Thursday, September 6, 2018

Uncle Thurgood

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

According to the eyewitness account of Dr. Edgar Berman, the personal physician of Vice President Hubert Humphrey, if there ever was a liberal black who enjoyed playing the house nigger stereotype it was the icon of the Supreme Court in Thurgood Marshall.

Marshall once appeared at a hotel in Africa in the lobby from his room, dressed in his undershirt, pants, suspenders and carrying his own bags. Humphrey was aghast and told him they had people to carry the bags as they were doing it for the press.
Marshall in his best performance said, "Mr. Vice President don't worry. I started as a bellhop and it looks like I'll wind up as one - the best bellman to ever serve on the Supreme Court!"

That is hardly the image which the media portrayed as they do all Blacks in  the thoughtful conscience of the white man who could not survive if not for the bits of wisdom which were dispensed from those soulful eyes.

Humphrey once stated that he would rather travel with Thurgood Marshall than Milton Berle as Marshall had the dryest sense of humor since Fred Allen.

Marshall in Africa again, as he was dispensed often to Africa, was at Haile Selssie's palace in Ethiopia where two real lions guarded the main entrance. Marshall got a bit to close and one lion took a swipe at him at which time Marshall did the slide shuffle of Stepin Fetchit to add to the comedy of the time.

Marshall adored the Uncle Tom role he played as he cast himself in. He had no problems in public playing the Negro stereotype to great amusement. It took nothing away from his liberal voting on the court, and as you can discover the press covered up all of his antics, as the image was more important than the reality of the Nigger in the Supreme Court who would embarrass his race oriented white liberal owners, so it was simply easier to just create a myth, rather than let the world know the full scope of who Thurgood Marshall was and let his accomplishments stand on their own.

One can relate if Clarence Thomas had done any of the things that Uncle Thurgood had, in liberals would have impeached him, but that is the reality of the 1960's in Jack Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson could whore all they wanted and a Black on the Supreme Court could play a nigger and no one ever found out about it.

Once again, the real history on the Lame Cherry which no one else will ever report.

Nuff Said
