Donald your picks look more of a disaster than mine
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is lost in this era of Neil Gorsuch and Brett Cavanaugh, that it was the Bush court of John Roberts which brought American rationed death and sodomy, and that you will rue the day these Trump appointments become the next David Souter and Harry Blackmun, stunning Americans in where these weak souls who seduced by liberal license suddenly start engaging in things they never were thought to ever do.
It is lost in this that it was the Nixon Court which brought America liberal rulings out of the blue on aborticide, the death penalty, desegregation and protecting satanism and witchcraft as religions.
President Richard Nixon seemed to be on a most sold ground for the Supreme Court as liberal Earl Warren was retiring from the Court and Nixon chose a strict constructionist in Warren Burger. Yet it was the Burger court which shattered the Constitution and ripped the fabric of America to never be amended.
While it is Minnesotan Harry Blackmun who created abortion on demand to only retire when Bill Clinton was President to replaced by another nut in Stephen Breyer, Blackmun actually noted that in Roe vs Wade, he had no intention of creating an aborticide industry superstate.
Blackmun only got onto the court because the Senate would not confirm two other Nixon appointments. Richard Nixon made Warren Burger Chief Justice to hold the line and Burger instead legislated. Blackmun was what the cat dragged in, and in that Nixon's other appointments in swing vote Lewis Powell and William Rehnquist could not stem the tide of the disaster of failed Republican appointments beginning with Dwight Eisenhower.
In the above, I did not intend to write an examination of the Nixon court or warn of the Trump court becoming a pariah to Americans on the right, but intended to focus on a little known piece of history which Hubert Humphrey's physician, Dr. Edgar Berman mentioned in one passing line which captured my attention.

Senator Walter Mondale
Berman was on a yacht for the evening with another guest in, Senator Walter Mondale. As they were in their berth, Mondale out of the blue mentioned that he did not like politics, but would like to be on the Supreme Court.
Berman does not dwell on the subject, and it would seem odd in this exchange as Humphrey was Vice President, but in that, we have before us the reality of Mondale was lobbying Humphrey's intimate confidant, for the day that Humphrey would be President and need to appoint people to the Supreme Court.
Who better than the junior Senator from Minnesota, a liberal, who Humphrey chose to help cochair his 1968 campaign?
That is what interests me in these destinies, in here was Walter Mondale, about as boring as the grey suits he wore. He hated serving Minnesotans and politics, and lusted to be on the Supreme Court. He was lobbying Humphrey's friend for a future appointment, and if Humphrey had indeed won in 1968 AD in the year of our Lord, with Richard Nixon reshaping almost half the court appointments, it is logical that one of the four appointments would have been Walter Mondale. He never would have been Jimmy Carter's Vice Presidential pick, never served as Vice President, his daughter would have never got fucked by Bill Clinton in the White House, and Walter Mondale would not have depressed the nation by terrifying them like Jimmy Carter did in looking into the camera, and telling them the truth that Mondale would raise their taxes and make their lives Carter hell again.
What would have been Hubert Humphrey's choices on the Court? They certainly would not have been any worse than Harry Blackmun. It is relevant that with Humphrey as President that Roe vs. Wade if it had been heard would have been struck down or so gutted that none of the turmoil it caused would have ever erupted. That is what is interesting about Hubert Humphrey in the "liberal" in he actually liked 'conservative' liberals in choosing one as a speech writer, and Humphrey for all of his liberal ideas which were in his era nothing more than helping poor and put upon people, that his liberals for the court, would have been more conservative, save for William Rehnquist.
Rehnquist was the only Justice to hold the judicial line. While he never rolled back liberalism, Ronald Reagan did a great service by making him Chief Justice. Again though, what would the world have been like if Humphrey was elected in 1968 and again in 1972, even without Kennedy intrigue, America would have shifted to the right and chances are America would have had Governor Ronald Reagan as President in 1976 AD in the year of our Lord and chances are up and coming Bob Dole would have been the Vice President.
So in an alternative universe, things might have been better if Humphrey had been elected as the courts would have not been as active, the coup against Nixon would not have erupted to tear America apart, the Soviets like Humphrey so that friction would have not appeared, an Vietnam would have ended earlier as Humphrey intended.
Interestingly Walter Mondale would still be on the court today, probably curbed from the hyper radicalism which engulfed America as a more Bill Clinton democrat or a more Kagan in non lesbian pants serving on the court as she has voted like Scalia more than John Roberts ever did.
It makes zero difference really, but it is an amazing thing how things would have changed in America, as people forget that Richard Nixon appointed 4 Supreme Court Justices, which would have probably voted not as radical as the Burger court did in the end.
The fact is the only pick which Richard Nixon made who was legitimate, came not out of the courts, but was his assistant Attorney General in Bill Rehnquist. The Ides of Trump's Court are upon us in history repeating the disaster of the same type of nominees always swerving liberal off other courts as they become infected with a messiah complex.
Just something to think about.
Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.