Monday, September 10, 2018

Is your vote worth 25 cents?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So how much of a cheap two bit vote whore do you feel in this Trump spectacular economy with 95 million Americans still out of work, the books rigged in Obama numbers for fake prosperity and your vote is deemed to be worth a 25 cent reduction in gas prices by election day.

You do remember that Zerohedge was telling you that gas prices would rise to 3 dollars a gallon, but only topped out at 2.85 right for the summer? So what gives with that insider information?
Save your brains, as the reason gas did not top out at 3 bucks a gallon is because all the money is gone in America. Trump was still looting people on Obama high taxes in Trump collected even more record taxes, while keeping Obamacare gouging on the books. There simply was not any money left in America for 3 dollar gasoline, and all that could be looted was 2.85.

AAA Gas Prices

Your trusted source for nationwide gas prices. Regular Mid-Grade Premium Diesel E85; Current Avg. $2.837: $3.134: $3.385: $3.162: $2.403

So what gives with the 25 cent whore cut? That is what is calculated to get people relieved enough to keep the same goddamn do nothing trash in Washington DC. Midterms are when the party in power gets beat, so 25 cents is supposed to keep just enough Republicans in power so Trump can be threatened, but not impeached.

For you Trump Clappers, the Lame Cherry has a reality check for you in Birther Hussein's image actually with the Oil Barons REDUCED GAS PRICES TO INSTALL HAMROD in a bigger savings and cut, than Donald Trump is giving you two bit whores.

Yes Obama gas prices, were almost a dollar cheaper than Donald Trump, and you detested Obama, and here it is that the Oil Barons gave you a better deal with Hillary Clinton who you did not vote for.

Fuel Price Outlook 2016

Fuel Price Outlook 2016 . ... November $2.03 - $2.18 $2.13 December $1.92 ... on prompt ship arrivals saw gas prices rise immediately.

The stick up the ass in this is George W. Bush, whose best friend is Michelle Obama, actually had gas prices at 1.87 a gallon, a whole full dollar less than Trumpenomics. So the question is why are you accepting Donald Trump stealing your oil and gas and giving it away subsidized by your high gas prices to Europeans, and you are clapping for Mr. Donald, when Obama gave you one hell of a better deal in his image for Hamrod Clinton.

Most of you do not get the point in this, that I am not anti Trump. I helped create him after all. I am pro YOU. I want you to have gas prices of 60 cents a gallon, so you have thousands of more dollars in deflated prices to pay off your homes, get a new car and jusst have a beer that does not taste like horse piss out of Wisconsin.

So the Lame Cherry asks you again, how to you feel being priced as a two bit whore? You like that deal or would you rather have your gas prices under two dollars a gallon or the Lame Cherry under a dollar a gallon?

See the real issues you never hear about from Kushner media nor Clinton media, because it is all a diversion as the swamp never gets drained and if you review 2 year of Donald Trump you have 3 glaring facts.

Fact 1: Nothing has changed under Donald Trump, as the same Obama platform is still in operation.

Fact 2: You are being gouged at higher levels than Obama in 2016.

Fact 3: Donal Trump via John Kelly legalized the Obama illegals and millions more are pouring in.

Donald Trump is White Face Obama and his policies prove it as he sold out the United States to Trumpflation in exporting American oil and gas and is replacing you with Visa Vermin.

Apparently you citizens like this as no one is making an issue of this. All I have ever wanted for each of you is a better deal, like Ronald Reagan got for you, but most of you are content to get your pussy grabbed by Donald Trump as that is kosher compared to Obama reaming you up the arse.

I dislike all of this and am the only one posting on it due to the fact that I am one of the last independents around in the fringe journalism. I detest being a journalist and for loving the written word and crafting those words with a talent, I am at the point now that I hate writing as it is all an echo chamber of paid disinformation.

AAA Forecasts Gas Prices to Drop 25 Cents this Fall ...

AAA forecasts that the national gas price average will drop to $2.70 this fall and has the potential to drop even more. That is 14-cents a gallon less compared to today's price and more than a ...

I ask everyone of you, in just how is it with Trumpflation robbing you at 12% a year, in how are you better off in prices having risen 24% in the past two years? Grocery bills were 80 dollars a week before Trump took office and now they run 110 dollars a week. That is not an expanding economy, that is an inflationary economy  and that is the deal that Donald Trump worked out, where the entire focus of financier policy is not based in thee American People, but based in the Russian People in how to perform a coup on Vladimir Putin in order to sweep in and steal all of Russia's raw wealth, sell it to slave China  and benefit the European classes.

I for one do not appreciate that my vote is considered worth 25 cents and that I am ignorant enough to accept it and vote for the crop of handpicked scoundrels who keep telling us they will save us, and it never changes whether it is Pelosi or her vagina Ryan in power.

Of course there is nothing to be done about this, because no one will actually make this an issue in demanding lower gas prices, because that will never get press coverage in the issue is always telling us how great the cake we are not eating is in the press.

It follows the advice that this blog always espouses in Americans must now be like the people behind the Iron Curtain in obeying the laws and keeping silent, but remembering like the horse reading the commandments in Animal Farm, remembering they have been lied to and cheated, while prudently keeping silent, as the last opportunity was Donald Trump, and now that is vanquished. Perhaps if the Lord does not return in another 100 years the remnant of Americans will be rebuilding, as once the productive Americans stop feeding the Muslims and Mexicans, they will return to where the handouts are free.

Do you like being a two bit energy whore for your vote?

Nuff Said
