As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was reading the pre ejaculation testimony of Christine Blasey Ford placed in USA TODAY, and while everyone in the 1980's knew absolutely nothing about this "rape", Blasey Ford apparently after divorcing democratic operative Bob Beckel, made a social status of it, as it seemed every performance began with brooding drama, and then Christine Blasey Ford sharing, "Oh by the way a Supreme Court nominee almost raped me".
Blasey Ford lived in fear she said of Brett Kavanaugh becoming a Supreme Court justice. That make
s me wonder if Donald Trump had hired him as a chauffeur, would that have made her fearful? Just what is the threshold of this woman?
Kavanaugh as Ken Starr's investigator of Bill Clinton crimes did not trigger fearful rants to everyone in the 1990's when Clinton was raping women yet, but in the Obama era, suddenly she became fearful of the Supreme Court. I just wonder what jobs were ok in this Blasey Ford phobia for Brett Kavanaugh to hold, as she certainly NEVER had a problem expressed in any of this in Brett Kavanaugh having two little girls in his home.
So Christine Blasey Ford had no problem with children around Brett Kavanaugh in reporting him, but she has a problem with Brett Kavanaugh around Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court and those two Obama dykes.
See that is where the Blasey Ford story really reeks of the lack of character on her part. If you read the quotes of her 30 years later witnesses, it is always some grande line from her in, "I was almost raped by a Supreme Court nominee"..........."too bad you were only raped by someone unknown".
In one very creepy incident in her witnesses, one of her male contacts, actually seemed to get off on the story, as he emailed her wanting to know Brett Kavanaugh's name, so he could read about it.
That is really disturbing in asking a woman who says she has been almost raped, and even more disturbing she sends the name for her male friend to "read about it".
“Christine told me she had been having a hard day because she was thinking about an assault she experienced when she was much younger. She said she had been almost raped by someone who was now a federal judge.
“Christine expressed anger at Mr. Turner’s lenient sentence, stating that she was particularly bothered by it because she was assaulted in high school by a man who was now a federal judge in Washington, D.C.
, “I remember you telling me about him, but I don’t remember his name. Do you mind telling me so I can read about him?
“I remember her saying that her assailant was now a federal judge.”
He said his wife was “afraid” Trump would nominate Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court
In the understanding of all of this bizarre Christine Blasey Ford performance, it would be fitting to place this where it belong in the arms of Jimmy Kimmel and the Oscars.
Welcome to the Oscars, I am your host and tonight we have a new category, Rape as a Status Symbol among your Liberal Friends.
Our nominees are, Christine Blasey Ford, for her 36 year performance in dropping hints to her less raped friends, that she was almost raped by a Supreme Court nominee in Brett Kavanaugh.
Then we have #MeToo heroine Blake Lively, married to Chevy Chase wanna be, Ryan it is Reynolds, for her performance with Harvey Weinstein, who never touched her, but she said she knew exactly what it was like to be raped.
Next we have Ashley Judd, in her performance of sitting on old men's laps to be felt up, having sex with older men, and presenting to the Oscars her bush for public examination, in her lifelong rape saga.
Lastly we have Meryl Streep who said she was chased down the street or something in a strange tale of nothing happening, but we had to fill up the category, and the Oscar Sweetheart is a good choice.
And the winner is.........
Christine Blasey Ford for best performance of status rape among your friends and colleagues
We're sorry but Christine Blasey Ford was unable to be here tonight as having learned to speak Spanish, she is on the border, telling women there, "Yes, sorry you were raped by Mexican mule, but I was almost raped by a Supreme Court nominee.......some women have it, and some don't".
Kid what the hell did you do, you f*cked up all our nigger lives and got Cosby a death sentence.
Just remember that NONE of these liberal women had a problem with Brett Kavanaugh around little girls, only around the big girls of the Supreme Court.
Nuff Said