As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
With Syria poised to exterminate the last of the Obama McCain terrorists in Syria adjacent to Turkey, the Lame Cherry is moved to explain something in the photos of Syria, which is the reality beyond all the bogus propaganda being produced.
For Russia and Syria to be on the Turkish border, unleashing full fury air strikes on terrorists, means that Syria is in complete control of her skies. That includes the ground in no surface to air missiles have been allowed to be smuggled in. That means even with Turkey being an arms pipeline to al Qaeda, that border is sealed.
Observe President Assad. He is among his people, among his tank crews, people are excited and press to interact with their leader.
Observe below in President Assad is among his Army, and they are armed, and he is completely safe. This is the leader of Syria and the people of Syria are completely behind him.
The pictures do not lie. This is the political civilian leadership and the military. They are all backing President Assad and they are fighting to wipe out the terrorists in Syria. This is telling, because these are the Caucasian Syrians, and they are young men, healthy, happy and with full fighting vigor. The Syrian Army has not been worn down, but appears in every aspect to be surging forward as a greater cohesive unit.
The Syrian Army is progressive and determined. It incorporates quantities of female Soldiers who are most determined to take back their nation from Obama McCain terrorists.

These are not photo ops. These are real Syrians who know being photographed makes them a target, but they are willing to place everything they have into this fight for their Syria.

Considering that Syria has been under immense terrorist pressure from globalists begun under Birther Hussein, in having 500,000 Citizens murdered in civil war, with the reality that his fight has been years in the making, congratulations go out to President Vladimir Putin and President Bashir Assad, in the Syrian Army is not worn out. The uniforms are new, the equipment is new. It is being replaced, upgraded and some of the units equal the advanced units of any nation in hunter killer squads against terrorists.

New equipment in each offensive

The hunter killer squads.

Forces deployed in the field, still as sharp and crisp as the day they were deployed after fighting.
Syria was already one of the most well equipped military powers in the region, but again studying their artillery, the guns are new, and the ammo boxes are proof that old stores are being brought in from Russian supply lines.
There is not a shortage of anything for this army in Syria. They are well trained, capable and there are hammers and anvils being deployed to smash their enemies.
When one witnesses tanks in superb condition, it also translates that the Obama McCain terrorists have no IED material as plagued George W. Bush in Iraq, and not any anti tank missiles. Every aspect of this points to the reality that Syrians are on the move, and that these terrorists are cowardly rats hiding in bunkers. There never was any fight in these American trained terrorists in Jordan. The proof is the Syrian military is moving in formations and setting up artillery fire in fixed positions, meaning there is not any return fire from the terrorists.
In there are female reporters on scene completely safe. That again points to the Syrian military discipline, their success against the terrorists, as the women are at large reporting to the public, proving the Syrian Army is not guilty of any atrocities as in the Ivanka fake chem weapon bombings.
In the history of warfare, I have never witnessed this kind of upgrading of an entire army, the wonderful condition of the equipment, the cleanliness of the armaments and the Soldiers, with the renewed vigor that young men and women are taking up the fight with zeal, after this many years of war.
This is a remarkable achievement for Syria, and it is the coordinated logistics of Vladimir Putin and Bashir Assad.
Everything about Syria points to the most successful of governments in investing the additional resources which they have during a war into female Soldiers in training. The Americans had nothing of this sort in their Civil War. The Germans had nothing of this on the Russian Front in World War II. This is an amazing feat which the Syrian People should be rightly proud of.
None of this would have taken place in the fraud Obama McCain terrorist military, no more than the regimes America created in Iraq and Afghanistan which are in complete degradation. Syria has the support of the People, who are being led by President Assad, and Russia deserves full credit for the scenes of women and Christian fighters in complete safely in a secular Muslim land.
None of this would have taken place in the Obama McCain terror regimes. This is the face of the new Middle East if Syria has time to establish this people in liberty for themselves.
Nuff Said