As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I preface this with again the reality that I do not support Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. America needs an activist right wing Judge who will overturn the corrupt laws of the land, and not a Kavanaugh enabler on the court rubber stamping previous Supreme Court rulings.
That stated, the Lame Cherry has been a pioneer of forensic psychology. I have written often enough about Norman English and Olde English. Norman English is complex while Olde English is base. Norman English are words of the educated and intelligent, while Olde English are words of the reptilian emotional brain.
Norman words are frigid, sultry, desirous. English words are cold, hot and lust.
It is in Brett Kavanaugh's statement before the Senate denying he had attempted rape with Christine Ford or anyone else, is where the Yale Kavanaugh meets the reptilian brain Kavanaugh. I will put the Norman English in Red, and the Olde English in Blue.
Kavanaugh begins in his intellect, but at the end, he breaks down to the emotional little child in all of us, and that is where the English syntax returns to his roots of Olde English, and when that fight and flight core is touched, that is where the Truth prevails.
I never done that to her, is a far cry from I categorically and unequivocally deny, at the beginning.
It is why I believe Brett Kavanaugh as this man has been suffering an immense character rape for weeks, and in his closing he has broken down emotionally and verbally. I never done that, is who this man is after all the degrees are stripped away, and all pretense in the lies of the sophisticated mind as in Bill Clinton in his not having sex, with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
I categorically and unequivocally deny the allegation against me by Dr. Ford. I never had any sexual or physical encounter of any kind with Dr. Ford. I am not questioning that Dr. Ford may have been sexually assaulted by some person in some place at some time. But I have never done that to her or to anyone. I am innocent of this charge.
In examining this statement, what has been accomplished against Brett Kavanaugh has broken him down to his core. It has stripped him of what he validates himself with. It is character rape and it was by design, and it has been effective.
From a forensic psychological standpoint, I would conclude that Brett Kavanaugh views sex as right and wrong, moral and immoral. This is concluded to originate from the priests who fire and brimstoned him as a little boy, along with his parents. That is where the "never done that" reaches back into his memories of a child in being accused as a 4 year old of something he did not do, and pleading, "I never done that".
It is in that, the inner child under stress blurts out things and is honest. That is what law enforcement break suspects down in hours of interrogation to get that little child inside of all of us to say things, to find camaraderie to unburden themselves of their sins. When Brett Kavanaugh has reached this threshold, he states that he is innocent.
In analyzing the above, I doubt Brett Kavanaugh was aware he even wrote what he did, as educated people are embarrassed when their intellectual Norman English is abandoned, as there is a stigma attached to it by high society. For that assembled reason, I believe Brett Kavanaugh as he would not have known that some popular girl would have been dissecting his verbiage from his fight or flight brain core.
That is the linguistics of Brett Kavanaugh's Innocent. I would still much rather have a right wing masturbatory activist overturning all these laws that Brett Kavanaugh has sworn to uphold. That though is not the case, and what is left is Truth, and in forensic psychology, I believe Brett Kavanaugh.
This blog reminds all of you again, that all the evidence of this mass character rape of Brett Kavanaugh points to Bill and Hillary Clinton getting their pounds of flesh. It is approaching the time that those links be investigated as this was a criminal conspiracy which was unleashed against Brett Kavanaugh, as it was against Donald Trump, as it was against Clarence Thomas, as it was against the innocent Roy Moore.
Nuff Said