Monday, September 3, 2018

Human Achievement Put A Man On The Moon


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I rarely pay attention to what the latest snowflake asshurt is about, so it took a day for me to check out what the latest flag flap was about in the Neil Armstrong movie in his walking on the moon, backed by hundreds of millions of tax dollars from Americans, as NASA was not Neil and tht Nazi rocket man doing this as a private project.

Eh Fuck You America!!!

Apparently, the Canuck led movie censored the American flag of the Apollo uniform and the United States flag. Here is Ryan Gosling's quote on this:

In an interview with The Telegraph, First Man star Ryan Gosling said the decision to exclude the planting of the American Flag was driven by the notion that the moon landing was regarded as a “human achievement,” rather than an American one.

Here is a weak as water liberal Armstrong family quote who made out in spades over the American People funding this project as they live in luxury yet.

‘This story is human and it is universal. Of course, it celebrates an America achievement. It also celebrates an achievement ‘for all mankind,’” a statement by the Armstrongs read. “[T]he filmmakers chose to focus on Neil looking back at the earth, his walk to Little West Crater, his unique, personal experience of completing this journey, a journey that has seen so many incredible highs and devastating lows.”

Yes it was all Neil Armstrong according to his ungrateful brood and it was human achievement, like it was those baboons in Africa who shattered Germany twice in World Wars and not thee Americans. All makes perfect sense.

Eh, time to take America's Money ALL BACK

The one question I have in all of this is when are the Armstrongs and Ryan Gosling, going to hand over all of that American money which they have with that UNITED STATES OF AMERICA on it, as surely they can pay their bills with "human achievement currency" as symbols of America do not matter.

This is why I want President Trump to follow through beyond tariffs and just pull the dollar back, pull the US military back, and let this shit hole world take care of themselves, beginning with Mr. President keeping his promise in stopping importing these goddamn Visa Vermin.
It will never happen, but those are the facts. These frauds all want the US dollars which have value from Americans who worked, who are White Christians in having built this nation, and now they think they can take the cheap shots at Americans now that their genocide is on the horizon.

It is time for the United States to take back the 100 plus trillion looted from her, and let the rest of the world go the way of the dinosaur.

Oh and the sooner the United States annexes Canada and liberates the American settlers from the pustules the better the world will be.

Eh, like we got Justin Trudeau and he is
like the Queen of Ottawa or something...

Nuff Said

