richard Nixon of all people was better than him at winning the presidency and the People of America chose Richard Nixon over the all knowing liberal Humphrey".
Hubert Humphrey fixated on only losing the presidency to Nixon by .6%, but if one examines the electoral college map, Richard Nixon won in an electoral landslide, as Donald Trump did against Hillary Clinton.
Here though are Humphrey's most ignoble words.
"You know, it's unbelievable. I've known Truman, I've known Eisenhower, I've known Kennedy - and LBJ - before and during their White House days. I've seen and talk to each of them alone and with groups, on just about everything.
Eisenhower was certainly no intellect, and even Truman was supposedly very simple, not highly educated man. Truman grew to be a giant in the White House, and even Eisenhower enlarged somewhat in the Oval Office. It's rare that a president doesn't.
By God, not this one (meaning Nixon). Not one scintilla of change. This man is no different now than when he ran against Voorhees for Congress and then pulled all that dirty stuff against Helen Gahagan Douglas in the Senate race 25 years ago. You know, the country could have lived with Goldwater, but ths man in that Oval Office scares the hell out of me."
By 1972 AD in the year of our Lord, Americans were so in love with Richard Nixon as President that they provided and epic landslide for the President, against another Hubert Humphrey protege in George McGovern.
But what was Richard Nixon accomplishing that Americans so adored?
List of Nixon's Accomplishments before the Watergate Impeachment Coup
1. Ended Kennedy Johnson Vietnam War successfully
2. Opened relations to Communist China as a leverage against the Soviet Union.
3. Strategic Arms Limitation with the Soviet Union against nuclear arms.
4. Opened expanded agricultural trade with the communist block.
5. Ended Chinese Indian War in which Nixon threatened to nuke China if they did not leave India
6. Title IX which mandated that girls have the same access as boys to sports.
7. Ended the drafting of young people into the military.
8. Established the Environmental Protection Agency
9. Appointed 4 Supreme Court Justices
10. Ended the 72 Israeli Arab War by Shuttle Diplomacy
11. Dedicated 100 million dollars to the war on cancer.
12. Peaceful desegregation of Southern schools.
13. Limited the United States as world policeman.
14. Returned the American POW's to the United States in the Vietnam War.
15. Apollo XI in the first man to land on the moon.
16. The 18 year old vote in the 26th Amendment
17. Mandated the FBI and Special Task Forces to neutralize organized crime
18. Liberated American Indians to self determination.
19. In the 1973 Yom Kippur War Richard Nixon saved the state of Israel in a massive supply lift.
20. Effectively stopped a second Cuban Missile Crisis over Soviet submarines before it began.
Those are the top 20 accomplishments of President Richard Nixon. Some of them were more liberal than Hubert Humphrey ever would have thought of or accomplished. It was a great disservice in the arrogance of Hubert Humphrey in he turned his back on America and discounted the "unchanged" Richard Nixon, who did not allow his White House to be run by communist spies as Harry Truman, did not fornicate all over the White House as JFK, did not create disastrous inflation in bad economic policy as LBJ and certainly was not an overstuffed intellect like Jimmy Carter whose administration was a failure, because Carter thought like Obama that he was the smartest person in the world.
That is the lesson that Hubert Humphrey was too self deluded to comprehend. Richard Nixon may not have changed, but then that is a good thing at times, because the inflated ego of Hubert Humphrey would have had him building more projects than Solomon and they all would have failed, for the simple reason good intentions do not solve problems. Hubert Humphrey could say he would end the Vietnam War in 4 months, but then forgot about the POW's return, the reality that 40 million armed Americans might revolt when his policy was shattered by communists in North Vietnam invading the South again.
Intellect never factors in the reality of the world. Hubert Humphrey could never run a presidential political campaign, and yet he thought he could run the United States which was far more complex and a campaign is a foresight to how bad a presidency will be.
I contemplate in this self righteousness of Hubert Humphrey proven absolutely wrong about Richard Nixon and that is the fact that I highly doubt that President Hubert Humphrey would have been magnanimous in inviting Richard Nixon to join his administration at a prestigious position, as he never gave Richard Nixon the time of day when Humphrey was Vice President all those years after Jack Kennedy stole the election from Mr. Nixon.
No matter the liberal propaganda, Richard Nixon as a leader was the greatest leader the United States had witnessed since Theodore Roosevelt in progressing America and engaging in diplomacy. He was more humanitarian than Hubert Humphrey ever was, as Richard Nixon in victory did not forget the Humphrey he defeated and America rejected, and had compassion time and again on Hubert H. Humphrey.
Let that set the record straight.
Nuff Said