Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Finch

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In our world of Trump is a many splendid thing, there has emerged in the work of Sara Carter, another one of those tidbits of information which appears in other work as unnamed, but later appears in a finite group of people to reveal who the unnamed person is.

What is proving out in the Peter Strzok texts is that he was a CIA extension of John Brennan, and his entire reason for seducing and mind fucking Lisa Page was to manipulate her as his echo chamber inside the office of Andrew McCabe at FBI and Rod Rosenstein. and DOJ.
That is what is not being versed in this, is yes there were Edward Lansdale systemic Mockingbird leaks in planted stories, which the Department of Justice was then using as "source" information coordinated with reporters to go after Donald Trump and his associates which were bogus, but this entire menagerie would not have been possible if someone for John Brennan, in Peter Strzok was not appointed to every case, reporting back, manipulating data, and manipulating the department heads.
Peter Strzok could walk in and say, "Trump is a piss prostitute" and it would be met with silence. Strzok though primes Lisa Page to be the nurturing nipple for these DOJ  and FBI trolls to suckle off of, and when Strzok appears with his tales, it is willingly accepted by Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe etc...

sara carter

The letter lists several examples:
  • April 10, 2017: (former FBI Special Agent) Peter Strzok contacts (former FBI Attorney) Lisa Page to discuss a “media leak strategy.” Specifically, the text says: “I had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you I want to talk to you about media leak strategy with DOJ before you go.”
  • April 12, 2017: Peter Strzok congratulates Lisa Page on a job well done while referring to two derogatory articles about Carter Page. In the text, Strzok warns Page two articles are coming out, one which is “worse” than the other about Lisa’s “namesake”.” Strzok added: “Well done, Page.”

What is of interest in this, is Congress is now probing additional emails. The reason for the probing is that while the FBI has forbidden these FBI and DOJ officials from testifying before the House, one or all of them have affirmed in some way, that their emails contain smoking guns which Rod Rosenstein and Chris Wray have been covering up.
All through this process, there have been individuals feeding information to investigators on Capitol Hill. It began with NSA pointing Representative Devin Nunes in the right direction, and now with the assistance of Lisa Page and Bruce Ohr saving himself, there are new confirmations coming from sources inside Justice and FBI.

 “In light of the new information, our task force is requesting to review text messages, emails, and written communication form FBI and DOJ officials Stu Evans, Mike Kortan, and Joe Pientka between June 2016 to June 2017,” said Meadows in the letter. “To be clear, we are not suggesting wrongdoing on the part of Evans, Kortan, and Pientka- and, in fact, previously reviewed documents suggest that some of these individuals may share the committees’ same concerns.”

The time frame in this was the presidential elections in the attempt to ensure Hillary Clinton was installed in 2016 and then the mad scramble which began after Donald Trump was elected, when Robert Mueller was already being positioned by this group to become Special Counsel in 2017 by Rod  Rosenstein.
It was the exchanges of the primaries with key people inside DOJ and FBI who were sending off red  lights in this that these were actions by Strzok and his group which would destroy their cases if these leaks became known.

“In light of the new information, our task force is requesting to review text messages, emails, and written communication form FBI and DOJ officials Stu Evans, Mike Kortan, and Joe Pientka between June 2016 to June 2017,” said Meadows in the letter. “To be clear, we are not suggesting wrongdoing on the part of Evans, Kortan, and Pientka- and, in fact, previously reviewed documents suggest that some of these individuals may share the committees’ same concerns.”
“However, these additional documents, with an emphasis on communication between the aforementioned individuals and Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, and Andrew Weissmann, would provide critical insight into the backdrop of the Russia investigation.”

The name in this which jumps out is Special Agent Joe Pienta. The reason for this is, is this blog focused on who that agent was who accompanied Peter Strzok to London to begin what would become Operation Crossfire Hurricane in the framing of Donald Trump, by John Brennan and Peter Strzok, which was an illegal CIA operation run out of the White House, using the FBI as cover.

Pientka, a Special Agent in the FBI’s Russia division, interviewed former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn in early 2017 with Strzok at the White House.
So far, the FBI has not granted the committee’s permission to subpoena Pientka, who was the only other FBI agent to interview Flynn. According to former FBI Director James Comey, neither Pientka or Strzok believed Flynn was lying during their interview with him. However, Flynn still pled guilty to one count of lying to the FBI after Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office spent months questioning him. Sources close to Flynn told this news outlet that Flynn was strong-armed by Mueller’s office who threatened to go after his family and mounting legal bills led to his decision.

Pietnka is the name in this and must be the unnamed agent who went with Strzok to London to interview that planted Clinton donor, the Australian Ambassador, who was being fed information from Stefan Harper of Chatham House, who White House assistant Chief of Staff, Katie Walsh's finance, now husband, Mike Shields was heavily connected with in this massive CIA MI6 generated operation against thee American elections..

Lame Cherry: Operation Crossfire Hurricane in the Eye of the ...

It was this, along with the Pissgate dossiers, and the infamous 3rd Dossier that John Brennan was shown and he keeps quoting, which sent Peter Strzok with another FBI agent to interrogate the Australian ambassador.

It appears a reality that where Peter Strzok created Russiagate in the frame up, Joe Pientka was the Special Agent who was the one who stated that Mike Flynn was not guilty of anything in this frame up, and Pientka must have been a voice which was sounding alarms, because when Robert Mueller's coven man, the frame up artist Weissman, set up a meeting to leak information the AP, which he in fact engaged in, there were at least two FBI agents in this DOJ meeting, who filed a complaint that Weissman leaking would hurt their investigation.

In short, for political reason in 2017 to frame Donald Trump as President, it was more important at this time to leak to the press about Carter Page a false narrative to attempt to link a Russian connection to Donald Trump. That leak by Weissman apparently placed whatever investigation the FBI was engaged in, in jeopardy by alerting certain parties.

The AP meeting arranged by Weissmann came to light in a letter sent to Justice Department Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein from House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-CA, late last year, requesting specific FBI and DOJ documentation related to the controversial Fusion GPS dossier that alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
That meeting with the AP was attended by three different litigating offices. Two employees from the U.S. Justice Department and the other representative was from the U.S. Attorney’s office, according to the sources. FBI agents also attended the meeting, law enforcement sources confirmed.
According to sources, the FBI agents in attendance filed a complaint about Weissmann and the meeting with the DOJ fearing his arrangement of such a meeting would hurt the investigation

That is the revelations in the Sara Carter reporting which are not linked, but are the vital links in this to understand the undercurrents in this. No FBI or DOJ personnel ever resigned over any of this, nor did they become whistle blowers, so let us not term these people as some kind of patriots giving all for America. There was though a group of people who, while not giving a damn about a coup against Donald Trump, were concerned about what this group led by John Brennan were engaged in, was interfering with their investigations. That in itself if rather ironic, because the only reason they had an investigation was from fake Pissgate dossiers, first paid for by Marco Rubio for Jeb Bush, funded by Hillary Clinton who had her own people writing the dossiers handed over to MI6's Christopher Steele, who then put them into John Podesta and John McCain's hands to leak to the FBI, which set off the corruption of the FISA warrants which Rod Rosenstein, Jeff Sessions and Christopher Wray are still covering up for.
Understand this completely in the only reason people like Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok were eventually fired by the DOJ and FBI is information surfaced which made these agencies and departments look criminal. It was not because it was the correct policy to not employ criminal conspirators.

What you are witnessing in the above is the standard operating procedure at FBI and DOJ. Review the  realities of Obama smearing Rod Blagojevich and John Edwards. The same leaks were generated to destroy these people, just as Eric Holder ran the operation smearing the Hutatree people. That is the revelation in this, in that is how justice in America operates. Cases are fostered by leaks, and created by using those leaks as information in the case, and in the end it is coordinated  for indictments and smears which place people into prison. In this case, the SOP of DOJ and FBI just happened to have John Brennan running a criminal operation out of the White House by the CIA to frame the President of the United States. The same process was unleashed on Richard Nixon, and if you return to Iran Contra against Ronald Reagan, that story broke in the Beirut press, and it was all leaks generated from the United States in a frame up of President Ronald Reagan.

So you comprehend the backdrop in this, Sara Carter has a platform on Sean Hannity, not because they are paid to produce information for patriots, but because this is the DIA leveraging the CIA deep state, and the DOJ and FBI sources feeding information, are DIA assets, and the entire purpose of this is not protecting Americans or Donald Trump per say. This is about another group whose entire focus is protecting their agenda. Return to the Weissman complaint, it was not about a criminal coup, but about the FBI concerned about not being able to throw someone into prison, over again fake information created by Bush and Clinton trolls.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
