Who me? A child headline rapist?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry is in exclusive matter anti matter about to explain what is taking place with Brett Kavanaugh in all seriousness, even if satire rules here on this ridiculous subject.
I will tell you what is behind the accusations of the Bush Rove man, Brett Kavanaugh, and it is in three words, Bill and Hillary Clinton.
For those who have not pieced this together in the hints published. Brett Kavanaugh was a lead investigator of the Ken Starr team which as Special Counsel was appointed over the Monica Lewinsky affair, brought to light by Linda Tripp.
That saga cost Bill Clinton dearly and Hillary Clinton unleashed all the media rape she could on the "bimbo eruptions" to intimidate and bury these women. It was rough in someone killed a pet of one of the women, who Clinton had attacked in the White House, whose husband had committed suicide.
I am not going to rehearse all the details, but someone named Donald Trump in 2016 unleashed all the women Bill Clinton had raped and assaulted, and brought them to the Trump Clinton debate, and made them from and center.
This humiliation of the Clintons and the fracturing of the female vote, was a major blow to Hamrod Clinton's campaign and it brought her defeat.
That is what was behind the Jeb! forces releasing Pussy Grab, and what has been behind this endless dirty tricks release of Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, in Trump Contact, which began with the now floundered #MeToo movement, as you do remember that nutty Ashley Judd in protest with her Pussy Hat degenerates in Washington DC.
The Lame Cherry will state pointedly that it was pure stupidity of Donald Trump once again to appoint another Bush family protege, especially after what Trump did to the Clinton's in marking their rapist legacy in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. The one person Trump could appoint to the Supreme Court to wave a red flag in front of Hillary Clinton, be used as a female vote distruption in the Midterms is Brett Kavanaugh.
The very tactics used by John Kelly and Republicans to destroy the innocent Judge Roy Moore, are the exact tactics which have been unleashed to retaliate on Brett Kavanaugh and Donald Trump for their part in reminding the world the Clinton's are rapists.
It does not matter if you believe Christine Blasey Beckel Ford or Brett Kavanaugh, as this is about credibility, and on that Blasey Beckel Ford has 4 people who say she is not describing events which happened. That makes her a worthless witness or accuser. The police and every DA would file her charges i the waste basket as she has zero evidence, her witnesses all discount her, and her story is full of holes.
Who me? Rape the Kavanaugh children to get what I want?
What appears in Blasey Beckel Ford's recount which is coming up with more details sounds more like a drunken boy in horseplay with teenage girl trying to hang out with the college boys, and it ends with another boy diving on the bed in more horseplay, as they all roll off, and Blasey Beckel Ford thinks at this point she escapes, when among boys they were glad this weird girl fled as that is what they wanted all along.
So enters the par dux and par trois in we now have Ronan Farrow mucking about again in a Deborah Ramirez and something about a dildo as the accomplice this time. Again, Christian hating Matt Drudge is running this and Maggie Haberman is calling it a Clinton Repeat, but a dildo does not make a good eye witness in police reports, no more than this ambulance chasing Michael Avenatti, the new Gloria Alred, now claiming that he has a new credible woman too who Brett Kavanaugh attacked.
Again, we have credibility issues in claims without evidence, where with Bill Clinton, there was a pattern of infidelity, assaults and rapes, along with descriptions of his genitals, with statements by his staff that they hustled and procured women for him. There is not any of that with Brett Kavanaugh.
What there is for Brett Kavanaugh is this is Hillary Clinton 2020 gearing up a dirty tricks operation, to get democrats in control of Congress to impeach Donald Trump, as Bill Clinton was impeached, but the Senate did not go to trial out of fear. That is what is behind all of this, in two white men who dared point out what the Clinton legacy was are now being retaliated against with zero evidence, and that includes the two women that Trump is said of have had sex with, in we were all told Stormy had tapes. Well no tapes appeared. This is a perfect subtle operation of smearing and destroying people by innuendo when there is not any evidence.
Did someone say rapist in the room?
As I have stated, I have no part in protecting Brett Kavanaugh. He is has told the world he will keep all of Obama's policies as law. He is the next David Souter surprise. As for the President, he has not done one thing to help real Americans, and has shown zero appreciation to those who put him into the White House.
The Lame Cherry though always operates from the reality of no one should be lynched as you would not want it to happen to you, and when this can be done to Brett Kavanaugh, it can be unleashed on you.
Women lie. That is a fact. There is a fact in this that none of these women filed charges against Brett Kavanaugh, their parents did not try and hunt this kid down in the 1980's for attacking their daughters, and if Brett Kavanaugh had done anything violent it would have been known, because I knew the story of every guy and girl who pulled anything, as it always got around what guy woke up drunk finding a girl riding him or what girl was playing train at a kegger.
None of that matters, because the story in this now coming from Christian hater Matt Drudge, with the full Clinton cast of the perfect storm without any evidence, and the chorus of the Twitter lynch mob and it is all coming from Bill and Hillary Clinton from the grave.
Who me? I never raped those Kavanaugh girls emotionally.
My one thought in this though blood sport is the wife of Brett Kavanaugh, and those two little girls. This is no longer about Brett Kavanaugh, but about Christine Blasey Beckel Ford who says there was an attempted rape on her person, actually engaging in raping the marriage of Ashley Kavanaugh and raping those two little girls who will be forever traumatized over this.
That includes Michael Avenatti, raping those two little girls and this marriage, Charles Schumer, Diane Feinstein raping these two little girls psychologically, and whatever else appears now in the Matt Drudge gay headline game where Drudge rapes these children and a marriage.
That is what disgusts me and is disgusting, in there is a myriad of adult pervert leftists in this, where it never once crossed their minds that two little girls, and a stable home are being shattered, to never be repaired, and that includes the rants from Alyssa Milano, in this Twitter rapine arrayed against these children.
The place for this is not backdoor Diane Feinstein smear sheets nor scheduled leaks in the Washington Post. The place for this is a police station in filing charges, where detectives investigate this to protect innocent people from being forever traumatized by charges without evidence. The reason this was not put into law enforcement is because this was by design to destroy politically, but it never crossed any of these people's minds that the same rape they claimed is the rape they are carrying out against two little girls.
All that is left now for the sake of the United States, is to put the accusers, and their attorneys under oath, and when it is discovered who is lying, that they and their accomplices in this must all be charged with organized crime statutes with the full penalty of the law to life in prison, because this is serious as I have not forgotten the children in this, and no one is standing up for them, and it is about time all of these adults stop raping little girls and start owning up to the penalties of what it is to be an adult, whether it is Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump, Christine Ford or Matt Drudge.
And let us not forget in the Kavanaugh daughters are the latest children assaulted in this, as Barron Trump has been fodder from these same organized colluders for over two years. This all coming from Bill and Hillary Clinton and their rape posse is molesting two little girls, and why is it that this blog is only one stating how deplorable all of this is!!!
I don't rape children psychologically. I'm just a Twitter activist.
Nuff Said