Wednesday, September 12, 2018
To play the President.....
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter
I am going to close out this series of lectures on Vice President Hubert Humphrey with one which has never been answered publicly as it is one of the hidden enigmas of the deep state.
The year was 1976 AD in the year of our Lord. For the youngsters reading this, America had suffered through almost 2 decades of political upheaval, beginning with Joe Kennedy stealing the election from Richard Nixon in 1960, after obliterating Hubert Humphrey for the Democratic nomination.
What followed then was the quagmire of Vietnam for profit. The war on poverty welfare state. The CIA cultural revolution of sex and dope. The murders of Martin King and Bobby Kennedy. Lyndon Johnson not seeking re election. America has a helter skelter nation of MKULTRA cults. The Watergate coup against Richard Nixon.
The inflation caused by Lyndon Johnson's two wars, one on poverty and one in Vietnam, with the Rockefellers tying the dollar to oil, brought America from her dream to her nightmare of hopelessness in 1976 in the Bi Centennial year.
On the right were President Gerald Ford and Governor Ronald Reagan. On the left were the buffoon Jimmy Carter who had problems winning any primaries, and a now politically recovered Vice President Hubert Humphrey who would finally realize his dream of being President, as Carter would be swept aside with ease as much as the other feckless democrats in the field.
The democrats and nation had been stung in 1972 with the communist George McGovern of South Dakota who was roundly rejected in a landslide for Richard Nixon. The nation was ready for HHH again.
Most of Humphrey's intimates and most of the power brokers in Washington DC hoped Hubert Humphrey would run and they figured he would.
Late in April, there was one primary left and Humphrey would have to enter to thump Jimmy Carter, who had just been beaten by Governor Jerry Brown of California in Maryland.
All of the guilty consciences from labor to blacks in letting Humphrey down were ready now to make amends and do what was required to get Humphrey the nomination.
Humphrey's friend, Dr. Edgar Berman, picks up the story in stating that he spoke to Humphrey's wife, Muriel, before the big announcement and he assured Berman that she was more enthusiastic than in 1972 and specifically stated, He's going to make it this time.
Humphrey's secretary told Berman at 9 am the next morning that she had awakened Humphrey at 8 am and his words were, "Well, I guess we are going to go for it".
Bob Berry a Washington lawyer had chartered a plane to fly to New Jersey to file the necessary papers for Humphrey to appear there. A press conference was scheduled for 1 pm in the Senate Caucus room, and already reporters were streaming in, in the morning hours.
At 11 am, Berman went over to NBC studios on an errand and returned to chaos. Reporters were asking Berman what had happened, and Berman had no idea what they were even asking about.
Berman went into Humphrey's administrative assistant's office Dave Gartner to ask what had happened and Gartner replied that Hubert had decided not to run.
Berman thought it was a joke. It was real though and Berman could not find Humphrey as he had gone somewhere to be with Muriel.
Humphrey told reporters later that day that he didn't want to spoil things for the other candidates and at this stage of life he did not want to be humiliated again.
Humphrey only told Berman to not look so sad as at least this time they did not lose anything.
There were only cryptic comments by Humphrey after this, as the night when Carter was nominated, that Humphrey said, "In a way this convention is as tough for me as Chicago in 1968". That statement points to the reality that Humphrey knew he could have beaten Carter and was denied the presidency.
Even when Humphrey was in the hospital for cancer, Berman tried to worm the reason out of Humphrey, but at Sloan Kettering all he would say there were lots of reasons, that he had called labor people like George Meany who did not even return his calls and Bob Strauss of the DNC brought up the humiliation factor which Humphrey had quoted.
Berman concluded that there had to be more than one reason, and it had to be a personal one as Humphrey literally had the nomination if he desired it. 199,000 undecided voters or voters against Jimmy Carter in New Jersey to Carter's 132,500 proved Carter was not the democrat's choice.
Carter would be beaten in Idaho by Frank Church and Jerry Brown was successful against Carter all through the west. There was not going to be any humiliation for Hubert Humphrey as he would have won the primaries and taken the convention, and moving against Ford, Humphrey would have drubbed him more soundly than Jimmy Carter.
Berman assured readers that Humphrey's health which immediately failed after this in cancer was not a factor, as HHH had just passed a physical with flying colors. His cancer which appeared was a fast cancer which quickly killed him.
I also will point out that even Teddy Kennedy was pushing Hubert Humphrey to be Senate leader as I believe to get HHH out of the way for a future presidential run by Kennedy which he did make in 1980 AD. It was almost as if the deep state was involved and in trying to assassinate Warren Commission Jerry Ford all the summer of 1976 by lunatic women who were from MKULTRA that the Rockefellers were open to a President Nelson Rockefeller defeating a lackluster Governor Jimmy Carter, but there was not any chance if Hubert Humphrey was in the race.
While I have not inquired about this part, it is reasonable to conclude that the deep state progressed HHH's cancer to get him out of the way, after they had warned him the morning of his announcement, as from 8 AM to just a few hours later, Humphrey was out of the race and never would tell the world why.
In inquiry, I believe a democrat contacted Humphrey and warned him off in a real humiliation was about to smear him with the facts, and those facts had to do with the assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK. I do not believe that Humphrey had any part or knowledge of these events, but I do believe the public was about to be told of a link to the people like Lyndon Johnson.........and the inference which would dog Humphrey was how could a man this inside not have heard or known anything about the crime of the deep state.
The murder of John Kennedy in Dallas 1963 made Lyndon Johnson president, and it did not harm HHH's career as that murder made Hubert Humphrey, Vice President.
We know for certain that HHH knew he was going to be humiliated if he announced to seek the democratic nomination. It was huge and it was career shattering to turn the nation against him. It is logical that he was put down with cancer after this to make certain he was not going to be future problem again as whoever it was who warned him off knew they were exposed, and Humphrey was the honest type who would for the sake of Truth tell all for the good of America.
This is one of those hidden pieces of history which is an enigma. A man who had the presidency to reach out and take. A man who was going to announce and changes his mind within the hour, and will never tell one of his most trusted friends just what really had taken place. The story is told beginning on page 67 of Berman's memoirs.
Hubert Humphrey was about as clean of politician as there was. He barely cursed, he was not a sexual deviant, and he had no hidden altered lives. He kept sin and temptation from him and in the hands of others in not touching campaign money.
Whatever happened on that day has never been revealed and Humphrey took it to the grave with him as even cancer would not move him to reveal it to his friend.
This is the final posting on Hubert Humphrey in this series of events which have never been explained and probably beyond this blog never will be explained as all of this has been covered up for a reason, and the only people who have that type of absolute power is the deep state.
Nuff Said