You mean hot blonde women date me because I am dense?
Conway previously dated conservative pundit Laura Ingraham
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I am not paying that much attention to Trump Brand any more, but noticed this article which really made me sad for Kelly Ann Conway, who has survived the Pence Kushner Kelly purges, in the pressure cooker of the White House which is one of the hardest jobs in the world.
It has to do with Conway's husband who is pissing at Donald Trump on Twitter in trying to get his wife fired, because George Conway's fragile ego is threatened that his wife is around a testosterone male like Donald Trump.
Needless to say, there’s a huge difference between an isolated slip of the tongue and ceaseless, shameless, and witless prevarication on virtually all topics, large and small.— George Conway (@gtconway3d) September 14, 2018
I suspect most of you have no idea what George Conway looks like, but I found a few pictures of him, and sometimes he looks like dead Buddy Hackett who was a really nice gentleman.

Other times he looks like the retarded version of Kim Jong Un.

The reality is that George Conway is like most males who happen to land a beautiful wife, that they think it is "them" that they are really Hugh Hefner with King Kong balls who got the woman, when the fact is always it is the woman who chooses the mate, and she chooses a mate for her reasons and it has nothing to do with the man.
George Conway should look in the mirror or at least go sit down with some hot girls at a table so they can laugh at him for being a short, fat pudgy who Kelly Ann did a favor to in his staying out of her way.
I mean look at this lump and try not to wet yourself laughing at it. You know Kelly Ann got this guy for three reasons:
Reason 1: No other women would ever want him so he babysits well.
Reason 2: No other women would ever tell George reason 1.
Reason 3: George is stupid in thinking he is a stud so the wife gets her way.
So poor George the pudge, with his small hands GOP is upset with big hand GOP, and in order to show his balls are not on the bedpost when Jeb! laughs at him with all the other pudgies who think they have hot wives because they are Hugh Hefner with King Kong balls, tries to get his wife fired from a career making job and George Conway is obsessed with this. He is willing to beat his wife on Twitter daily and is willing to slap the bitch around in the press.
Both Conways were the subjects of an interview in The Washington Post last month in which Kellyanne Conway stated that "part" of her husband "thinks I chose Donald Trump over him."
In the same interview, Kellyanne Conway called her husband's criticism of the president "disrespectful" to her.
“I think it’s disrespectful,” she said. “I think it disrespects his wife.”
"If there’s an issue, it’s because she’s in that job, for that man," George Conway told the Post in the article. "If my wife were the counselor to the CEO of Pepsi and I had a problem with her boss, I would simply drink my Coke and keep my mouth shut. If the president were simply mediocre or even bad, I’d have nothing to say. This is much different.”
George Conway reposts the tin foil hat stuff too in things like this that Hillary Clinton threw the 2016 election purposely. This husband stopped being a husband a very long time ago in his tantrums of lunacy.
Robert A GeorgeVerified account @RobGeorge
Robert A George Retweeted Will Saletan“In retrospect, the Hillary Clinton long con of throwing the 2016 election in order to allow Donald Trump to destroy the Republican Party permanently from the inside turned out to be the most brilliant political strategy in history.”
I always go back to Biblical dictates in a wife is not told to love her husband, but to respect him. A husband is supposed to love his wife. George Conway does not love his wife. He does not support her, does not respect her, and is instead jealous of a more successful male who George Conway is intimidated by in Donald Trump.
It speaks volumes in what a snowflake George Conway is. For his wife any husband would suck it up for a White House job, as it would make his wife's career forever. Conway can not be man enough or husband enough to support a woman he took vows to support for 8 years in the White House out a lifetime.
Kelly Ann Conway has been a faithful wife. She has fulfilled her part of the contract.
This last photo of George Conway says it all. He must have been laughed at enough for looking like Buddy Hackett or Kim Jong Un, and now has tried the intellectual look, which looks like Kelly Ann put a suit on a monkey from the zoo.
See monkey from the zoo.
George Conway has destroyed this marriage deliberately. He has violated everything in being a father and a husband in what is the duty to them. That is what is sad about this as there are hundreds of thousands of men who would have and still would give anything to have Kelly Ann as a wife and working for Donald Trump, under Kelly Ann's reasons of no other woman would ever have them and the wife is of course smarter than her husband.
A pudge like this who doesn't have a nuclear arsenal or is a self made man on a stage and he actually thinks it was him why a gorgeous woman married him.