Sunday, September 16, 2018


I am better at hiring whores Hubert, but I will try honesty once.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly believe there is enough evidence in Kennedy past, present and future, that their last act of destroying Hillary Clinton for President for the Birther Hussein blackness, is but the same intrigue in election fraud from stealing the election from Richard Nixon in 1960, to Bobby Kennedy running a coup to bring down Lyndon Johnson and if he had survived, he would have sabotaged Vice President Hubert Humphrey, as the Kennedy Machine was helping set up Watergate so Bobby Kennedy would waltz into the White House.

As it happened, Teddy inherited that Watergate intrigue to bring down Nixon, to help him get over Chappaquiddick, and then Teddy proceeded to bring down Jimmy Carter.

In Edgar Berman's memoirs though of Vice President Humphrey there is a fascinating hidden story involving the Kennedy's and it is further evidence that the Machine was up to something and here is the tale.

Numerous times after Bobby Kennedy was assassinated, Hubert Humphrey had reached out to Senator Edward Kennedy to be his Vice President. Teddy played it always played it off and never gave Humphrey a straight answer.
It seemed the perfect solution. Playing on the dead Kennedy sympathy, bringing in the Kennedy voters and it was a certain reality that Humphrey would beat Nixon on a unified democratic ticket and Teddy would become the idea was even floated that Hubert Humphrey would be  a one term President just to get Teddy on board, making Edward Kennedy the next President by default.

Just to prove that more was going on with Teddy Kennedy than meets the eye is the reality that Sargent Shriver, married to Eunice Kennedy and presidential hopeful had phoned Humphrey from Paris numerous times in trying to get himself into the Vice Presidential slot. This is the interesting part as Teddy dispatched Ken O'Donnell, a Kennedy man and Humphrey friend, to make it cleverly clear  that if any vice presidential offering was in the future, it would be to a Kennedy and NOT a Kennedy in law.


Sorry  Arnold, the Shrivers are not Kennedy enough

Do you understand the depths of this?  Teddy Kennedy was not going to let his lesser brother in law be Vice President, pushing Teddy aside for Teddy's political aspirations, as Sargent Shriver would have thrown the Kennedy coming timeline based on Watergate completely off as it would be Humphrey who would be President and then probably Shriver for a  total of 16 years and by that time America would have had enough Kennedy's and Teddy would be on the way out.
The Shrivers were not Kennedy enough for Teddy Kennedy.

If Teddy Kennedy wanted Hubert Humphrey to win, an if Bobby Kennedy wanted Humphrey to win, Bobby would not have been smearing HHH and Teddy later would have for the democratic party accepted the vice presidential slot. The Kennedy's were working to stop Humphrey the way they did Lyndon Johnson and later Jimmy Carter.

An amusing event happened in association with this as Teddy was playing clever and cleverer, in Teddy invited Humphrey up to the Boston Common, as a cover for what was being planned. Teddy, Hubert and Mayor Kevin White rode in an open car through a Boston parade. The problem is the Bobby Kennedy terrorists were there in full force, ramped up still in the hatred of Lyndon Johnson and the Vietnam War. The entire parade route was filled with Bostonian hatred in they were flipping Humphrey off, had lewd signs and were screaming insults at Humphrey.

As Teddy tried to introduce Humphrey, the mob held behind barriers, was instead shouting Teddy down, booing him and throwing things at him. No Kennedy had ever been booed and Teddy was outraged.
Humphrey gave up trying to speak and left by car for the airport.

Teddy Kennedy was furious as was the Mayor. The Mayor though rode to the airport promising to deliverer Massachusetts to Humphrey which he did. Teddy was though gone like the wind.

So in 1968 the Kennedy's were certainly sabotaging their in laws from being Vice President and in the end the very hate that Bobby Kennedy unleashed on President Lyndon Johnson caught up to Teddy Kennedy in Boston and it was a Kennedy booed, shouted down and pelted.
That last part was fitting, but the more information which is noticed, it all points to a Kennedy coup that ruined innocent people in order to promote them.

What could be more fitting in Teddy Kennedy elevated Birther Hussein Obama, to only die of brain cancer and Obama would not even come to visit him, but more to the point Obama in the White House said nothing but reprehensible things about the Kennedy's and Carolyn was dismissed as hanger on.

That is Kennedytense.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
