It never happened and you can trust me as the #NeverTrumpers got me my start
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Brett Kavanaugh should be sending out the red flags to every one of you, not for trying to rape a teenage girl, but for the fact that Bush Boy Brett Kavanaugh, is going to be the next David Souter on the court and we know this by his own statements in keeping all Obama laws on the books, and the fact that Mitch McConnell is protecting Kavanaugh.
All of this is a midterm diversion to get you to back your own court being stacked with Anthony Kennedy leftists.
Ask yourself, what is worse, Roy Moore being accused of CONSENSUAL CONTACT with a girl or Brett Kavanaugh accused of RAPING a girl?
Cracklin' Rosie did it Donald.....
Come on now put on your memory caps in you remember the wholesale lynching of the innocent Judge Roy Moore and no stop calls for him to get out of the race. Yet not one word from the same Republicans over Bush Boy Brett Kavanaugh.
You remember the Trump White House putting John Kelly's pedophile ringer into Alabaman to elect a baby butcher democrat, yet only support remains for Brett Kavanaugh.
And not just support, but John Kelly just ordered Kellly Ann Conway with all her lunatic husband problems to go fall on the sword and savage the accuser of Brett Kavanaugh, just like Hillary Clinton did for Bill in the bimbo eruptions.
No Ivanka is too precious to get sullied up in this. Kelly Ann Conway is expendable like Omarosa by John Kelly.......who said the innocent Judge Roy Moore was expendable.
“Well, this woman should not be insulted and she should not be ignored. I think the Senate is headed to a reasonable approach, in that, it seems to me, in speaking to a few senators, including Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), that, allowing this woman to be heard in sworn testimony, allowing Judge Kavanaugh to be heard in sworn testimony about these specific allegations would be added to the very considerable mountain of evidence and considerations that folks will have when they weigh whether or not to vote for Judge Kavanaugh to be on the Supreme Court. So, let me make very clear, I’ve spoken with the president. I’ve spoken with Senator Graham and others, this woman will be heard.”
You remember Sean Hannity demanding Roy Moore explain things.........not one word from Sean Hannity or Republicans, just cover for the Bush Boy.
Hannity Issues Ultimatum To Roy Moore: Explain ...
If you can't do this, then Judge Moore needs to get out of this race. This country has way too many issues and problems. The American people deserve 100% truth and honesty.Most Wisconsin Republicans say Roy Moore should get out of ...
Most Wisconsin Republicans say Roy Moore should get out of Senate race if claims are true Most Wisconsin Republicans are following the lead of Senate Majority Leader ...
For the record, I do not believe the accuser of Brett Kavanaugh. He looks to stupid to get an erection and would need a woman masturbating the Rove boy. What the Lame Cherry is incensed by is the degrading of this subject to making rape an interaction where that is what women are for, and the connected men get away with it. What was done to Sarah Palin and others, is now a wholesale pussy grab, where pedophilia is being conditioned into the populace for legalizing it.

“While his friend watched, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth.”
I thought he might inadvertently kill me.”
He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”
The Lame Cherry wants to know though why these same GOP fakes have not called for Brett Kavanaugh to resign and John Kelly has not put forward some pedophile to replace Kavanaugh as Kelly undertook against the innocent Judge Roy Moore?
I already know the reason in Brett Kavanaugh is a damned fraud in the long list of fag John Roberts, fag David Souter and fag Anthony Kennedy with that other up the arse Gorsuch which Trump put on the court.
Rape is a strong word.......what do we call it when I do it to you?
Just remember in all of you rich people in being the non donors that this blog is the only one pointing all of this out and the only media source left warning you, that you are going to be disappointed when Brett Kavanaugh becomes John fag boy Roberts for molesting children.
Neil Diamond - Cracklin Rose - YouTube
Mix - Neil Diamond - Cracklin Rose YouTube; Neil Diamond's America - Duration: 5:14. Kamdan 6,240,481 views. ... Cracklin Rosie - Neil Diamond - instro cover by Dave Monk - Duration: 3:00.
Nuff Said