Friday, September 7, 2018

Colonel Trần Trọng Duyệt cries for John the hero McCain

Colonel Trần Trọng Duyệt.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am so pleased that the international adoration for John the hero McCain has not subsided, as John the hero McCain is receiving praise from communists in Vietnam in how much they admire him, and John Kerry, who once served in Vietnam too.

Yes it is Colonel Trần Trọng Duyệt of the Prisoner of War Hotel where John the hero McCain was housed, and where the hero made propaganda films and was rewarded with cigarettes which he was smoking on camera during filming, who has said the kindest of all things about the hero.


"When I learnt about his death early this morning, I feel very sad. I would like to send condolences to his family. I think it’s the same feeling for all Vietnamese people as he has greatly contributed to the development of Việt Nam - US relations."

Yes who among us will ever have our kommandant ever say they are sad in our passing, but John the hero McCain brought tears to this communist's eyes, who never flinched in tying Americans up until their joints popped, hung them from meat hooks to be bounced, until they puked, pissed and shit on themselves, but Colonel Trần Trọng Duyệt, cried for the man he admired in John the hero McCain.

It was indeed admired as much as this communist torturer loved John the hero McCain.

At that time I liked him personally for his toughness and strong stance. Later on, when he became a US Senator, he and Senator John Kerry greatly contributed to promote Việt Nam-US relations so I was very fond of him.”
The Lame Cherry is so pleased that the United States Navy has buried John the hero McCain at Annapolis, for the simple reason that when the Chicoms invade the United States, there will be one shrine the communists will never desecrate and that will be John the hero McCain's grave. 

John McCain Will Be Laid to Rest Next to His Best Friend: 'He Has His Wingman Back Now'

Granted McCain's wingman will not receive such great treatment, but then John the hero McCain never wanted to discuss POW's abandoned in Vietnam, as they were just getting in the way of US Vietnamese relations, and after all, John the hero McCain was working for his constituency in Vietnamese communism, in providing them luxury homes while voters in Arizona got Obama rationed death.

Yes George Washington was never cheered by the English. Patton was never cheered by the Germans, but John the hero McCain was cried over and loved by his enemies who held him captive, as they had a special relationship which only smoking cigarettes can develop.

I am so personally pleased that finally John the hero McCain is receiving real adoration and affection from the very people he so deserves it from.

Nuff Said
