Monday, September 10, 2018

Lame Cherry Medicinal Pilaf

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have always been a bit of a dichotomy in my massive brain is what wills this person together, but his massive brain never shuts down, so it takes a most heavy toll on this body. I can wake up feeling not so bad, but as soon as my brain kicks in, my intestines really do not feel well.

I have suffered from inflamed bowel most of my life from stress. It was killing me a few years ago and I was trying to work myself to death to end it all in keyboard execution, but alas I am here and I need  rest, but rest is something which is not on the check list as all I have is stress and work, and if I stop no one else is going to solve the problems and then I will really be shit up the creek worse than wading through all of this excrement now.

I had a bad week as I type this in August. Started a week ago in being up all night with diarrhea and as I thought I was getting over it, I ate some linguini which was American, and noted a stabbing feeling in my right side ascending colon, and by night it was in the left side descending colon and the entire intestine felt like fire, so it was time to change food groups.

For me that means something more bland and simple, or in this case frugal me had saved the broth from a baked chicken, a chicken we raised, and that being pure protein was the base for what I had in mind.

I think it was about 6 to 8 cups, but I was going for Pilaf which is not something I relish, unless it is sugar and cinnamon on rice, but this was supposed to be food and not desert, so I put this recipe out there for the poor like me in how you can make a chicken stretch to around 20 meals.

First you bake the chicken and eat your share of the meat to satisfy that, and then saving the broth marrow protein you being the pilaf.

To the broth add 2 cups of brown rice, whole grain as it holds up better.

1 tablespoon of chicken bouillon.

2 tablespoons dried celery.

1 teaspoon salt

1 large onion

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

Let that go semi covered for 20 minutes to get to the almost done brown rice stage, and then add your whatever left of deboned chicken, and let it get to the point of more rice than liquid left as the rice keeps absorbing things the entire time you cook it.

In the last 10 minutes, add a bag of mixed vegetables and let them cook to firm and that should get you a runny pilaf which will turn to a firm pilaf in the fridge.

As I stated, I needed to fix my intestines so this was not over the top. If you can eat anything, then you put your favorite cheese on top of this, and add bread crumbs as in scalloped potatoes, and voila, you have an entire new flavor.

I grew up with people stretching food so I do it without thinking.  The thinking part now is trying to get things repaired when American food still tries to kill me.

Prep time in this is about an hour, so this is not something that complicated. It is food which will not bother the digestion though and it will stick with you as food should.

With that filler in place now on the blog in another Lame Cherry frugal recipe in matter anti matter, I have to out and bake two loaves of sourdough bread, as it is cool this evening and is warming up. See even when I feel like dung I have to keep on in the hope of large donations and a place of our own where I can be like most of you in actually being able to rest for the first time in this life.

Nuff Said

